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    I’ve never cried over a car until today...

    Yes. I was sharing that was obvious by his head going through the windshield and using that previously unmentioned fact (him not wearing a seatbelt) to help solve the airbag question (airbag deployment is often tied to the seatbelt being worn).
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    I’ve never cried over a car until today...

    If his head went through the windshield then he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Not sure if this is at play here, but a some manufacturer’s airbags require a seatbelt to be fastened to deploy—even for the driver.
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    Just installed my referral wheels!!!

    looks like that was done by mobile service? I just scheduled my install and would love to have it done at my house.
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    Destination Chargers on Navigation Map

    Thanks S3XY, I just got finished doing a pdf search in the manual and found that section. Thanks again!!
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    Destination Chargers on Navigation Map

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to check if those of you with Model 3’s have the grey Destination Chargers showing up on your vehicle’s navigation maps along with the Red Superchargers. I have the Superchargers on my map, but no Destination Chargers. Thanks!
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    Fremont delivery - car refused

    Thank you very much for sharing! I’m picking up a blk/aero 3 with a 67** Vin on Tuesday so it makes me wonder if there are any concerns to be had in that Vin range. Our cars are different colors, so I would think, according to other posts, they were produced during different “runs” but has...
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    California VINs: are you still waiting?

    Looks like I can dry my tears.... Blk/Aeros/Southern Cali 2/14 order VIN 67** showed up at 5am—-(I’d just checked at 4am haha) Hope everyone else’s comes soon too!!
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    VIN Assignment

    Especially @LVAcrobat!!
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    VIN Assignment

    Looks like I can dry my tears.... Blk/Aeros/Southern Cali 2/14 order VIN 67** showed up at 5am—-(I’d just checked at 4am haha) Hope everyone else’s comes soon too!!
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    California VINs: are you still waiting?

    I think I need to take a break from all of this and not look at any more forums, charts or ‘reservation numbers that haven’t magically morphed into a Vin’ for awhile...I’m taking a break!! A BREAK, I TELL YOU!!! (*Sigh* Be back in 2.6 min )
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    VIN Assignment

    Oh man, that would be unfortunate. Now I’m hoping you get your car before me, seriously! Here’s to hope!!
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    VIN Assignment

    I’m the same way—would’ve paid for black. We’ve gotta be next...if I keep saying it, it’ll happen...right...RIGHT!!??? It’ll be cool when we both post our vins and can leave all this behind us and begin the agonizing wait for delivery!! Can’t wait!!!
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    California VINs: are you still waiting?

    It’s funny, I’ve been pretty good the last 4+ weeks since my 2/14 Blk/EAP/Aero in Southern Cali order and I know my VIN is likely coming any second (likely, right?...LIKELY!! RIGHT!!!???) but I think I’m officially beginning to lose my mind lol. It’s all relative though cause i know there are...
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    California VINs: are you still waiting?

    Black/Aeros/EAP/Los Angeles area 2/14 Config No Vin :(
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    VIN Assignment

    Black/Aeros/EAP/Los Angeles area 2/14 Config No Vin :(
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    Question Regarding a Current Owner With a New Model 3 Reservation

    First, been a lurker for a couple of years and really enjoy this forum. Thanks for everything. That said, I have a question: A friend of mine who is a current owner in Southern California made a Model 3 reservation today through his Tesla account linked to his Model S, and his delivery...
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    Tesla just dumped a ton of new CPO's on it's site

    Thank you. I'd thank you through the site but I don't think my account has that ability yet.
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    Tesla just dumped a ton of new CPO's on it's site

    How much was that listed for before it was snatched up?