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WTB: Clean >30k White M3 w/ EAP >50k miles or >25k 2014+ MS w/AP+ >100k miles

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I've been looking at cars the last two months, and I haven't found a great enough deal on a used EV. I really want a Tesla, but whenever I see one for a great price it gets sold before the seller gets back to me.

I even saw a 30k white 2019 M3 ~54k miles with partial white interior sold directly by Tesla. I've never seen a 30k Tesla sold by Tesla. It was of course in California, and it would cost me 2k to ship it and I need to wait 3 to 4 weeks. I wanted to fly to California and drive it back and save 2k, but Tesla said no, and Teslas sold by Tesla are significantly more expensive in Texas, so I'd rather fly (I can fly cheaply) and take a road trip in my new to me Tesla. Also if I buy a car from a dealership in California I need to pay higher than Texas' 6.25%. I've looked at the Montana LLC option to not pay sales tax if I buy through a private party, but if it's 20-30k I'd rather just pay Texas TTL.

So ideally I'd like a basic white Tesla with AP1+. I'd also love white, tan, or cream seats. On here it seems lots of people have fully loaded Teslas, not just good enough Teslas. If someone was about to trade in such a Tesla to Tesla for way too little, I'd be happy to buy it from them for ~3k more to have a win-win.

What's the cheapest clean title 2014+ MS with AP1+ w/ <100k that you know that sold this week?
What's the cheapest clean title M3 w/ EAP <50k miles that you know that sold this week?

I'm still learning how to value a used Tesla in this environment with rapidly declining prices, so I appreciate your insight.