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  1. Electrph

    How to tell how long power was out?

    already done 😝
  2. Electrph

    How to tell how long power was out?

    dont know if you are already aware but that log may not reflect actual outage .. shows how long your system off grid .. example for my system once power was "out" for 1 sec .. app shows 15 min since thats how long before system decided to go back on grid... another time out for a second again...
  3. Electrph

    Email from Tesla - Powerwall uses 3G Cellular Please connect to Wifi or Ethernet

    Same here no email from Tesla .. did notice app down around time noted in this thread … guess I was better off not being notified by Tesla 🤣
  4. Electrph

    12/11/2021 - Will they activate StormWatch in the West this weekend

    mine just activated (i quickly lost that bet of it not being activated here 😝) tulare county
  5. Electrph

    12/11/2021 - Will they activate StormWatch in the West this weekend

    my vote is storm watch will not activate for majority areas due to rain storms ... and i have never heard term atmospheric river living in CA 46 years .. but i zone out a lot when people talk 😝
  6. Electrph

    Powerwall firmware version 21.39.1 just downloaded by my system

    what is the behavior you observe on your app? i have noticed my system's app shows it alternates from powerwalls in standby mode well above reserve / then showing powerwalls as having 0% / then walls showing actual % but discharging to run house and sending small amount to grid this has always...
  7. Electrph

    just got this alert, not sure what it means

    i was using a 400gb sandisk extreme micro card w/ 2 partions as above in a ugreen branded adapter worked great almost 2 years .. started getting same error .. tried reformat / then reformated as single partition .. still error until i switched to the same sandisk adapter .. now works fine again...
  8. Electrph

    just got this alert, not sure what it means

    how is ur new setup working for you as far as car throwing error codes ?
  9. Electrph

    NorCal Powerwall owners. What is your reserve percentage right now? (Late October 2021)

    when summer hit and ac would have to cycle on even after midnight i raised from 25% to 40 % .. i may just leave it at 40% throughout year
  10. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    yea my recycle bin fell over from the wind after city emptied it .. i had to pick it back up on its wheels ... like an animal ! 🤣
  11. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    when i write it out seems a silly gripe .. def 1st world prob 🤣
  12. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    i also noticed system will clearly be in stormwatch and not indicate it for another 10-20min as well as reverting back to non storm watch behavior with storm watch still indicated in app for about same amount of time .. and yes today turned off storm watch and took system about 20-25min to...
  13. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    if system is in storm watch mode then you toggle off storm watch how long does it generally take for system to go out of stormwatch mode or at least indicate so on app ?
  14. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    yea i had never seen indicator it was in stormwatch mode on updated app much less older app so i went looking for it ... once it did pop up (after toping off powerwalls for 10 or 15min ) it was obvious 😝
  15. Electrph

    10/10/2021 Is anyone seeing Storm Watch activated?

    i have never once had a storm watch event in about 10 months of operation .. however happened to look at app and system has been drawing 7.5kw from grid for past 10 min / charging 2 powerwalls at 6.7kw total with house demand 0.8kw (powerwalls already at 92% reserve set for 40%) ... no storm...
  16. Electrph

    Inspection & PTO process when adding additional powerwall(s) & panels

    i checked .. only option to add one powerwall thru tesla at that time was addition of "small" pv system (another i think 12 panels which i do not want) decided to wait see if anything changes w/ tesla
  17. Electrph

    Powerwall 2 fans at high speed...why?

    i have 2 power wall 2's also mounted on inside garage wall .. i have only had mine for a mere 10 months . I noticed as garage summer temps increased i began to hear fans on both power walls not often at highest speed but always in sync anyway the last month or so i noticed one of the...
  18. Electrph

    Surprised at amount of production increase after first rain

    yea we have ng this area .. i am def buying hybrid water heater moment they go on sale again / have it set deal alerts.. looking forward to side effect of keeping temp down bit more in garage next summer
  19. Electrph

    Surprised at amount of production increase after first rain

    i have a single story and fairly easily could hose off panels or even reach w/ a decent pole type cleaning brush etc so i prob misspoke in 1st post of any personal risk .. but knowing i was a net producer prevented any drive to do it ... still seeing difference and my ocd makes me feel i...
  20. Electrph

    Surprised at amount of production increase after first rain

    I never bothered rinsing / cleaning my panels since I will be a net producer for year and at .03 kwh payback at trueup not worth money or my time / risk to wash myself but.. i was surprised at the difference in production ... these are a few days apart so not due to immediate cooling of panels...
  21. Electrph

    Random question for you all with 60A SquareD Disconnects (eg DU222RB)

    but i still only have ONE big disconnect so not as cool as others
  22. Electrph

    Random question for you all with 60A SquareD Disconnects (eg DU222RB)

    dont think @holeydonut is a disconnect freak by choice 😝 ... not his fault got pulled into the life
  23. Electrph

    Issue with Go Off Grid Function

    i dont even want to run out there on a nice night 🤣
  24. Electrph

    Issue with Go Off Grid Function

    before there was this fancy new feature "old timers" on here would switch off main breaker from grid to go off grid 😝 So i was thinking any advantage other than wear and tear on main breaker .. and ease of not having to walk back and forth to your original main panel as far as using this feature...
  25. Electrph

    Random question for you all with 60A SquareD Disconnects (eg DU222RB)

    you are sadly prob correct despite the warnings this could subject you to a lawsuit . .. you would prevail or your homeowners would settle but still the hassle / worry of it ... think i'm gonna buy locks for my outside panel and my big arse dissconnect today 🙌🏼
  26. Electrph

    Random question for you all with 60A SquareD Disconnects (eg DU222RB)

    where i grew up teens would mess w/ others breakers just to be you know whats .. so i could see them pulling down a disconnect that red handle is just too temping .. but no could not see anyone doing that where we live now also @holeydonut i'll bet it is just one or two curious kids if thats...
  27. Electrph

    Random question for you all with 60A SquareD Disconnects (eg DU222RB)

    dont know amperage of my SINGLE large disconnect (yup just one ..dont be jelly) .. but tesla put one of those wire loops w/ serial number on it tags? .. i know wont really keep ppl out but cant just casually open and i could tell if someone did .. would not think ilegal to padlock since can...
  28. Electrph

    Water ingress into Powerwall+ inverter in garage

    what could possibly make you think any of us want to hear about your holes ?!? 🤣
  29. Electrph

    SolarEdge HD Wave SE10000H Failure - Tesla Repair Time Estimate

    i would have guessed this was due to the batteries "balancing" and / or the percentage being recaculated ... i see this at times w/ the model 3 .. charge % going up after sitting unplugged But your leakage from grid is interesting
  30. Electrph

    Hurricane season? Tesla Solar is not ready [because owners can not charge from the grid on demand]

    pretty good bet EVERYONE who had it presented to them took the tax credit and then would now be rolling the dice they dont get caught and for something like this yea slim chance ... i still wouldn't do it personally but as stated in thread everyone has their own risk limit
  31. Electrph

    Hurricane season? Tesla Solar is not ready [because owners can not charge from the grid on demand]

    yea but if nobody reports you and you do not get caught then it's ok right? right? 😝
  32. Electrph

    Powerwall/TEG disappearance from Tesla app?

    have not since i've had it but only had up for about 6 months when you say removal entire page is gone when you swipe to the right and you are seeing generic ad for tesla solar / pw or only power wall is missing with grid and solar (if you have it) still showing ?
  33. Electrph

    Three weeks post Install Questions

    this is exactly what i do ac down at night / mostly off in day time since nobody home i see system switch over to grid anywhere from 10pm to 2am depending on night temp set / temp outside (more detail than my above general post )
  34. Electrph

    Three weeks post Install Questions

    as @jjrandorin pointed out you may be underestimating how much power central AC consumes .. as example i have 2 power walls .. has been 100 -104 most days here .. modern home (built 2018) w/ single central AC on 2800sf single story ...runs my two batteris down to their higher summer 60 %...
  35. Electrph

    Is the wildfire smoke impacting Bay Area CA solar production? Aug 6

    down about 18% yesterday (8/7) due to smoke in tulare county area of central valley
  36. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    here is one last bill i will post shows one of the 2 or 3 months a year where we are net consumers for the month on a sce tou 4-9 plan
  37. Electrph

    Real World Powerwall test right now!

    i am only laughing because after my numerous simulated outage exercises i am anxiosuly awaiting a decent actual power outage .. i know that sounds selfish and maybe horrible .. but I will probably be as excited as you when it occurs
  38. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    when i was 1st figuring this all out i thought of it as store credit vs cash .. before annual trueup you have "store credit" of any rolling excess Kwh with sce to use toward purchase of electricy (full value) at end of true up when you "cash out" any excess then is only worth wholesale ...
  39. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    yes that portion caught me by surprise as well. .. i will post my july usage bill when avail .. will be net consumer for that month i think as @skepticcyclist pointed out earlier in thread if you are a net consumer for year you are better off on prime .. if net producer the tou 4-9 or 5-9 is...
  40. Electrph

    App message "temporary maintenance please try again later

    for me this has become the occasional equivalent of the hour glass / spinning circle or some other cutsie thing to stare at while you wait for something to load / buffer etc... no maint that i am aware of .. i have found ways around it by moving around within app sub menus
  41. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    here are my bills covering months of may and june will soon have bill covering july where i might be a net consumer for the month for 1st time since PTO .. will interesting to see for me
  42. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    yea thats all program does and only at some time between 4-9pm weekdays and usually only for 2-3 hrs .. least thats only time i've seen it
  43. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    i have mine reduced as well each month by a small amount (always slightly different ?) for being enrolled in nest thermo program / rush hour rewards .. you can override it so not nearly as draconian as @jjrandorin old AC "magic box" program 🤣 despite factoring in this discount im still not...
  44. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    after i had PTO in Feb '21 i noticed sce still had tiered rate as option on website ?!? .. i tried to get them to put me on that plan .. was a polite no 🤣 yea i would be all over that rate plan w/ solar and they would have to drag me kicking and screaming off of it 😝
  45. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    i will post my entire bill (tou 4-9) soon as i can if that helps .. i was on tou prime switched to tou 4-9 earlier this year so i am def not grandfathered into anything far as i know
  46. Electrph

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    i believe you .. i think its just hard to figure out why you are not being charged more min charge(s) each month i am on sce tou 4-9 and my monthly due is almost same as yours .. i calculate i should have a higher monthly charge as well but cannot figure out why i dont .. not complaining just...
  47. Electrph

    Ooooo they're installing a powerpack outside of my work office building

    i heard a different report "Aus authorities are seeking a person of interest that was seen fleeing the gated area babbling something about not enough disconnects"
  48. Electrph

    My Powerwall2 keeps turning off my Air conditioning every few hours

    The set up you describe as having is unusual, on these boards at least .. as stated most have whole house back up or a back up panel w/ backed up loads. Your problem could be gateway not playing nice with thermostat or some other wiring issue, more likely it is issue with gateway not sending...
  49. Electrph

    My Powerwall2 keeps turning off my Air conditioning every few hours

    trying to clarify are you saying your AC is not included as one of your backed up loads? if that is the case AC should start / run normal when grid is up when grid is down ac would not work at all .. restarting pw would have no bearing on that fact that is the most common way tesla excludes...
  50. Electrph

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    reading through this thread i bristle a bit at some implying that those reluctant to participate are "just not getting it or dont see the big picture" .. thats not necessarily the case .. we all have diff financial situations / diff amount of excess (if any) pw storage each day and many have put...