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Model 3 or Model Y Lease Takeover - Bay Area

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I have a RWD Model 3 in white with black leather with 3,400 miles and a 36k allotment I am looking for someone to take over in the Bay Area. Goes through Feb 2025 (lease started 3/8/2022). $449/mo + cash down.
I have a 2021 white model 3 available with white interior + all weather mats for the interior.
Located in LA with 13k miles (lease allows for 12k a year) and $438 monthly payment. Looking for $4k down!
Lease ends end of December 2023 with an extension available.
Hello, I have a blue Tesla model 3 that’s long range/ dual motor. Lease ends November 2024 and I am way under the miles. $0 down payment. The monthly is just over $750 but I’m willing to let it go for less to make it more attractive by subsidizing the monthly payment. I’m located in SF. Please let me know if you are interested.