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WTB: Model S Reservation Ready to Configure for 2k

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There's a proverb that if you put what you want in the universe it will happen.. so :

I'm looking to buy a reservation that's ready to configure for $2,000 ($1,000 fee + your $1,000 deposit).

I have a reservation but it is due only in July so would be happy to jump a bit and get a car in April.

I've found dozens for sale on Ebay and Craigslist but many appear to be scammers and not exactly building trust for sharing personal details!

If the reservation is on its own email ID it would be easier for both of us!
Otherwise I've read you can configure in my name and address, we just have to be more friends .. :)

I can work out the payment details with you of course.

Message me if you're interested!

Thank you.
There's a proverb that if you put what you want in the universe it will happen.. so :

I'm looking to buy a reservation that's ready to configure for $2,000 ($1,000 fee + your $1,000 deposit).

I have a reservation but it is due only in July so would be happy to jump a bit and get a car in April.

I've found dozens for sale on Ebay and Craigslist but many appear to be scammers and not exactly building trust for sharing personal details!

If the reservation is on its own email ID it would be easier for both of us!
Otherwise I've read you can configure in my name and address, we just have to be more friends .. :)

I can work out the payment details with you of course.

Message me if you're interested!

Thank you.
I’m assuming you meant to say MODEL 3 (not Model S)