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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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This X post sums it up pretty well for me. Should people want a different CEO? Heck no!

Poor Elon! What kind of loser boasting about among top 20 gamers of a violent game. So uninspiring! He should just move to his mom's garage and aim for top 3. I heard he has a well-to-do mom who's a fashion model.

What kind of message he's insinuating, as this was supposedly a leisure time to get recharged but he's talking all kinds of work-related stuff, while answering questions from randos around the globe? Work-life balance, anyone? What kind of pathetic American workers would be willing to work for a CEO who's blatantly disregarding such bare minimum benefit? Don't they all aspire for good-paying union jobs? I mean, playing some golf, hanging with movie stars, celebrity chefs, collecting arts, etc etc. Have a taste, man! At least sign a fan’s chest or something. Mary You Lead is your role model BTW, Elon.

Such an unqualified CEO! He should just cash out and buy whatever he wants, a yacht maybe, an island or two, a mountain definitely. But wait! Thou shalt not buy a social media platform, and most importantly, just shut the fork up! BTW, don't crash the stock when you're cash out. Maybe just stay put for a while when we're able to cash out at all time high and become multi-multimillionaires?

I'm seriously considering to write a book, with a working title "An idiot guide to spend your billions." Many of you here are millionaires, sorry multimillionaires, any suggestion is welcome, particularly from any top 3 $TSLA holder with generational wealth. Anyone contributing to the book will get a free copy, and free to that poor Elon, of course. PM open.
I see myself as a committed capitalist but an incentive worth more than many smaller countries' GDP? To someone who is the world's richest or second richest man and should already be satisfactorily incentivised by being the largest shareholder of Tesla? I know I wouldn't have voted for that.

Not my question. When is a someone not allowed any personal time to enjoy himself?
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I created it and its predecessor threads over ten years ago and have molded it to my thoughts of what should be included and in what ways conversation should proceed.
Let's not revise history. The short-term price movement threads have a rich history in this sub-forum since at least 2012 - but it looks like the first one you started was in 2016 when you took over as moderator from Robert Boston.
I see myself as a committed capitalist but an incentive worth more than many smaller countries' GDP? To someone who is the world's richest or second richest man and should already be satisfactorily incentivised by being the largest shareholder of Tesla? I know I wouldn't have voted for that.
It seems you have done well for yourself and you are more wealthy than the majority of Earth's population. So, you don't need the income from the last six years of your career and we are going to need you to return it to your employer.
Your regular helpful post on the dire threat to Tesla's FSD ambitions from the competition:
Imagine if FSD did this? It would be a breaking new special.

Meanwhile another $850million of GM's money thrown on the cruise bonfire:

I'm not worried about FSD competition :D.
While these incidents are not the end of the world and is just another stepping stone towards autonomy, what caught my attention is the update was not done over the air, but at the Depot.
Tesla without Musk would be another Apple without any innovation riding safely on mediocre. Eventually it'd be brought into non-existence by big oil and stupid ones who seem ignorant.
It'd be plagued with unions which, speaking mildly, don't really contribute much to production goals. Innovation would be red taped by meetings and managers with their MBAs who would do anything to justify their positions. Tesla's would get many buttons back to navigate through their user interface. Hell, we'd might even get transmissions and engine sounds once Musk is gone.
Perhaps you could suggest how me in my dotage, or my descendants, then best should proceed when Mr Musk either is ensconced on Mars, or otherwise no longer is around. This will happen.
Perhaps you could suggest how me in my dotage, or my descendants, then best should proceed when Mr Musk either is ensconced on Mars, or otherwise no longer is around. This will happen.

Let him be. If not Elon, all we've been talking about (here) would not exist.
To more general audience that seem not to get what he's done - sell your shares and move on.
one thing not being accounted for. When the homeless smartens up and orders a ride for $2 for the night and refuses to leave after the ride ends.

Or they get on and start stripping all the valuable material.
The car will probably lock all the doors and windows, and navigate directly to the nearest police station.

A courtesy call 911 to notify John Law that his package is on the way is optional.
Let's not revise history. The short-term price movement threads have a rich history in this sub-forum since at least 2012 - but it looks like the first one you started was in 2016 when you took over as moderator from Robert Boston.
It was under Rob’t B that I began those earlier threads, yes. They were the reason he anointed me Mod and eventually turned the entire task to me.
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I think some people will put their personal Tesla's into the RT fleet, but I think its going to be very small percentage of Tesla owners, like less than 10% I'd say, far FAR less than ARK and most Tesla bulls, and even far less than Elon, think will happen.

My hunch is people simply won't want strangers in their cars like that. I know I don't, and neither does anyone else I talk to. But some will for certain, just a minority IMHO.

It's not just having strangers in your car. It's also the need to incorporate because you don't want the personal liability. The need to get commercial vehicle insurance because your personal car insurance isn't going to cut it. The need to clean the car daily, sometimes multiple times per day, or pay someone to do so. All this eats into the RT profits — I wonder how much will be left over to really make it worth your while to have your private vehicle out working when you're not using it.

I agree that the share of the RT fleet that are private owners will be quite small.
Good post.....he doesn't need (or probably want) me to vouch for him, but add @Doggydogworld to this list. I've followed him for ~25 years on a variety of boards. This guy knows Tesla inside and out and calls out bears AND bulls when they spew nonsense. Someone to pay close attention to.
I only named two although there are at least another dozens who deserve accolades.
There have been several suggestions to designate the MVP’s, a good idea imo
I think some people will put their personal Tesla's into the RT fleet, but I think its going to be very small percentage of Tesla owners, like less than 10% I'd say, far FAR less than ARK and most Tesla bulls, and even far less than Elon, think will happen.

My hunch is people simply won't want strangers in their cars like that. I know I don't, and neither does anyone else I talk to. But some will for certain, just a minority IMHO.
Maybe if I buy a new tesla and I'll send the old one into the fleet to work till it dies. But 10 year old tesla probably can't do robotaxi due to hardware limits.
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I think some people will put their personal Tesla's into the RT fleet, but I think its going to be very small percentage of Tesla owners, like less than 10% I'd say, far FAR less than ARK and most Tesla bulls, and even far less than Elon, think will happen.

My hunch is people simply won't want strangers in their cars like that. I know I don't, and neither does anyone else I talk to. But some will for certain, just a minority IMHO.
Yeah agreed on that end, I’ve always considered that a reality-based risk to the concept.

My own opinion is that vehicles manufactured to date lack the hardware necessary to mitigate sufficient risk to take liability and function as autonomous robotaxis so they’ll always be limited to (Supervised), but time will tell.
It was under Rob’t B that I began those earlier threads, yes. They were the reason he anointed me Mod and eventually turned the entire task to me.
Not to belabor the point but those threads are searchable and were clearly started by Robert Boston. Your first post in the 2013 thread wasn't until May 6.

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The robotaxi using customers cars thing will likely never be a big deal, but if tesla solves FSD (which looks more likely every day, especially given people's tweets who have 12.4.1), then it means:
  1. Every other make of car has to sell at a huge technological disadvantage
  2. Every taxi company on earth is on borrowed time and MUST swap to robotaxis to avoid being driven out of business
  3. Every uber driver on earth is in the same position.
  4. I wouldnt be surprised to find a future where all pizza delivery/all food delivery/all deliveries! become robotaxi. I never thought we would see an age where its actually the customers job to scan items at a food shop, but here we are. I can well imagine you getting an app notification that the amazon van is outside your house, please go and retrieve your parcel.
Plus all business internal delivery and transportation swaps over to FSD to save a fortune in delivery drivers.
People here get so hung up on 'tesla owners adding their car to the robotaxi network', and try to find holes in it. Thats not the real investor impact at all, it would be just a cool fun side-show to having solved autonomous transport.