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WTB Repairable Model 3 or Y AWD or Performance

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Hi! I'm looking for a lightly to moderately damaged Tesla AWD long range or performance 3 or Y to be a fun project and become my main car. I'm a mechanical engineer and have brought a 1990 mazda miata back from the dead after it was rear ended and loved the experience and driving that car for many fun miles.
Salvage title is ok. Please give me a chance to keep a Tesla on the road and displace an ICE vehicle; the more scrapes and scratches the better. I'm comfortable replacing body panels and bumpers, fixing scratches, replacing air bags, and replacing suspension components. Denver area is preferred, but am open to shipping or driving it back if possible.
Often insurance companies offer a reasonable buy back price in the event of a Tesla being wrecked or totaled and I should be able to pay more than the buy back price so that it is a win-win-win for you, me and the environment. Let me know.