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Tesla has the best CRM in the world. Here's why...

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I am a legal resident in, and citizen of, two countries the US and Brazil. When Tesla opened up Model 3 reservations to include Brazil I immediately placed a reservation there using all my Brazilian data, including all the identifiers and contact information there as well as payment from there.

Two days after MyTesla showed my current S, my US 3 reservation and my Brazil reservation. What is more MyTesla now shows all my US contact information as "primary" and all my Brazil information as "Alternate"

I have dealings with five international airlines, four hotel chains, Apple, Amazon an others in both countries. None, repeat, none of them manage to automatically distinguish between international addresses, nor even link them at all! Even ones I use in both countries must be manually changed between two independent accounts in order to handle the most mundane issues. Most of the airlines and hotels cannot accommodate different address systems, telephone protocols or naming conventions within the same customer record.

Here is Tesla, a company logically linked to a single country for a single relationship that automatically makes the link and does so without even a request to do so. What's more it is correct the first time despite a slight difference in the way my name is presented, different address structure, accent marks etc.

I was already very impressed with how Tesla handled my customer issues. Now I am blown away.

Today came a final fillip: My US S is needing an annual service (prepaid) when I will be in Canada. Figuring I would need to return to the US for that service I called tesla anyway. No problem, they say, just book with the Service Center you choose. It's all linked. Wow!
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I'm with you jbarioca - I've never needed to deal with the kind of complexity you're describing, but I've been involved in building these kinds of systems, and getting them right and have that permeate the entire organization is hard (by hard, I mean that most nobody actually gets it right, especially how often the humans can't define what right would be :)).

This also sounds like an important improvement from 3 years when Tesla's service database and marketing/reservation database were clearly different information systems. For the first couple of years with my Roadster, the local service center would need to manually edit the contact info from the old owner to me whenever the car was in for annual maintenance. AND the Roadster wouldn't / couldn't be linked to my Model X reservation on My Tesla. That's been cleared up.
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I guess you used the same email address, so I don't find this so special to be honest. The home address corresponding to the one they already had in their database was different, so they added this as alternate.
As of this evening American Airlines can not yet handle that although I am their highest level elite, Concierge Key because they cannot maintain multiple do icicles in their system. It's nit just them Emirates also cannot go it. Hyatt, Hilton, Accor and Starwood all cannot do it. I agree that they Should do it, but they do not. Among all other relationships I have only one, a bank, even makes a pass at that and they do it only by sere scraping following completely distinct authentications supplied by me; no function cohesion at all.

So, you should find it special because it is nearly unprecedented. I say nearly because someone else somewhere else might be able to do it.