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  1. D

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    What do you mean...at least they TOLD you and didn't just you know, not show up!
  2. D

    Need a new tire on 2024 M3LR already - okay to get just one Michelin Primacy MXM4?

    True as well, haha. I love my CrossClimate 2's though!
  3. D

    Need a new tire on 2024 M3LR already - okay to get just one Michelin Primacy MXM4?

    Primacy MXM4...shudder.... horrible tire on wet roads.
  4. D

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    Looking at the IRS rules, maybe not... They go on MSRP, not whatever the physical equipment purchase price ends up being for whatever reason. That MSRP is linked to the VIN and automatically reported to the IRS so they probably wouldn't be wanting to go and change that on a vehicle by vehicle...
  5. D

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    Looking at all that, it should still qualify but it depends on how the IRS counts any discounts. You are at $55,490 in physical car costs. The "referral credit" and "price adjustment" are likely adjusting away the fees. It would have been better if they just zero'd out the paint cost. They...
  6. D

    Best mode for HVAC to prevent mold buildup

    Yeah I saw the same thing in the service manual...pretty much same design as before so the smell issue can continue! The software update from 2020 ish definitely helped. though.
  7. D

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    You weren't getting the credit just because of the blue paint cost right? If so then now with that $1000 off you should get the $7500 credit now. Remember, base car purchase price just has to be at or below $55k.
  8. D

    Navy Federal Pre-approval Check

    I am anxiously waiting for my Title to my paid off 2018 Model 3 LR RWD so I can start the process of getting a NFCU loan pre-approval, picking up that check from NFCU and ordering a new Highland with trade in with a FSD transfer. By the time I learned about the FSD transfer I had just paid off...
  9. D

    Turn signal mode change since last OTA

    I like the auto-cancel so far, except for my trying to cancel it out myself and causing the turn signal to stay on because of my input. Just something new to get used too. I am pretty much used to it now after a few days and it seems to be working great. People don't like change though and...
  10. D

    fsd 12.x consistently driving below speed limit!

    Bless your heart, you thought it would be fixed... 🤣 Still not fixed for me ON the highway either.
  11. D

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    The car reporting violations would be more like Fifth Element mode...Prints your ticket right out inside the car for you!
  12. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    So FSD by itself(no navigation) is making short term decisions and that route has nothing to do with any navigation route. When you put in a navigation route, the car basically MUST follow it, so when FSD goes and decides to start making a decision it is going to have to check with the route...
  13. D

    Regenerative braking not working

    Reboot, try again?
  14. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    I am trying to shy away from PB talk because definitions get all over the place especially as time goes on. A LOT has changed with PB since the beginning. I will say that current "slowdown" issues for me have been related to either imminent lane changes, incorrect(for route) lane changes, or...
  15. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    Yep, I have had Phantom Braking in the past...I can't think of any since V12 though.
  16. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    Yes I like arguing little things, but they are important distinctions sometimes... I don't think it was a protocol error on YOU. I think the error was more on the car not putting itself into park at the end of the navigation, HOWEVER, that is kind of impossible right now because it is not...
  17. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    Just to clarify based on OP's statements... The OP said that it DID park(well probably HOLD actually). So that at least partially fits your minimum standard. The other part is "until you tell it to go someplace else". That arguably WAS commanded by the action of ending the navigational route...
  18. D

    Highland chargeport opening randomly

    Take it to Tesla to check it out... Keep an eye on it, if it ever does NOT open when commanded, take it to Tesla to get checked out. It could be a faulty charge port door. The real problematic door failure is when it opens but doesn't know it is open and therefore doesn't disengage the...
  19. D

    FSD 12 Has a mind of its own...

    I believe this is current expected behavior. When I get home(with navigation) there is a message that pops up telling me to press on the accelerator to continue. Based on what you are saying I will assume that cancelling/ending the trip is basically telling the car to just keep going. I don't...
  20. D

    fsd 12.x consistently driving below speed limit!

    I have seen this as well. The car does whatever it wants to do with speed, haha. Even with auto speed off, the car regularly drives below the speed limit/speed set point. I will disagree with the statement that it will "eventually" get there on its own. Well either I disagree with that, or...
  21. D

    FSD has a mind of its own

    Ok, someone hop in their car, start driving, turn on FSD with no route and see where it takes you! haha
  22. D

    Car slowing unnecessarily for slower cars in adjacent lane on EAP for anyone else?

    Yep, it can't regen if you are providing an accelerator pedal input.... That is the positive. The Negative is that it can't slow down with an accelerator input. This could lead to an abrupt slowdown in various situations(too close to vehicle when you let off the accelerator, or the car decides...
  23. D

    Charge port door malfunction: should I worry?

    So it could be just a glitch that a reboot could fix...or it could be your chargeport door going bad. I had a similar problem on my 2018 LR RWD last year on an 800 mile road trip. It had started acting up in the couple days leading up to my departure but I figured I would take it in to have it...
  24. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    But that will only be because A.I. will have taken over by then and won't be letting us drive anymore! 🤣
  25. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Sorry, I get a bit rabid when people try to blow things out of proportion and claim 1kW constant heater usage during cooling conditions of outside temp of 80F and a HVAC setting of 70F. 😁 What exactly was the PTC heater calculation fix in the beta?
  26. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    I know @beachmiles data that doesn't support your opinion is so inconvenient and annoying. From a recent SMT data capture...was not a full up test so I don't have ALL of the pertinent info but some of the data is interesting, you'll even like some of it too. I'll start with what you will LOVE...
  27. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    My opinion about all this is that since the problem first appeared or was found out about, that either Tesla made changes, or the problem is/was not as bad as what it seemed at first glance with limited data, or a combination of both. It's easy to go OMG look at this! and then later find out...
  28. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    With tons of respect to Josh for all the work he has done, I am not going to entertain 4 year old data. A LOT has changed. "Constantly" using "1000W" is sky falling talk. And from what I have seen, I would love to see 1000W "constant" PTC usage under normal cooling conditions. setpoint and...
  29. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    I got the numbers from you(300-1000W) and I used 75kWh for bat capacity and 310miles for rated range and then did math. We can change the numbers around a bit but it won't change things much. I see where this is going. Hows this, you show me an 85 degree day, car in the sun, set point to lets...
  30. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Not necessarily because it really comes down to the heat load on the car vs the setpoint. Lets say it's 105F outside, do you still believe that a setpoint of 70F will cause the unnecessary heating? I don't think so, but I have no way to test that...well I guess I could close my garage and turn...
  31. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Ok, looks like we have gotten to a bit of an agreement. My main issue with the way you were making your statements is the implication that this is such a HUGE issue and seeming to make this sound like a bigger issue than what it is. So I think we can agree that the PTC heater is not...
  32. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Ok great, I agree that in the scenario of Outside temp and setpoint being the same temperature that the PTC heater will cycle on. Since you sem to be stuck in one scenario to make a wide claim... Here is my statement. With and outside temperature of 80 degrees on a sunny day and the HVAC set...
  33. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    You are not fully understanding the situation. Yes you can show the cabin heater being on at the same time as the AC given specific hvac temperature set points, yes you can run a test and ONLY show what you want to show. But you can NOT prove that the cabin heater is ALWAYS on when the AC is...
  34. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Let's be clear here about what your opinion is first because I don't want to get caught in a moving goal post scenario which you just kind of did I think unknowingly. You have made very opinionated statements which is fine but from a testing standpoint we need to get a set theory down to be...
  35. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    Forgive me being a bit nitpicky here with the video but I am working off your statement of absolute constant on behavior... Multiple times it was shown that the PTC heater was drawing 0W for multiple seconds, one count was 15 seconds. Also I will note that a setpoint of 72 with and outside...
  36. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    They have fixed a LOT with the HVAC over the years via updates. It uses to be that, ironically enough given our conversation, that the heat would NOT turn on with a set point below I think it was 63 or 65. I documented that issue in the past as well....again with in vehicle CAN bus data.
  37. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    You can disagree with me all you want, you have data to prove that the heater ALWAYS comes on and stays on CONSTANTLY? I've already looked at data as of a couple months ago using SMT with my OBDII adapter, specifically watching the heater power as I turned down the temp setpoint. The PTC...
  38. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    If you have your setpoint at 72 when it is 80 degrees out, I'm pretty sure the PTC heater does NOT turn on. I could be wrong of course but I think if you have a wide enough setpoint differential the heater will not be on constantly. Actually, I KNOW that for a fact, it's just a matter of what...
  39. D

    Software update 2024.2.7 - battery condition update

    Even with a 3rd party charger, it isn't the charger that regulates the charging of the car. The car does the management of charging the car. Also, the Tesla is going to say hey my battery is too cold so I am not going to charge right away but I WILL accept power and just shunt that over to the...
  40. D

    Feature Request - Eco-Mode Air Conditioning

    So the service center has fixed the problem? Great!
  41. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    My statements were based on YOU saying: We can muddy the waters and add more instances with different data but I was trying to stay with the 2 instances at the "same spot".
  42. D

    Tesla app not connecting to car while at home

    My last thought is bad network connection, whether cellular or WiFi. I have seen this with my car in the garage, if the wifi signal is weak I have trouble connecting.
  43. D

    Vendor Scan My Tesla, a CANBUS reader for Android

    Jumping in just cause I am curious... is all the ethernet traffic encrypted? I not then a hub or managed switch and wireshark could pull data for SMT(with appropriate re-coding) right?
  44. D

    Tesla app not connecting to car while at home

    Have you tried rebooting the car?
  45. D

    Major Phantom Braking Issues

    So you effectively paid $30k for cruise control by buying another car? I mean all you had to do was not use cruise control(TACC/AP...) Annoying yes, but at least you wouldn't have taken a $30k loss. Since you have so much disposable income, would you care to donate to my kids college fund? :)
  46. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    First to be clear, I am not fully discounting your theory, just making observations that seem to contradict it at least in part... The user mentioned that it happened a second time at the same place but changed to a DIFFERENT speed than the first time. One would assume(I know what happens when...
  47. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    When I say Jamming I mean actual intended jamming, interference could be tossing a bunch of aluminum foil bits in the air that would scatter the signal. I am curious, what entity puts out these Jamming notices?
  48. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    Except the user stated that it happened at the same spot a second time, which starts to bring in other possibilities. Your theory is interesting but I don't see any reason why "if no other vehicles for x amount of time then rapidly slow down and ignore the posted speed limit" would be in the...
  49. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    Maybe interference but jamming unlikely. Jamming would be dis-alowed in the US open air without lots of high up approvals. Last year there was a public notice about actual GPS interference testing by the military. GPS Service Interruptions | Navigation Center lists those dates. GPS...
  50. D

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    You are right, there is something that is causing the computer to change the speed limit and TACC setting but that isn't phantom braking... Also you just said it happened at the same spot which gives some permanence to the specific braking incident. Without knowing the exact spot at a minimum...