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  1. HellsKitchen

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    I have my software download preference set to "Advanced" which downloads versions as soon as possible
  2. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My curiosity got the better of me and I subscribed. I have 11.4.9
  3. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Cars with sonic sensors is what I meant. Vision is the system that uses cameras only
  4. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    So I just talked to Tesla. They said that it's the sensors, rather than being on 2024.8.7 that might delay my FSD free trial. They're currently working on an update to 12.3 that will include non Vision Cars. He said if I subscribed today, I'd probably get the previous version. (11.9?)
  5. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I wonder what will happen if I subscribe to FSD for a month. It's listed on my app as an option.
  6. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I’ve got a 22 MYLR. I didn’t buy the FSD but I did subscribe a couple of times during months in which I’d take road trips. That was when driving on city streets was in beta only. I also have the updates set to ‘advanced’ which downloads and installs as soon as possible
  7. HellsKitchen

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    That would be great. I've got 2024.8.10 and am currently on 11.1
  8. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have a 2022 MYLR
  9. HellsKitchen

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    Not only do I not have the trial, but since I'm at 2024.8.7, I can't even get FSD 12. Oh Well
  10. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thank you for the explanation. The methodology makes zero sense to me.
  11. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's a 2022 MYLR. I didn't order FSD, but I subscribe for months in which I take road trips.
  12. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Can someone explain why the newer updates (I'm on 2024.8.7 but only v11.1) don't get the latest FSD updates? I don't understand how this works.
  13. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Meaning the free trial likely won't be available to me?
  14. HellsKitchen

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I just downloaded 2024.8.7 last night and I thought it was going to be the FSD free trial version, but no. Has anyone with this build been offered the FSD update yet?
  15. HellsKitchen

    2022.28.1 — Official Release Notes and Discussion

    When I navigate, it displays two or three routes, with its no. 1 suggestion outlined in red. To choose another, simply touch it.
  16. HellsKitchen

    2022.28.2 Cabin Overheat Protection Not working

    I did that first. It worked for a day. Now it's stopped again. It seems like the controls are only on the app, so perhaps that's the cause. In any event, Tesla is coming out tomorrow to check about a seat issue and they'll have a look.
  17. HellsKitchen

    2022.28.2 Cabin Overheat Protection Not working

    It stopped working for me right after I updated. I rebooted and it worked once; now it is not. Anyone else experiencing this?
  18. HellsKitchen

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    My big fear is that global warming will be such an impossible problem for capitalism to solve that public stock holdings will be worthless.
  19. HellsKitchen

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Any thoughts on the actual stock value?
  20. HellsKitchen

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Just for fun, and to see the range of confidence of the stock here, what is everyone's best guess as to what the value of a 50K TSLA investment would be worth in 2035?
  21. HellsKitchen

    Software wishlist

    This has probably been mentioned, especially with the regen braking being more subdued, but a variable regen braking setting would be great.
  22. HellsKitchen

    2022.28.1 — Official Release Notes and Discussion

    Downloading now. Looks like that wired controller I bought when i got my 22 MYLR isn't going to go to waste. I wonder if this will also add controller support to the existing games, like Sky Commander.
  23. HellsKitchen

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    It's not a sexy topic, but the lithium refinement news seems like a big deal.
  24. HellsKitchen

    Summon only working manually

    I meant that for service to come out and diagnose the problem.
  25. HellsKitchen

    Smart Summon not working, anyone else?

    Yep. It's never worked for me. I'll try turning off Sentry.
  26. HellsKitchen

    Summon only working manually

    I've tried it in various locations and scenarios. Tesla said today to try recalibrating the cameras. Although I only subscribe to FSD for road trips so I won't be able to have them test it unless It's a road trip month.
  27. HellsKitchen

    Where do you charge your Model Y to for daily use?

    It depends on the phase of the moon.
  28. HellsKitchen

    Summon only working manually

    I've tried in my own driveway and in various parking lots and always get the error message that quickly dithers between "not available in this location" and "camera degraded (or something like that..." Is this normal? I'm subscribed to FSD on a monthly basis.
  29. HellsKitchen

    Thoughts on next vehicle...

    I have a CT on order and if I decide to take delivery after I see the price and reviews, I'll probably trade in my 2022 MYLR.
  30. HellsKitchen

    Uncomfortable driver seat?

    I think the seats are very comfortable except that the headrests are so forward leaning. Though perhaps that's better support.
  31. HellsKitchen

    Autopilot and Traffic Light Detection?

    Right, but I meant that I couldn't see it. I just knew it was coming up because the route is familiar.
  32. HellsKitchen

    Autopilot and Traffic Light Detection?

    Something I've noticed while using FSD is that there are some traffic lights on my usual routes that the system announces (Stopping for traffic control or whatever) before you can actually see them. Has anyone else noticed this? I guess the easiest answer is that I am wrong about them being...
  33. HellsKitchen

    Trouble Connecting with App when Car is Asleep

    I am. Here is my little adventure last weekend: Got Locked Out
  34. HellsKitchen

    Matrix headlights on MYLR

    I'm not sweating the matrix lights at all. These lights and auto setting on my 22 LR has been great.
  35. HellsKitchen

    Model Y Nit List

    As a nit upon a nit, I would love to see both the flasher signals and the blind spot cameras appear at the far left or far right of the screen, depending. That would help easily confirm in an instant that I have the correct flasher on. Yes, I know you can move the blind spot display position...
  36. HellsKitchen

    Model Y rear passenger clunking sound only during acceleration and slowing down.

    I assumed what I've been hearing was my cable case shifting around (the velcro doesn't work because I put in all-weather mats).
  37. HellsKitchen

    Model Y Nit List

    Newest pet peeve: Tune In radio mutes for a few moments when I switch from park to drive. I can't figure out why this would be useful.
  38. HellsKitchen

    SiriusXM on Model Y

    Awesome. Guess I'll install that AM radio now lol
  39. HellsKitchen

    Got locked out

  40. HellsKitchen

    Tesla App won't connect remotely

    Just posted this thread: Got locked out
  41. HellsKitchen

    Bio Hazard Now Standard on Model Y

    Took delivery three weeks ago of a MYLR Cali build. I have BDM.
  42. HellsKitchen

    frunk open on the app no longer asking for confirmation

    I didn't mind the extra step required to open the frunk from anywhere in the world; I hope they make it an option.
  43. HellsKitchen

    Got locked out

    Yesterday was a real crapshow. My car has been intermittently not connecting to the app. Yesterday, I parked at the park and ride garage, as I normally do. During the day, the car would not connect to the app and I tried to fix this by signing in and then out. That didn't work so I reinstalled...
  44. HellsKitchen

    Missing Games in Arcade?

    Maybe they will add it back when controller support comes back. It doesn't make sense paying Sega royalties on cars that can't use the games.