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  1. B

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    Ya, I don't have any evidence to dispute you, just a feeling that there's more tire scrubbing with these on 0-60 pulls on my everyday streets. May not have any impact even if my perception is real (which I really think it is, lol).
  2. B

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    I haven't looked at it in a long time and forget the details, so don't quote me here, but I believe there are no actual energy metrics in the Tesla API so services like TeslaFi just make assumptions that don't really match reality. The efficiency number should be directly comparable regardless...
  3. B

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    Definitely noticing the efficiency improvement on the Hankooks, but also definitely noticing less grip than the PS AS4. That's ok - I went in knowingly. I've only got ~1k miles on them so far, but I'm liking my consumption numbers being mostly at or below rated even at reasonable highway speeds...
  4. B

    Jacking/lifting Model 3 for wheel change

    Sorry about the situation. I'd definitely pursue holding the company financially responsible. Surely the business has insurance if they can't pay out of pocket for a pack replacement.
  5. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ah, dang, should have screenshotted. Slide into my dm's, lol Although, from experience in the US, it may not have been a pretty picture when nudists are involved. But maybe different in Guatemala
  6. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm also thinking I should probably claim username "ISDtester#1 - not old enough to drive" before all the good SDtester#1 spots are gone 🤣
  7. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Hey, where'd your pretty picture go? It popped up on the thread and I tried to like it but now the post is gone.
  8. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The small, translucent map overlay is pretty if you're going to have the full screen FSD visualization I guess, but I've used that approximately 0.00000001% of the time since it's been available because it's useless (IMO). Edit - but I do agree with you that is how it should work though.
  9. B

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    Replaced Michelin PS4 AS with the Hankooks last Friday. Looking forward to seeing how traction and efficiency compare, but withholding judgement for now. First impressions the Hankooks are definitely quieter. Got about 40k out of the PS4 AS. Compared to the original MXM4 the PS4 AS were...
  10. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Always liked the WRX, but was mostly a broke young adult in the heyday. Still love the lopey exhaust note from the boxer. Kinda the millennial version of the big cam v8, lol. I did buy a (used) '02 S2000 after college though which was fun at 9k rpm 🤣
  11. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You're all in luck. My 12v battery is on the outs and I got the message that I won't be able to update software until it's replaced. Getting a new battery on Monday, so there will definitely be an update released today or tomorrow.
  12. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Level of maturity in this thread is really going up if no one is commenting on the pee control.
  13. B

    Time to replace upper-control arm ball joints

    Sorry, I don't recall and I only have the final invoice in the app. If parts are still roughly the same the $668 sounds about right for a couple hours of labor.
  14. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You can also just touch the navigation box so that it expands the list of directions. Alternate routes pop up and can be selected. Touch the box again to collapse and they go away. Makes total sense to me.
  15. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I don't think there was a public release of anything before 10.something, was there? Not disagreeing overall, I'm also enjoying the journey. $2k (after EAP) doesn't look bad now that it feels like things are moving. This is what I was always hoping for really - some fun along the way getting to...
  16. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I can't say for sure, but I think I'm noticing that there's actually a difference between chill and average drive settings for the first time ever. Haven't tried aggressive yet.
  17. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    If nothing else, v12 wide release will at least give us something to talk about other than debating the meaning of the word 'drive' for 10 pages, lol.
  18. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm undecided here. I'm seeing instances where 12.3 makes much better lane decisions (even on highway - so I'm assuming some of this filtered into the other stack which seems to agree with other posts). I'm also seeing some changes that happen really late still. Overall still an improvement...
  19. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Agree. After another hour today I found some hiccups (which I was expecting). Mostly related to somewhat blind unprotected / completely uncontrolled turns. Overall behavior is leaps and bounds ahead of anything prior for me. I tested most of my rough spots and probably like 90+% are fixed (for...
  20. B

    FSD Beta 12.3 GA

    I feel like something must have been impacted even if it's primarily the old stack still. My car on 12.3 on the highway seems to be making different lane selections than when I was on 11.4.9. For example, I've had a handful of cases where the car is (correctly, IMO) changing lanes 1.5+ miles...
  21. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ya, that was my first and only encounter so far, so I don't know how well it replicates (if at all, or especially coming the other direction). These are wide streets and there was plenty of room to go around if it wanted. I also snapped the recording a little early because I was impressed, but...
  22. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think 12.3 really is worth getting excited about, and I've never said that in the history of FSD. It's not a robotaxi, but it's SO...MUCH...BETTER... It's the kind of improvement we always hoped for with every release but then just realized it was another version that didn't *really* change...
  23. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Couple highlights from yesterday and today on 12.3. Crossing double lane markings avoiding emergency vehicle. Stopping for school bus. For the school bus, there was also a stop sign displayed on the UI but I only have dashcam video.
  24. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I got it in Texas this morning. North of Houston area. I'm on vacation with family so only have about 10 miles on it. First impressions very positive. Still makes some mistakes but feels like a major improvement. This is something I'd actually use as more than a gimmick. Kinda what I hoped for...
  25. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Perfect spelling error :) Seriously though, I'm cautiously hopeful V12 is a lot more comfortable. I don't care if I need to watch it just as closely, at least make the experience while activated more pleasant. I remember an Elon tweet from somewhere around when FSD was released about how the...
  26. B

    lightweight wheels model 3 performance 0-60 testing

    Completely kidding around, but those cars deserve more from their garage... :)
  27. B

    Ingenext Boost Modules [aftermarket]

    This part cracked me up :) After I finally finished putting mine in I went for a drive (naturally) but still had pliers, trim tools, and various trim pieces all just laying in the car. First time I punched it everything went flying everywhere, lol.
  28. B

    Ingenext Boost Modules [aftermarket]

    I can't speak to the newer models other than to say I feel your pain. I spent like 3 hours (upside down, head under glovebox, feet in the air) trying to get the thing connected on my '18 and from what I gather it's way harder now. Good times wondering if I had stranded myself without a vehicle...
  29. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting, I hadn't seen this before but haven't been driving with significant weather very much. I thought Mars was calling it out as something different in v12, but appears to be existing behavior.
  30. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interestingly, this morning on the way to work in fairly heavy rain FSD also limited me to 60mph. Scrolling up the speed had no effect and popped up a warning about the speed being limited. I was stuck with a max of 60 for probably 15-20 minutes until the rain lightened up and it automatically...
  31. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I don't follow regularly either. He posted one today that was probably the first one I've ever actually watched for more than 5 seconds. I actually would recommend it if I dig up the link. He did live commentary and I think portrayed it realistically. V12 actually seemed pretty decent but with...
  32. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Breaking: FSD's biggest proponent has reached consensus with team FSDj
  33. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Radar, yes (for most cars). USS was never disabled on cars that have it.
  34. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I don't have a link because I typically scroll on by, but it sounds like a recent Dan O'Dowd (or whatever his name is) compilation. Pretty prevalent on Twitter. Edit, sorry not really paying attention. Original poster did say it was an 'X' thing.
  35. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Does having single pull enabled actually mean that disengagement via steering wheel actually turns off speed control (TACC) as well? I was kind of assuming that would still be the old behavior, but haven't been following that closely.
  36. B

    OBD bluetooth adapter fails to connect to ECU

    My first thought is you've got an improperly wired harness (or bad crimps/connections). Where'd you get the harness from?
  37. B

    Sentry Mode not draining the battery?

    Also possible that the BMS recalculated estimated remaining capacity upward in your example, partially offsetting the sentry losses. I've seen this happen a number of times.
  38. B

    Max miles decrease 223 miles at 80%

    @KenC "One of us! One of us!..." :)
  39. B

    Tesla decided to re-route to a supercharger mid-drive when I didn't want it too!

    I'm months behind on FSD firmware, but I thought I remembered reading something about changes to navigation to account for anticipated congestion (ie, current supercharger location status plus known cars navigating there), not just current congestion? Maybe a factor?
  40. B

    Wiki 2021+ Model S Refresh - Missing/Incomplete Software Features

    I could very well be wrong, but the issues you mention are precisely why I seriously doubt there is a high sampling frequency GPS in the cars. Tesla's not exactly known for spending extra on things that may be needed (removal of radar from most vehicles, removal of USS, etc). Maybe...
  41. B

    Wiki 2021+ Model S Refresh - Missing/Incomplete Software Features

    So the only thing missing is the one thing that makes a Dragy work at all ;) I don't really disagree that an app ecosystem *could* be interesting, but agree with others' sentiments that it would be fairly niche use cases and hence not a priority.
  42. B

    CyberTruck in FL

    Looks a little beat up. Maybe an early prototype, kinda like this one I spotted in the Houston area circa 2020, lol.
  43. B

    lightweight wheels model 3 performance 0-60 testing

    I liked the last line "I don't know why it brings me joy to make an entire video feel pointless right at the end..." Kinda feels like this thread, lol. Ok, maybe it's most threads on TMC mostly arguing semantics :)
  44. B

    FSD Beta v11.x

    It will do it while moving at low speeds at least. My car does it 100% of the time if I engage beta within about 5 minutes after leaving a drive through touchless car wash :)
  45. B

    Model 3 (Stealth) Performance - 5y ownership, service history + high battery degradation?

    If you go to your Tesla account and access the warranty documentation there is no longer a 70% degradation threshold specified (there's no capacity loss threshold that would trigger warranty coverage - at least in the document I'm getting...
  46. B

    Model 3 (Stealth) Performance - 5y ownership, service history + high battery degradation?

    That didn't sound right to me so I went and checked what's linked in my Tesla account, and you're correct - the warranty document Tesla currently serves out does not list a percentage. I did save a copy of my warranty document just after purchasing the car (also a 2018) though and it DOES list...
  47. B

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    Not anytime recently. I don't really care what it says. It is what it is.
  48. B

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    50% for the last couple years, but I did 80% for the first ~2 years. I'm sure it'll bounce back some, but I've always been on the lower end of the distribution. I've really just been waiting to get that screenshot of "0 vehicles have a lower range," lol.