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Model Y/S/X Reservation

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Y and S come up all the time as new inventory although sometimes that includes demo cars (it’s how I got my MY within a week, and that’s the U.K.) You need to be quick using one of the instant notification services, I prefer the telegram one as it tends to report quicker than the Twitter one more often than not, but not always. You can also see inventory listings on 3rd party sites that aren’t limited by a 200mile radius.

I’m not sure anyones seen a new 2021 MX on either though.
Hi. I have a 6 seat LR ready to be delivered next week in CA. It’s Midnight Silver on Black. 20” wheels. No FSD. I’m planning on buying cash to have the title in hand. Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll sell it to you for current MSRP.