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  1. Mayhemm

    12V battery in trouble, far from service center. Options?

    Okay, I guess the EDIT POST option times out after a while, so I'll put the remainder of the main post here. I’d like to solicit the forum’s advice on how to proceed. The way I see it, I have several options: 1) Bite the bullet and pay the Ranger fee. Now, paying $1500 for something that...
  2. Mayhemm

    12V battery in trouble, far from service center. Options?

    Yesterday I was greeted with the infamous "12V Battery needs service" message on my instrument cluster. I spoke with Tesla about it and, of course, they would like to send a Ranger out to replace it. However, given my remote location, this would result in the maximum ranger fee of $1500...
  3. Mayhemm

    Model 3 in Canada

    Yeah, it's actually quite a good deal. Have no fear, though. Tesla is making it up in other places. *cough* Model X *cough*
  4. Mayhemm

    Tesla (Model 3) in the Maritimes

    You guys seem to have this covered. If they were available today, I'd recommend holding off. However, since it will likely be closer to 2 (or even 3) years before the cars become widely available, I say put a reservation down if you're interested in a Model 3. Get your name in the queue and if...
  5. Mayhemm

    Future Model 3 owners in Saskatchewan?

    I do this run several times a year. If leaving from Saskatoon, it will pretty much take one whole day. A full recharge at the Kindersley Peavy Mart is required to make the trip (so verify that it is online before setting off), with an optional top-up at the Ramada Hotel in Brooks, AB to make...
  6. Mayhemm

    Canadian Stores and Service Centers

    I feel the same about the recent store opening in Calgary. It's great that all the prospective owners no longer have to travel all the way to Vancouver to test drive and configure cars, but what about the current owners in the same region who are without any service options aside from the...
  7. Mayhemm

    New CPU/GPU?

    Since Tesla vehicles are often described as "computers on wheels", it seems like a no-brainer to update your processing hardware when you release a new model.
  8. Mayhemm

    Question on White Seats

    For some reason, this evokes images of someone being chastised by their neighbourhood HOA because their grass isn't the requisite 1.25"...
  9. Mayhemm

    New Base Wheels on the Model S!

    I was just going to say: are these not basically the same as the default 20" option on Model X? Maybe Tesla is just trying to synchronize their design language somewhat?
  10. Mayhemm

    "Met the X" yesterday...meh

    Yes, owning (or even simply being aware of Tesla) lets one really see through the BS of ICE automakers pushing something as "all-new" when it basically just has a new body kit and maybe a new UI for the stereo...
  11. Mayhemm

    Crowd Funding a SCH100 EV Charging Station in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

    How did the SCH meeting go? A charger in GFW would greatly assist me in visiting my sister in St. Albans, so I'm very interested in making sure you're successful in getting a fast EVSE installed. FWIW, I'm in favor of spending the money on the booster. The extra 15% charging speed would sure...
  12. Mayhemm

    Tesla is going to do a 100D and P100D...

    I've been told that an 85kWh->90kWh upgrade is possible, but only on dual-motor cars. Regretfully, this disqualifies my S from consideration.
  13. Mayhemm

    "Met the X" yesterday...meh

    Honestly, I was hoping for more out of Model X too. I don't have kids, so the big selling features that allow easy access to the rear seats (FWD, second row airplane seats, etc) are largely irrelevant for anything other than wow-factor. I thought Tesla would take this as an opportunity to fill...
  14. Mayhemm

    Tesla is going to do a 100D and P100D...

    I don't doubt the development of a 100kWh battery (or even a larger one). What I DO doubt is that Tesla would make it available so soon after debuting the 90kWh packs. How long have they been around? Six months? Of course, I would be thrilled if they do. I need more range!
  15. Mayhemm

    Ideas to protect an outdoor HPWC from the elements...

    I'm considering installing a HPWC along the highway I travel on the way out of town in order to make that drive easier. However, this means mounting the HPWC outdoors (likely on a utility pole). I know the units are outdoor rated, but we can get some pretty serious weather here in SK...
  16. Mayhemm

    Will tesla fill in the holes this year?

    *invokes the spirit of Crocodile Dundee* That's not a gap...THIS is a gap!
  17. Mayhemm

    6 seat vs. 7 seat

    So, would it be correct to say that while Tesla spent considerable Model X development hours on the middle row (and ending up with essentially aircraft seats), the rear seats are no better designed and function about as well as something found in a typical minivan?
  18. Mayhemm

    SuperChargers - Rivière-du-Loup, Qc

    While we definitely need to keep pushing Tesla for some NS superchargers, the situation has improved somewhat as there are now CHAdeMO stations in Truro (as mentioned already) and in Halifax proper. Not nearly as nice as real SpC's but still much better than the single beat-up L2 station at the...
  19. Mayhemm

    map updates!

    I also received a map update notification on 2/22/2016. The second since I've owned the car (May 2014)
  20. Mayhemm

    New info about wheel/tire choice in Design Studio.

    I'm actually glad that they've raised the impact figure on the larger wheels. In my experience, the efficiency hit is much closer to the 10-15% figure than 3% (about 30Wh/km). LOL! Does anybody here actually buy their tires from Tesla? Funny you should say that. Canadian tire shop Kal...
  21. Mayhemm

    Why I'll Never Buy Another Gasoline Powered Car

    You do a great job illustrating the promise and potential of Tesla, cattledog. However, as Tesla grows and expands as a company, I fear some of that "passion" has been lost. The Tesla experience of today (at least in my neck of the woods) is much diminished from what it was only a couple years...
  22. Mayhemm

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    I could...but what would I complain about then? :biggrin: Traveling slow on the highway is definitely one of the hardest pills to swallow about owning a Model S, but I keep repeating "One day we'll have Superchargers" to myself and that helps a bit. My buddy has a NEMA 14-50 that he lets me...
  23. Mayhemm

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    Well, you know my story. I've got >400km to the nearest charging station over hilly, rough-coated highway with no cellular coverage for the majority of that distance. Combine this with our (normally) chilly winters (stretches of -40C are not uncommon) and I'm essentially trapped until Spring...
  24. Mayhemm

    Model S in Extreme Cold: Driving at -30 Celsius

    So...other than the lack of regen from a cold battery...what exactly were people expecting to happen? Don't really have to worry about the alternator not turning over...
  25. Mayhemm

    Kits/Fairview Store finally underway !

    Is this a second, separate Vancouver store, or is the current one on Robson just changing location?
  26. Mayhemm

    Running non staggered on P85+?

    I run kind of a hybrid setup on my P85+. All four tires are identical but I can't rotate them because I still run the OEM staggered wheels. This wasn't really a choice for me. The car goes through rear tires every 8 to 10 thousand kilometers and the availability of tires in the 265mm width is...
  27. Mayhemm

    Model S Driver Fatality in Winnipeg (car hit by dump truck)

    Very relieved to hear that you were only the one who posted the article, Kevin, rather than its subject. :biggrin: The MB Tesla community is microscopic compared to most other areas and I was quite worried for you.
  28. Mayhemm

    Invisibility Mode Discovered!

    I think he reacted quite reasonably to a pair of dozy prats wandering into his lane. That there was limited danger or possibility of an accident is entirely beside the point. His yell was likely one of the frustrated "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???" kind (where you question the state of the...
  29. Mayhemm

    Steve Jurvetson On Tesla Motors

    Steve is generally a great advocate for Tesla, and EVs in general. Two things he said triggered my BS alarm though (I try to be as objective as I can :biggrin:) 1) I find it very hard to believe that the FIRST Model S off the line has needed no warranty repair and/or maintenance. Steve kind...
  30. Mayhemm

    P90DL kills 700+ hp Ford GT.....

    One of my favorite things about Model S is that its power is usable (bordering on practical). Sure, they run out of steam after achieving about 100mph and are eventually overtaken, but how often does that actually happen from day to day? I mean, the Bugatti Veyron had an incredible top-end, but...
  31. Mayhemm

    CHAdeMO installation cost...

    As time goes on, the more and more I'm starting to think that LEVEL 2 charging is insufficient for my area (Saskatchewan, Canada). The distances between locations are too large and the charging too slow. Even with a Model S, I end up spending a large amount of time at my destination tied to my...
  32. Mayhemm

    Calgary Location opening - Chinook Center

    Apparently Tesla, in their infinite generosity, has capped the Ranger service fee for rural SK and MB customers at a mere $1500. :rolleyes:
  33. Mayhemm

    World's Greatest Tesla Model S P85D Review Series Videos

    Kevin makes it quite clear in his title sequence that "World's Greatest" is his chosen title for his review series. The best way to discover this is to actually watch the videos. :wink:
  34. Mayhemm

    Only 90 KWh battery?

    We need bigger packs, not smaller ones! I'm curious as to why Tesla wouldn't offer something like a "double-stack" battery option for the X. This would raise capacity to more than 150kWh. Sure, having a double battery pack would raise the vehicle height a bit, but that shouldn't be much of an...
  35. Mayhemm

    Poll: Would you pay for a higher power Model X charger?

    If Model X does indeed only have the capability for a single 48A charger then Tesla needs to really step up their game on Supercharger construction. Downplaying the need for faster AC charging in lieu of Supercharging is all well and good, but there are still huge areas with no Supercharger...
  36. Mayhemm

    Tesla P90D Ludicrous vs modded Z06

    Did he just give up there at the end? I know ICEs drop back when they shift, but that seemed a but much.
  37. Mayhemm

    Tesla P90D Ludicrous vs Hellcat

    No sympathy from me. Seriously, who takes their all-seasons to the strip?! :wink:
  38. Mayhemm

    Phone App: iPhone/Android app

    This bug seems to have been translated over to the new version of the Android app. I got a double "Software Update Available" notification the day after installing the app but no update was waiting for me out in the car the next day. :crying: I've had this issue from day one. Android app...
  39. Mayhemm

    World's Greatest Tesla Model S P85D Review Series Videos

    I second this one. Show all those Supercharger-using trust fund kids how the other half lives. :wink: Have you tried out the CHAdeMO at RRC yet?
  40. Mayhemm

    Bad battery heater?

    I was aware of this. For me, Range Mode seems to really mess with the HVAC (either fogging up the windows or just making the cabin seem overly drafty and humid) so I never use it. Thanks for the reminder, though. As I mentioned in my post, the ambient temp was only about 8C; hardly the...
  41. Mayhemm

    Update: Model X has a single charger, but only 48A capable

    What the *$#, Tesla! You increase the battery size but decrease the charging rate?! Three years of delays, a much larger body, and they couldn't leave a space in Model X for a second charger?! Long charging times have to be the biggest criticism of EVs today and you guys just took a big step...
  42. Mayhemm

    Motor Trend reports 2.6 0 to 60!! In P90D. Launch control??

    Given some of the crazy misunderstandings perpetrated by the ICE-centric media since the release of Model S in 2012, I'm almost certain they are referring to the "Ludicrous Mode" toggle when they talk about "launch control". They're trying to translate the uniqueness of an electric car into...
  43. Mayhemm

    Popular Science Response to Consumer Reports Survey

    Consumer Reports seems to recognize that focusing on Tesla is an easy way to boost their traffic. The momentum generated by their last Tesla-centric article is starting to wane, so they were tasked with creating a new one. And the only thing readers enjoy more than an old-fashioned success...
  44. Mayhemm

    Bad battery heater?

    I've always been under the impression that when you use the mobile app to precondition the car in cool weather it will also trigger the battery heater if you're plugged in. However, today I warmed the car for a full 30 minutes but still had limited regen for about 30km. The ambient temp was...
  45. Mayhemm

    Ambient Temp where Regen is limited

    Yes! For some reason, they seem to have decided to fill the option spaces on either side of the instrument cluster with mandatory information like the clock and power meters! So in FW7.0, the side slots are essentially gone. How this made it through usability testing is anybody's guess.
  46. Mayhemm

    SuperChargers - Rivière-du-Loup, Qc

    ...whose parents clearly neglected to teach them basic courtesies, like sharing. :rolleyes:
  47. Mayhemm

    What do you expect from the new government? EV-Related only!

    Most people seem to have a short memory when it comes to politics. Last time the Libs were in power, they were practically run out of town on a rail due to their various scandals and rampant spending. Even the Cons looked good in comparison. :rolleyes: The new administration shares many of...
  48. Mayhemm

    P85D vs. BMW M5 Nighthawk review

    A very nice review, seemingly without an agenda for a change. The only thing that raised my hackles a bit was the obligatory discussion of range in the Tesla segment. Drive.com.au handled it in a fair manner, but why the need to even bring it up? I'm sure the range of many performance cars is...
  49. Mayhemm

    Elon interviewed in Berlin

    *insert obligatory "When is Apple going to buy Tesla?" comment here*