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LoL Rick
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    • LoL Rick
      LoL Rick reacted to SamS's post in the thread Service Center Nightmares with Like Like.
      I think we are conflating issues. The OP’s problem is service. Tesla shouldn’t be booking appointments if they don’t have the parts...
    • LoL Rick
      LoL Rick reacted to OxBrew's post in the thread Service Center Nightmares with Like Like.
      Actually the reverse is true. If you assume you're going to spend 2 years finding and fixing issues, better to do that before release...
    • LoL Rick
      LoL Rick replied to the thread USB Music Playback.
      Its a crying shame that the one in the console doesn't work for data.
    • LoL Rick
      LoL Rick replied to the thread Service Center Nightmares.
      I actually replaced the glove box linkage a couple times but after just one or two openings it falls apart again. I think it must be...
    • LoL Rick
      LoL Rick replied to the thread USB Music Playback.
      I eventually got it to work by partitioning the stick in the glove drawer to 2 different drives, placing Teslacam on one and music on...
    • LoL Rick
      Documenting my experience here so people will know just how bad these service centers are. Maybe I'll get lucky and someone from Tesla...
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