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  1. G

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    Mod comment: I’ve locked the thread I’m really struggling with the idea that somebody who’s probably never even seen a China built car feels more qualified to comment than people who have personal experience of Fremont next to China. As for batteries, I’ve seen a YouTube video (backed by...
  2. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    The release or autopark? It’s showing as installing in the uk.although the release notes aren’t yet available
  3. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Version 2024.20.7 has just broken cover according to Tesla-info, release notes say just a bugfix but maybe Autopark in RHD cars is on its way
  4. G

    EV Charger Replacement - guidance

    On the one hand, my old charger met the regs when installed so i swapped it out myself like I might replace a cooker, something you could do. It’s not a new circuit although I am aware regs have changed since. On the other hand, as it could kill you if things went wrong, if you’ve any doubt...
  5. G

    Speed restrictor -July changes

    Mod comment: I’ve done a little light editing and pruning of some excessive political rhetoric, it’s not the place whether you agree with what was said or not, and even less so a few days from an election. No doubt some will fear this “censorship” is just wrong, others will welcome the removal.
  6. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Works for me although I tend to use the unit price as a trigger
  7. G

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    Most of those things are the topics that people throw at EVs and why they claim they’re not suitable. My point is I can’t wait until it’s not even worthy of conversation. ICE owners sometimes talk about how the latest 911 is heavier than the last, but nobody really talks about the size of the...
  8. G

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    I love data so I appreciate this. However efficiency is less of a concern for me, and while it’s not something I’d ignore totally, I’d happily sacrifice some efficiency for more refinement, uprated components etc. I don’t public charge a lot, and at 7.5p per kWh home charging, or between 2 and...
  9. G

    Cybertruck For Sale in UK! - Auto Trader £146k

    Is that not just an AT requirement to enter details of a car as the platform isn’t designed to sell reservations? Or maybe the cars on its way, but the pictures are all in the US Either way.. one to stay well clear of unless it’s on a uk numberplate and deemed legal on our roads, has been...
  10. G

    [UK] Do I buy a 2016 model S

    Premium connectivity is more a nice to have. The sat nav still gets traffic info for routing, you just don’t see traffic info on the map. You also only get speed camera info with premium (and when the sat nav is navigating you which seems like an odd restriction).
  11. G

    UK Pricing piss take

    Isn’t the reality that Tesla are like all other car sellers in that they have a number of levers to balance supply and demand - list price, finance rates, part ex valuations etc. They sometimes get into straight discount too. And these differ both across the product range in this country and...
  12. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Heard a rumour IOG is dropping to 7p/23.7p - not had the email myself but a friend sent a garbled message saying they had. But they’re Scottish and may be still smarting that they’re not in the Euros and are trying to distract me!
  13. G

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    I think it boils down to the difference between a car company and a tech company. Tesla, not wanting to be the former, adopt iterative development, minium viable product, kanban boards of future stuff down the line and whatever the latest words are, so probably redesigned the front with the new...
  14. G

    UK Pricing piss take

    Took me ages to find this then I realised they don't even have a Slovakian website other than the ability to order by selecting "order" from any other country and then changing the country once the order page is visible (unless I'm missing something) so it does make me question just how much...
  15. G

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    Stereoscopic vision is useful for depth perception and changes in distance but is most effective at shorter ranges, I’m not sure passenger jets ever get close enough to an object for it to matter. Somebody with one eye find it much harder to catch a ball for instance than somebody with 2. We...
  16. G

    [UK] Do I buy a 2016 model S

    The main downsides to the Model S of that age other than reliability/warranty etc will be - Range will be relatively low at around 200 miles. I had a 2015 90D and it struggled to do 200 miles back then on the motorways. - Charging speed will be relatively slow, so topping it back up (say adding...
  17. G

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I have a hunch they'll just double down on the Mercedes approach to start limited and constrained and slowly widen the envelope whilst maybe allowing some heavily goverened, manufacturer owned test vehicles with plenty of fall back ie the Waymo type model. I think its the only responsible way to...
  18. G

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I could make a case that those words could be interpretted as a L4 claim, the words do say "..pick you up.." which does imply you're not in the car at the beginniong. I think it also goes on to say it goes and parks itself, again implying without you in it, L3 requires the ability to hand back...
  19. G

    Model 3 Highland Performance

    Is weird isn’t it, what was wanted was better suspension, better sports seats, visually more different to the regular M3, I suppose some wanted more power too, and we got something on all to some extent, and it’s a bit.. yeah, well, maybe.. The Model S and X updates were a bit the same a few...
  20. G

    Auto boot opening stopped working

    As suggested, topic covered in UWB not available with new Model 3 Thread closed
  21. G

    Would You Buy a Tesla Phone?

    He’d need to embrace an App Store (and expect loads of developers to port to yet another platform) or use Google App Store in which case it’s just another Android phone with a few USPs. I can see the Android phone makers losing out whereas Apple users probably won’t care less
  22. G

    EU likely to impose 25% import tariff's on cars from China

    For context, I think we already have a 10% import duty so this is an increase rather than a new tax if it goes ahead.
  23. G

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I was having a read over the new API details and it suggests that vehicle data will be sent from a cache if the car is asleep - ie Tesla remember the last known state and provide that for the basic get_data request, before it wouldn't return anything saying the car is asleep. I've heard this...
  24. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    A speedo can never read under, the tolerance is only on over reading so you should only ever be going at or slower than the indicated speed - it says that above in the second part I believe the tolerance was nothing more than "being reasonable" threshold and either way, its guidance only and...
  25. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    That’s a classic case of finding the most optimistic spin on a topic that you can. As already posted Tesla sales are falling fairly dramatically in a growing market, and while in absolute terms the headline might be true, the direction of travel in the U.K. is very much bad for Tesla.
  26. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    The autopilot suspension seems to be just a strike is removed for every week of clean driving. The previous approach just continued to rot up so even a relatively good driver/user would end up being banned for a week
  27. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Those better informed than me will answer but I believe our meters only report half hour consumption so if the half hour is cheap, the whole half hour is cheap. I’m on another slot and the car has t started charging (yet) but it’s down on the smart charging schedule so I presume they’ll take...
  28. G

    Rubbing noise, front wheel

    Model 3 extended mudguards can rub along the ground under suspension travel if you’ve recently fitted them or you have become a bit more enthusiastic about your driving? Both M3 and MY can rub on speed humps.
  29. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I don’t doubt it, I did ask for forgiveness for not going back reading Blame the kettle :) (hope it’s not inconvenienced you too much) Mine did and I’ve still a few percent to go with a 30 min slot showing at 8:00 and another at 9:00. Washing machine is ready go.. This is a side of octopus I...
  30. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I’m not convinced about everything being cheaper just yet, the faq says It doesn’t say all consumption is at the cheaper rate. More than happy to be proven wrong but I’ll not fil my boots just in case
  31. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Interesting, I’m going to change my “required by” time to 11:00 and see if I get a few cheap slots early morning as they’d be more useful
  32. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I have 1 mins of cheap electricity.. I’ll assume the app can’t keep up with these periods as it’s def saying the current rate is daytime but the car is scheduled and is actually charging. Edit: I’ve been extended for another 30 mins… A nice bonus but the wife thinks we could have got an...
  33. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Thanks - it must know the energy supplied to the car somehow (via the api I guess) to bill correctly. Octopus app says the rate is the daytime rate which figures Kettle will stay off!
  34. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Forgive me for not doing homework but my car is scheduled (by octopus) to charge from 9:30 to 10:00 as part of its overnight charging. Is everything at the reduce rate for that 30 mins as it’s right now and I can stick the kettle on!!
  35. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Mod comment: There’s a place for politics (and I put my hand up to posting, although great damage would be done to the public’s faith in TMC if a moderator can be convicted over such a trivial matter) and it’s not here. I think there’s also an area for SpaceX
  36. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    You are guessing, there is absolutely nothing in the regulations that stops Tesla only showing the suggestion when its safe to do so, nor for that matter completing a lane change once initiated in good time. If they don't know whether a car can complete a lane change within the time limit then...
  37. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Trump has said he's going to stop EV car sales in the US, or variations on the the theme including high taxes on imports Musk comes out in full support of Trump Call me cynical... but could the two topics be related? Itonically, back here, if Musk was the cause for Tesla's falling sales in...
  38. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Tesla website, I got the daily email from Tesla-info who also show them with location details No discounts and on a different thread somebody has switched their config and is now picking up in a few days
  39. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I get all that, it's just the M3 performance is still very new and hardly any have been delivered in the UK, at least I'm not aware of any yet, and now there are already 7 by the looks of things on inventory (which isn;t massess admitedly but does mean 7 not matched to buyers) and with not even...
  40. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I was wondering about cornering lights for those with adaptive and of course you can turn off high beam and maybe keep cornering. Having owned Teslas for many years I kind of doubt it’s going to be some incredibly cunning plan like using the headlight unit adjustment mechanism, for a start I...
  41. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Just had a daily email on Tesla inventory and loads of New 2024 M3Ps have been listed.. so seemingly even the latest, greatest model has gone straight to instant availability.
  42. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Musk didn’t mention adaptive only cornering so I suspect they heard a rumour about cornering and made up the rest, I kind of read his post now I’ve seen it again as the first is NA only and the second part is for others
  43. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I’m sure there’s plenty they could do, I was just musing over whether there was a supply issue and there might be on some specific combos but there seems to be plenty around if people wanted them, M3P aside.
  44. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    There could be reasons - I only state the facts as they are. I’ve seen quite a few new M3s around so I’d have thought other than the M3P there’s no great issue getting hold of one, there’s also around 80 in inventory. One month, or even one quarter could be temporary, time will tell
  45. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    SMMT data is out and for the first time in a long time Tesla aren’t in the top 10 for the month or year to date Tesla sales are down 8% on last May and 12.5% down YTD compared to last year. In comparison BEV overall is up 6% for the month and 10% YTD . Tesla’s market share has fallen by...
  46. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Hasn’t musk said cornering is only for North American markets, probably because we have adaptive which is better. And for cars without matrix I doubt they’ll get cornering. As much as Musk sometimes talks rubbish, he rarely under sells something. I certainly wouldn’t believe the websites that...
  47. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Doesn’t really compute.. if they’re all on unless there’s a good cause for that bit not to be illuminated due to traffic ahead then they should not turn on “cornering lights” anyway in that direction. If it’s ambient lighting is bright enough you don’t need it, and Tesla don’t seem to dip...
  48. G

    Model Y Roof rack

    It’s more like a paint protection film and I imagine once stuck on would be a bit like the film just in front of the rear wheels on the door. They don’t look removable once installed but equally I don’t think they’d cause a real issue left in place. I’d have thought the purpose was solely to...