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  1. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Are you saying this is not true?
  2. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As per UN - Putin bad, Israel bad. Only these entities are worth condemnation.
  3. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Wasn't he the same guy who exposed CIA operation on the Gazprom pipeline blast, which was blamed on the Russians?
  4. E

    Boeing Starliner First Crewed Launch

    I thought I understood. But now I don’t understand
  5. E

    SpaceX F9 - Astra 1P/SES-24 - SLC-40

    Is there a thread to discuss the Falcon Heavy launch on June 25th ?
  6. E

    Help Fight the FUD

    The power of fraud gaslighting media.
  7. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Let me play this a different way and see how this rhymes with you: If Cuba an independent sovereign nation decides they want to be a full blown communist country and moves towards a strong diplomatic and military alliance with Russia (or CPC) opening its borders to military bases, the western...
  8. E

    Supercharger - Brownsville, TX - Ruben M Torres Blvd

    This is not in Boca Chica Blvd, but still it is named as such. This will really help during those launch times. Still need a 16 stall or better 32 stall in South Padre
  9. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    You want to end the war in Ukraine, give iron clad guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO, not now, not anytime in the future. Give guarantees for Russia unfettered land access and water rights to Crimea. If US had done that in Jan of 2022, this war would not have started. Now much blood...
  10. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Afghanistan is much more of a neighbor for Russia, than Iraq and Bosnia would ever be for US. Russia invaded Cuba? I need to take some history lessons.
  11. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The only way Israel can live in peace is to keep the entire populace in Gaza and West Bank, firmly under IDF's thumb. Just allowing them to breathe and carry on with their daily subsistence lives and nothing more. Give them an inch of autonomy and freedom, they will exhibit all the...
  12. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If you claim that was defensive (you may have a point there), this Russian invasion of Ukraine was absolutely defensive for Russia to pre-emptively counter NATO aggressions and expansion.
  13. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    BS. Iraq & Yugoslavia & Afghanistan were invaded by a coalition of NATO countries. Just because those wars didn’t have a stamp of NATO doesn’t absolve US. And none of these were defensive wars. Atleast Russia fought wars with its immediate neighbors.
  14. E

    Supercharger - Richardson, TX

    the repercussions of laying off the entire SC team. What an idiocy !!
  15. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Any noise by Russia on having a defense treaty with Mexico or Cuba, I wonder what US will do? Go begging to UNSC? NO. You will see some short range missiles raining down on Cuba, followed by a ground invasion. Let me fix that for you. Breaking promises by offering NATO membership to Ukraine...
  16. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is true... but lets not rewrite history here. The one who reneged on promises over and over again was NOT Putin, but US Presidents and NATO. Over and over again, US president after president gave promise to Yeltsin, Gorbachev and also Putin that "NATO will NOT expand east". A bunch of...
  17. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Nice to see at least one leader talk sensibly, coherently and advocating for peace. Demented Biden who is a slave to the warmongering Dem senators who make money from the MIC, and Napoleonic EU are drifting towards WW3.
  18. E

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Agreed. That is why I would say that Tesla has very poor blind spot detection and dissemination. While other manufacturers have a light in the side mirrors that comes on when a car is in the blind spot, the Tesla onscreen visualization cannot be relied upon to make decisions on lane changing.
  19. E

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In a lot of ways I think Chuck’s UPL is much easier than many UPLs I have seen in DFW area. Here is one where the current version (12.3) struggles to cross even in moderate traffic. Waits for traffic to ease completely on both sides, but that means waiting forever most of the day.
  20. E

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    Which I would guess, SpaceX can launch and get it operational in the blink of an eye (in space launch timelines).
  21. E

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    Which satellites iPhone with iOS 18 is connecting to? Who has a satellite constellation as good as Starlink ?
  22. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This what Israel is up against. https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/gaza-chiefs-brutal-calculation-civilian-bloodshed-will-help-hamas-626720e7
  23. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    When will UN pay some attention to this ongoing genocide? Oh wait, the perpetrators are from the religion of peace. So nothing to see here, move on.
  24. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    From what I heard from my friends around who have Tesla shares with various brokers, Fidelity was the easiest of all. They actively communicated by email many times with a link that directly takes you to the voting page. The whole thing for me took just 5 minutes to complete across three accounts.
  25. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    because it can be used as a stick to beat him with, by starting every sentence with "billionaire Musk"
  26. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-5 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    But they do know that reentry survival and tiles performance is THE unknown and the main focus for IFT4. So why not wait till the test is completed before loading up on the tiles, while the rest of the ship can be built fully? It is also true and well understood that removing tiles is a...
  27. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    UN will selectively condemn only if the (apparent) victims are Muslims. Here is something for us to ponder: Why won’t Arab Muslim countries accept Palestinians? There is a history and a pattern.
  28. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-5 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    They should not have put the tiles in until IFT4 mission was complete.
  29. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    L While these incidents are not the end of the world and is just another stepping stone towards autonomy, what caught my attention is the update was not done over the air, but at the Depot.
  30. E

    Supercharger - Richardson, TX

    This seems to be the story in all SCs under construction, in the last two months since the big purge. I haven’t heard of a single one that progressed to completion. Idiotic.
  31. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    On a successful catch a deluge system is not of much value given that only 3 engines will be running. On an unsuccessful catch deluge will be not of much value either given that the the crash will create a crater one way or the other
  32. E

    Supercharger - South Padre Island, TX

    Yes South Padre needs a bank of 16 V3 SC
  33. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-5 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    More details will beget more questions. So relax and wait for the details to emerge
  34. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So the peacefuls with the perpetual victim card, did this peaceful thing yesterday in some part of the world. Where is the outrage from the media or liberal world ? Coexist, my foot!. Israel is doing the right thing. Either they live without the peacefuls as their neighbors, or they get...
  35. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Nothing surprises me with that gang. The whole populace with their violent ideology of hate, is rotten to the core. IDF should smoke them out like rats.
  36. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Okay I get that. It is one the establishment's method of conducting its lawfare to neutralize Musk. If you don't stop him from saying bad things about us, we know how to make his life miserable.
  37. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    What is his pay package to do with his opinion and his decision to express that opinion in social media? If you contract me to mow your lawn and when it comes to payment you find out that I have been a vocal Putin admirer, you think you should withhold my payment for the work I already did?
  38. E

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This means Hamas has the audacity to still have have a few hostages alive but not return them, and the Woke liberal world will not put any pressure on Hamas to release them. I am really hoping that IDF flattens Gaza to 17th century and pushes these murderers and their millions of sympathizers...
  39. E

    FSD discussion

    It actually helped. But for those price cuts, the sales crash would have been disastrous. Macro conditions, interest rates yada yada
  40. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-5 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    I am wondering from where did this guy take that landing video of the two FH boosters? Seems like a perfect spot to watch both the launch and landing. I would pay top dollar to go there and watch the show next time they have a FH launch.
  41. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    Scott Manley's recap was the best. Full of technical details every step of the way with none of those juvenile exuberance .
  42. E

    Charity bet #5: First Starship Booster Intact Landing

    But Musk is talking about the booster. There is no talk about landing the Starship yet. That is still several flights away .
  43. E

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes it is horrible. It is giving strikes for just glancing for a few seconds to the right or left, when it is cruising on a straight road at a sedate 30 mph speed with no traffic around. Very annoying. I got 5 strikes in just three days and was put in week of both FSD/AP jail.
  44. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    I would have rather positioned a few ships in that area to grab a terrestrial video. But for some reason SpaceX doesn't think it is needed or feasible.
  45. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    We know the speed was close to zero, but do we also know if the Ship hit the water in vertical orientation?
  46. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    I love watching replays of YouTubers like EA and others, but the thing I don't enjoy much is their visible over exuberance and extreme hyperbole. I like all the technical details and the context, background and all the other tidbits, but please tone down on the jumping up and down like a kid.
  47. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    I take that to read as, 'a known damaged flap'
  48. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    Is it possible that a future version of Starship will only be Stainless steel and minimal tiles? Like a thin layer of tiles and steel plates on top of it? The steel might ablate, but that is very easy to replace.
  49. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Launch Thread and Post Launch Discussion

    What I don't quite understand, they had two cameras in the ship and we did see two different views. But in the later part of the mission, only one that was close to the forward flag was used. And even when that one got covered in debris during the final parts of the landing, they never used the...