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WTB: Model X - AP1

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Looking for a 2016 or above Model X with AP1 at least. My ideally range is right at $60K.

1) Is this practical?
2) If not, how long out will I have to wait to find something in this range?
Just a couple of comments.

A Model X's have AP1 hardware "at least". There were none made without it. It is possible that it was not activated, which will cost a bit (sorry, I don't know the current price).

There are quite a few available near the $60k asking price. Quite likely you could make a deal. Do your homework and be sure the lower battery size will meet your needs before deciding on a vehicle.

As to getting more at a reduced price showing up on the market, likely events such as the release of the Model Y or a rumored (this has been rumored for a while) Model X and Model S update will cause more cars to be on the market. Even a new Autopilot system release could cause a price drop as owners trade up.

The good news is that used car prices are the result of satisfaction and desirability of the vehicle. People don't want to part with them, so you are likely making a good choice in a vehicle.