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Kids radio flyer model S

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Hi All,

I am seeking to buy a radio flyer model S (any color). We want to give it to our children’s small private Montessori school to raffle off to put towards new playground equipment at school.

Willing to pay 300-350 + shipping for one. Just can’t afford the $700 price tag to purchase new from the website and then donate it to school.

If anyone knows of one for sale new in box ... please let me know! We can verify that it will be raffled off for the school.

Thank you.
Hi All,

I am seeking to buy a radio flyer model S (any color). We want to give it to our children’s small private Montessori school to raffle off to put towards new playground equipment at school.

Willing to pay 300-350 + shipping for one. Just can’t afford the $700 price tag to purchase new from the website and then donate it to school.

If anyone knows of one for sale new in box ... please let me know! We can verify that it will be raffled off for the school.

Thank you.