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WTB: Gen 1 10-30 adapter

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Hoping you found what you wanted, but also wanting you to know you can make your own with a quick visit to Home Depot or the like. You'll have to tell the car it's 30 amp (24 amp), but you probably know that. If none of that works, you can visit my son there in Phoenix. A psychiatrist. He won't know how to make an adapter, but he can make it all better with the frustration.
I have both OEM (unused) Tesla adapters 10-30 and 14-30 adapters. Same as what is listed on the Tesla site above. They were for my 2013 Model S, that I've since sold. Now that I'm on the Model 3, I can part with these. I'll sell for $35 each.

I'm at work now, but can post pictures of them later this evening.