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  1. JayDixonUK

    Anybody with 'Midnight Silver' and 'Sonic Carbon' Wheels?

    There's a photo here. I'm waiting for delivery of my MX with Midnight Silver and White interior, and I'm now thinking I should have ordered the Sonic Carbon wheels - that combo looks awesome. Everyone who ordered a Model 3 just moved up a slot! Let me know if there’s a... | Rebrn.com
  2. JayDixonUK

    Undecided following test drive of both S and X

    It's funny how big a thing door storage is. The first time I looked at a Model S I walked away because it had no door storage. Over the next few weeks I talked myself round, as I started loving so many other things about it, and you've got pretty decent centre storage, but it was a big hurdle...
  3. JayDixonUK

    Undecided following test drive of both S and X

    That was one of the big pros of the X for us. With the FWDs fully open, they could walk under them, turn around and be lowered down onto the seat (which is at the right height) and then swivel into position. I can only just get in and out of the S - my in laws would never manage it!
  4. JayDixonUK

    Undecided following test drive of both S and X

    BrokerDon is in the US, so he's probably talking about US tax rules. In the UK, all Teslas have 100% First Year Allowance as they have no emissions.
  5. JayDixonUK

    Undecided following test drive of both S and X

    I’ve just done the same thing just over a week ago. Loved them both in different ways. I think the S is the better looking of the two, but the X kept growing on me recently. I felt like the S was more ‘dynamic’ to drive, but the X felt so much more spacious inside. The rear seats felt too...
  6. JayDixonUK

    Gone and done it !

    I ordered my X 75D last Thursday too. The race is on to see who takes delivery first!
  7. JayDixonUK

    Deal Done, Model S 75D ordered

    Congratulations Supertaff.
  8. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    I’ve realised where I’ve got my wires crossed. You can claim 50% of the VAT back when leasing, but nothing when buying. Reclaiming VAT: Vehicles and fuel costs - GOV.UK
  9. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Yes - I’m buying through my LTD as well. I’ve got profits to use this year, so the 100% first year allowance is handy. Annoyingly, my understanding is that you can only claim half the VAT back unless it is used exclusively for business. Even though the BIK doesn’t come good for another couple...
  10. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    I've been working on the same kind of figure. My Touareg (3.0 V6 Diesel) gives about 30 mpg. I always use premium diesel, so it's costing me at least the same, if not more per mile - 20p. I was expecting electric to be about 10% of the cost. I've ordered my Tesla just in time to still...
  11. JayDixonUK

    My P85D - a few photos!

    Great pictures. I do love the Model S in red!
  12. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    I hadn't realised that wrap was that hard wearing - enough to resist hedge scrapes or zip scuffs. I'm not normally one who obsesses about the paintwork on my cars, but with Tesla's costing what they do, it does make me consider some form of protection for the first time. Something to mull over...
  13. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Hi Supertaff I’m planning to install solar and battery storage (probably a Powerwall 2), so I’ll have a loook at that charger. If you have battery storage, I thought any charger should take power from the PV/battery first before then pulling from the grid. I guess there must be more to it than...
  14. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Thanks for the detail on Tesla chargers and ceramic coating. I have an electrician that I normally use, so I think I’ll get him to do it if there’s nothing out of the ordinary about them.
  15. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Thanks DJP. I’d forgotten about the Facebook group - I’ve just applied to join. I think I’ll go with the Tesla charger at home, but I’ve not done any research into where to source one from yet. I’ve seen some videos about ceramic coating. Is that worth doing, or does the paint hold up OK as it is?
  16. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Thanks Penfold. It seems like a great community here, which is another thing that attracted me to the cars.
  17. JayDixonUK

    Finally Ordered An X 75D

    Hi everyone After months of lurking, and learning much about Tesla in the UK, I have finally ordered one last Thursday. I first started seriously looking in Summer 2017, and test drove an S then. Loved the car, but wasn’t quite sure about spending that much money on a car. It’s funny how the...