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WTB Model 3 19” or 20” wheels and tires

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I'm looking to sell my 20 inch rims and tires that came with my Performance Edition Model 3, but I live in NJ. I picked up the car yesterday so the rims are flawless and the tires are in excellent condition.
I’m picking up my Model 3 later this month and was looking to upgrade the Aeros to 19 or 20s. How much are you selling yours for? I live in NJ.
Are you still looking for 20" tires? I'm looking to sell mine once I get a new set of rims for the 18" tires I bought already. I'm a bit on the high mileage side with my car already at 2300 miles.

TSportline is also out of stock on their 18" wheels, so it might be another month or so before my 20's are available.