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Tesla Model S Plaid Winter Tires Michigan area

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Looking for Tesla Model S Plaid Winter tires and wheels West Michigan Area
I've got a set of the 19" Tempest wheels that came off my 2022 Plaid recently. They have Continental ProContacts all season tires on them. The wheels have the TPMS and the aero covers included in the sale. Call/Text me at 614-519-1727 if you are interested. I am in Columbus, Ohio. I have had many requests to buy these but everyone wants me to ship them (too expensive to ship).
I've got a set of the 19" Tempest wheels that came off my 2022 Plaid recently. They have Continental ProContacts all season tires on them. The wheels have the TPMS and the aero covers included in the sale. Call/Text me at 614-519-1727 if you are interested. I am in Columbus, Ohio. I have had many requests to buy these but everyone wants me to ship them (too expensive to ship).
Just sent you a text requesting a price. You are 5 hours from me.