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  1. redmunds

    ... and the glitch of the day is ...

    Sometimes my driver side mirror doesn't unfold when unlocking car. Mirror always unfolds when I step on brake pedal.
  2. redmunds

    What is the dumbest thing your Tesla does?

    My BMW and Land Rovers always reset seat heaters to off on the next drive. I can't remember any car, other than Tesla, that leaves seat heaters on.
  3. redmunds

    What is the dumbest thing your Tesla does?

    One of the dumbest things that my MSLR+ does is that it remembers the seat heater settings from the last time I drove the car. I wish they would be off every time I start a new drive so I don't have to remember to turn them off. It's a waste of energy.
  4. redmunds

    AP Swerves In Lane

    I'm wondering if it's because you're in the right-most lane, and there are cars to your left but not right, so it moves to the safer side of the lane. Have you tried driving in the left-most lane to see if it does the opposite? Does it stay more centered in the middle lanes?
  5. redmunds

    I wonder how Autopilot would cope with this....

    Sounds like the I-275 through St. Petersburg, FL. Was that one of your projects? :)
  6. redmunds

    Poll: Will hands free driving be a big win for Tesla?

    That's not a common driving situation for me, so it might qualify as another example of "driving situations where there are statistically less interventions".
  7. redmunds

    Poll: Will hands free driving be a big win for Tesla?

    I think the first change should be to reduce nags in driving situations where there are statistically less interventions (e.g. freeways, limited-access highways). Also requiring a minimum number of miles on FSDb also makes sense (but 10K seems a bit high).
  8. redmunds

    With FSDb wide release & V11 soon, what will Tesla do with the public beta program? Speculation time!

    They gave access to FSD (Beta) to everyone who has paid for FSD. I don't think that the FSD (Beta) program has stopped.
  9. redmunds

    What are your most common intervention scenarios?

    1. I have a road with a median near my house where I frequently make a left turn. The problem is that the median is not wide enough to pause in the middle which is common with ULT, but FSDb seems to think it can fit, so I need to recognize this case and intervene. 2. There's another road where...
  10. redmunds

    Did 65 become an unknown number to AP?

    Could you see the sign as you were passing it? I've been driving when I knew a speed limit change was coming up, then a truck pulled up next to me, so the sign was blocked as I drove past it. I couldn't see it. The car couldn't see it. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to override that.
  11. redmunds

    Would you move forward with Buying a Tesla?

    There are rumors about the Model Y that Tesla will be changing the steering wheel to a yoke and removing all controls from the stalk (as they did on Models S/X). https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/looks-like-they-are-removing-stalks-from-the-3-y.278478/ Maybe that's ok with you, but...
  12. redmunds

    FSD Blows Through Stop Signs

    When FSDb is running a Stop sign, make sure to disengage with Brakes! Disengaging with steering will only disengage steering, not acceleration (i.e. it changes from FSDb to TACC and beep a single time to indicate this), so you will probably continue to run the Stop sign!
  13. redmunds

    Do you see a person approaching the Yellow Divider? FSD did!

    The amount of time for the yellow light should be based on the speed limit of the road to give vehicles enough time to stop. For example, it should be much longer on an intersection with a 55 mph speed limit than one with a 25 mph speed limit.
  14. redmunds

    FSD Blows Through Stop Signs

    My understanding is that this is exactly what happens for any driver intervention such as applying the brakes, although I'm not sure what data or how much video is sent.
  15. redmunds

    2022.36.20 (FSD Beta) ran the red light today

    Being red/green color "dense" (not quite "blind"), I've always wondered about how many people (and machines) are challenged by traffic lights that are oriented horizontally instead of vertically. I have to really pay attention to those. Could FSBb be looking at position instead of color?
  16. redmunds

    When FSD disengages

    Yes, I know I can hit the brake. I know how the system works. There is a single beep to indicate the partial disengagement, but that can be missed with other warnings. It's my opinion that the way FSDb partially disengages is dangerous.
  17. redmunds

    what's the trick to get autopark to work?!

    Pull up to where you would normally Stop. After Stopping, put car in Reverse and you should get a prompt on the screen.
  18. redmunds

    When FSD disengages

    No, I wish there was. I think this is dangerous behavior. More than once I thought FSDb had disengaged all the way and then the car started accelerating. Another time, I thought FSDb was still engaged because car was accelerating, but it wasn't steering. How can this be desired behavior?
  19. redmunds

    Musings on crashing a Tesla

    I would at least any random Flatbed Tow Truck Driver if they accepted AAA.
  20. redmunds

    Accident averted, but that leaves more unanswered questions.

    Thanks, I missed that. There are many videos of Teslas accelerating to avoid (or reduce impact of) a collision such as the Collision Warning and Avoidance post. So, what feature do you think is responsible for that?
  21. redmunds

    Accident averted, but that leaves more unanswered questions.

    My understanding is the opposite. One example is if you are stopped and there is nothing in front of you, then FSB detects that the car behind you will hit you, then it will *accelerate* to avoid a crash.
  22. redmunds

    Accident averted, but that leaves more unanswered questions.

    I think that honk (if you have that enabled) captures the previous 10 minutes. So, there's no need to honk immediately as something is happening.
  23. redmunds

    Accident averted, but that leaves more unanswered questions.

    Could it have been "Obstacle-aware Acceleration", although it seems unlikely since obstacle was in front of car? OP, do you have that enabled?
  24. redmunds

    Looks like they are removing stalks from the 3/Y

    I am not arguing in favor of the yoke, but this is no longer necessary with FSD!
  25. redmunds

    will enhanced autopilot or FSD help drive itself from Newark airport to Manhattan to Queens without getting lost?

    The Navigation System is what you want to use. Autopilot or FSD may help you drive the car, but won't help you be any less lost.
  26. redmunds

    Tesla has disabled FSD Snapshot Button Uploads

    Doesn't FSDb automatically upload snapshots whenever you disengage (i.e. hit the brake) ? That's my understanding, so I've never used the snapshot button.
  27. redmunds

    How to tell if a car has Raven?

    No, "small" means it's a Long Range model and "large" means it's a Performance model.
  28. redmunds

    Long Range plus

    My car was delivered late September 2020, and the range was listed at 402 miles. But, it did show 403 a couple times after charging to 100% :)
  29. redmunds

    Question on FSD and making a turn

    If you don't set a destination with the navigation system, then it tries to figure out the destination. First it looks to see if Calendar is setup and there is an upcoming appointment that has a destination. Otherwise, the destination is Home.
  30. redmunds

    When does homelink auto skip?

    What do you mean by "auto skip"?
  31. redmunds

    Disturbance at super charger

    The Supercharger Idle fee should also apply to ICE vehicles: https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharger-idle-fee "If the car is moved within 5 minutes, the fee is waived. Idle fees only apply when a Supercharger station is at 50% capacity or more. Idle fees double when the station is at 100%...
  32. redmunds

    Should I get a Model 3 Performance? Charging concerns.

    If you can't move the fridge, can you put it on a timer so that it doesn't use any electricity at night (since you're not opening/closing it)? Then you can use the full circuit for your car.
  33. redmunds

    How do I explain this?

    We do have that -- it's called regenerative braking.
  34. redmunds

    2015 Model S - Can't see speed - blocked by steering wheel.

    There's an "Easy Entry" setting so that you can do this with a single Driver Profile. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/2012_2020_models/en_us/GUID-A2D0403E-3DAC-4695-A4E6-DC875F4DEDC3.html
  35. redmunds

    Phantom braking when a car is following you.

    That's interesting, but a single data point doesn't hold up statistically. Maybe try a few more times with someone you know following you.
  36. redmunds

    Lucid Air Grand Touring vs Tesla Model S Plaid.

    In 2021, Tesla produced 24,980 total of Model S/X combined. So estimating ~12,500 Model S per year, I think that's enough to compete with the Model S. Competition will benefit us all when it's time to buy the next car.
  37. redmunds

    What will FSD look like when fully released?

    What exactly do you mean by "released" ? Do you mean when the current "FSD beta" is rolled into FSD, which is still in "beta"? Or, do you mean further down the line when all "beta" labels are removed from FSD?
  38. redmunds

    Robotaxi vs robo chauffeur?

    What's your following distance set to? Make sure it's not 1 or 2. I crank mine up to 6 or 7.
  39. redmunds

    Forced Autopilot Disengagement problem

    I usually hold the wheel still and let FSD tug against me.
  40. redmunds

    which used model S with regular steering wheel to buy?

    But why, when you can just buy a slightly earlier model that has everything you want? I, personally, think that having no controls on the stalk is even worse than the yoke, but OP already made it clear they don't want a yoke, so no need to hijack the thread.
  41. redmunds

    which used model S with regular steering wheel to buy?

    I have a Sept. 2020 LR+ Raven that I love. Glad I bought when I did because the yoke is not for me.
  42. redmunds

    Breaking News: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Tesla re: FSD

    More likely, a gift card for the Tesla Store.
  43. redmunds

    Charging Survey Model S

    I usually only charge to 70%, but that wasn't a choice. Further questions that may be helpful: Around town habits vs. Roadtrip habits. Percent of time (or miles?) around town vs. road trip. Yearly mileage.
  44. redmunds

    Does Anybody Else 'Wave' ?

    What about a 2-handed wave when FSDb is active? :)
  45. redmunds

    Does FSD in a used Model S help?

    I think what @Carnook meant was that's is not transferable to a different Tesla. So, seller doesn't have any choice to make -- FSD goes with the car when it is sold. Unless (as you say) car is sold to Tesla, because they'll remove FSD to try to get new owner to pay for it again.
  46. redmunds

    Removal of Model Type

    Newer Model S and X no longer have Model badging on the rear. Not sure exactly when they got rid of it. I have a Sept. '20 Model S that doesn't have it.
  47. redmunds

    Screen viewing by old eyes

    The most complete list of Voice Commands I've seen is here: https://www.notateslaapp.com/tesla-voice-commands/
  48. redmunds

    Autopilot = Aggressive Grandma

    For me, Autopilot works great in traffic that slows way down and then goes again. It saves a lot of effort. But when traffic comes to a complete stop before going again, I have to turn it off because it's too slow to get going again. Here in So. Cal., someone cuts into the gap (it seems like)...
  49. redmunds

    Tesla owner costs

    I have my Regenerative Braking settings on the maximum (Stopping Mode = Hold), so I hardly ever touch the brake pedal at all.
  50. redmunds

    Dear God, what is this thing?

    Pressing the ellipses (3 dots) pops up optional icons that you can select for your favorites. Note that you need to press and hold to see all of the icons (e.g. seat warmers, defrosters, etc.). That was an afterthought of a hack that I was hoping would be fixed by now, but it still seems to be...