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  1. L

    Wireless charger throwdown - who wins?

    Is there a Nomad Gen 2? I just ordered the Jeda Gen 2 without realizing that there is a Nomad Gen 2 :confused:
  2. L

    Anyone else notice degraded Lane Change functionality with 2019.8.5?

    For hard reboot, hold down the 2 controls on the steering wheel at the same time for 10 seconds, with your foot pressing on the brake. The monitor should go black and come back.
  3. L

    Anyone else notice degraded Lane Change functionality with 2019.8.5?

    I also turned off auto lane change on NOAP. It kept trying to get me into the carpool lane every single time even though the lane I was in was actually going faster than the carpool lane. Or sometimes, I just want to be in the regular lanes if the traffic is light and move around instead of...
  4. L

    Need advice & can't decide. Should I buy?

    Well, I obviously bought the car, love it and I don't regret it (except that I should have waited 1 week because the price dropped a few days after I took delivery but that's another story). If you can afford it, go for it!
  5. L

    Need advice & can't decide. Should I buy?

    It really just comes down to your finances and whether or not you can afford the monthly payment. Without knowing your income and other expenses or debt, it's hard to say. I also went from not having a car payment to now having a car payment. However, I also put about 60% down to bring down...
  6. L

    Sentry Mode to the rescue!

  7. L

    Sentry Mode to the rescue!

    I would be interested in seeing some pics of the damage done to your car. It looks like the door basically bounced off of your car a few times adding to the damage.
  8. L

    3 Car Seats - Twins due in September

    Rear facing is recommended until 2 years or the car seat manufacturer's recommended weight and height. While it IS best to be in a rear facing car seat as long as possible I think most people change it to forward facing by age 3. But even with one forward facing, I don't think you'll be able...
  9. L

    Is TACC 100 percent reliable?

    Agreed. I suspect this is exactly what happened to the Tesla that crashed into the back of a stopped fire truck on the fwy in California last month. The cars in front of the Tesla moved out of the way and TACC didn’t realize that the fire truck was a stopped vehicle attending to a precious accident.
  10. L

    Financing Model 3 need input.

    I am sure this will vary state to state and lender to lender but in my experience (financed by a credit union) they pretty much just asked for my gross income and mortgage payment before running my credit (I figure they just got the specifics of my debt from the credit history) because they...