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  1. hingus2000

    Car 'keyed' caught on sentry

    Just checking my dashcam footage on my laptop for the first time. Sadly it seems the footage saved whenever the "save" button is hit is pretty much up to the save moment and not beyond. Given that for any enforcement to take place, police like to see a couple of minutes before and after, it...
  2. hingus2000

    Car 'keyed' caught on sentry

    Outrageous. I’d report it to the police, not just FB. Hope he gets the book thrown at him. Keep us updated. On a related note, I’m increasingly saving dashcam footage of bad/obnoxious driving, occasionally saying to myself “I’m definitely reporting this guy”. Haven’t bothered to date but I’m...
  3. hingus2000

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I swear I got 130+ at South Mimms yesterday. Wasn’t really concentrating but I recall momentarily thinking “I thought 125 was the max here”.
  4. hingus2000

    Wife, kids and dogs in a M3?

    We’ve done five adults and our whippet (on the laps of the folks in the back), but another dog would be pushing it. Any excuse to show off our Tesla driving whippet.
  5. hingus2000

    travel to London, charge while parked.

    The answer really already exists in the form of Source London. Yes, it’s expensive but the spots tend to be in premium locations and it is no more expensive than parking would be anyway. I don’t think I’ve ever gone anywhere in central London that isn’t within 5 mins of a Source spot.
  6. hingus2000

    Crazy high residuals

    Is there any way an ordinary lease customer can see the benefit of strong residuals? I suppose it notionally should make leasing a Tesla somewhat cheaper at the outset, but once in a lease, if residuals are stronger than is originally priced into the cost of the lease, is there any way that can...
  7. hingus2000

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    FYI South Mimms supercharger was totally out of action this afternoon, apparently due to a lack of power. It was coned off. No indication in the car navigation other than the live number of spaces not showing - instead just showing the old electricity bolt.
  8. hingus2000

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    The roundabout issue is extremely common around me in London. The circumstances seem pretty consistent: always mini roundabouts in which you are turning right and from memory where that right turn is the second exit (i.e. straight-on is the first exit) and yet the car states “first exit”.
  9. hingus2000

    Model 3 - Dog and Baby Tetris.

    Our whippet sits on the bank bench relatively contently now (when she’s not driving, see pics) - although it was a bit of a journey to get her to do so. We put a blanket over the back seats and she is plugged into the seat belt via a harness. The seat heaters are a godsend - and tend to send her...
  10. hingus2000

    LTNs [low traffic neighbourhood] and Tesla Navigation

    Fair question. Happy to explain: Yesterday I had to drive my (pregnant) wife to a meet up with friends 1.5 miles away, albeit at a pub in an area we are not familiar with. It took 35 minutes. Only partly due to traffic, but massively because of being taken down routes and constantly having to...
  11. hingus2000

    LTNs [low traffic neighbourhood] and Tesla Navigation

    I downloaded Waze to take a look and it seems to be deliberately avoiding them. I guess that will have to be my solution for the “last mile”.
  12. hingus2000

    LTNs [low traffic neighbourhood] and Tesla Navigation

    I absolutely don’t want this to be about the merits of LTNs themselves. Rather it is more how the new spate of LTNs is massively highlighting how out of date the Tesla maps currently are in the UK. I don’t mind LTNs as long as I can navigate around them, but the Tesla simply doesn’t recognise...
  13. hingus2000

    Packed Superchargers

    My own totally non-scientific observations of the last few weeks can also confirm that there has been a massive influx of newbies. Lots of confused new owners pulling into South Mimms without a clue as to what to do.
  14. hingus2000

    South Mimms [supercharger parking]

    Anyone else noticed increasing number of Tesla drivers parking outside of the South Mimms Supercharger area, in the public car park that backs onto the chargers, and charging from the wrong side? Chaos today, because it becomes completely impossible to judge if a charger is free or not...
  15. hingus2000

    Poll - 14 day EAP trial!

    Any lease customers at all with it?
  16. hingus2000

    Audio Favourites & Spotify interaction

    Noticed yesterday that the favourite audio sources section of my Model 3 has been polluted with a bunch of junk from Spotify (e.g. saved/liked playlists and albums from Spotify itself). It really defeats the object of specifically saving favourites in the car and has made quickly navigating to...
  17. hingus2000


    Good job done by Autoglass today. I need to take a proper look at it in the daylight but first signs are that you would never tell the panels had been resprayed. Quite the setup they bring on-site, a mobile body shop in a huge tent. One side effect is that my Model 3 has been debadged...
  18. hingus2000


    Autoglass Bodyworks came through with a decent quote in the end. £634 and a reputable company so have gone with that. The main challenge is finding somewhere for them to do the work as they typically work on your drive - which doesn’t help us London flat dwellers! Will report back once the work...
  19. hingus2000


    I did - unbelievably they say there is no coverage in my area, which I find incredible for North London!
  20. hingus2000


    Stoke Newington. I just wish sentry mode was that bit more efficient for those of us only with street parking. I’m losing about 5% a day leaving it on, which although not fatal, the cost of which will add up over the course of the lifetime of the car when coupled with only having recourse to...
  21. hingus2000


    Waiting on a few more quotes but had a slightly more reasonable one at £980. Given my excess with DL is £850, unless a particularly competitive quote comes in it looks like it will make most sense to go through DL - and at least then you know they’re using a Tesla approved body shop...
  22. hingus2000


    My local Tesla approved body shop wants £6000 :eek:.
  23. hingus2000


    Should I be slightly surprised that the alarm didn’t go off, even with sentry off? Or is it a much higher bar to trigger it?
  24. hingus2000


    Will lookup Acton Coachworks, thanks. No damage to other cars as far as I can see. As annoyed as I am, I’m more baffled. Why bother? Why arbitrarily inflict unnecessary misery on someone you don’t know?
  25. hingus2000


    Sentry not on unfortunately. I hadn’t (until today) seen it a good use of the phantom drain and huge number of notifications I’d get from sentry mode being left on while parked on the street outside my house. I’m revisiting that assessment now!
  26. hingus2000


    Pics attached. I guess it is always something of a risk having no off-street parking, but still massively frustrating! No idea who “IONNA” is! Anyone with any experience getting a keyed Tesla repaired? Will any bodyshop do it or should I ask Tesla?
  27. hingus2000

    Tesla All Weather Protection Kit [mudflaps/ppf] - Anyone in the UK Been Contacted?

    Got the following email from Tesla this morning: “As your delivery was after April 2nd 2020, mud flaps in the UK should have been fitted to all cars already. If you did not receive yours on delivery, please reach out to your local service center on [email protected] requesting these.” Pretty sure...
  28. hingus2000

    Tesla All Weather Protection Kit [mudflaps/ppf] - Anyone in the UK Been Contacted?

    What’s the profile of your cars and location? Nothing here yet (June 2020 M3, London).
  29. hingus2000

    Tesla account - Supercharger history

    As a possibly related data point: I had not been credited with the free miles for a couple of referrals. I had been complaining to Tesla who kept saying it was a known issue and they would get back to me. Anyway last week they said their developers had fixed the issue and I should now have the...
  30. hingus2000

    Referral issues

    Yep, I use supercharges weekly. Being charged cash!
  31. hingus2000

    Referral issues

    Bringing this back up as I still haven’t been credited the miles for the two referrals I made. I could almost understand if the referrals weren’t literally showing as successful and delivered in my account. I’ve just not been given the miles for them. Tesla cycle between not responding and...
  32. hingus2000

    [UK] 2020.44.x

    The update to Spotify is revolutionary. Absolutely what was needed. Like using a full desktop version of Spotify. Excellent.
  33. hingus2000

    New Assisted Driver Grading

    I agree with the article in so far as I find taking over the steering from Autopilot requires way too much of a jerk. I appreciate this needs to be balanced with the steering not accounting for unintended inputs, but you basically can't take over from Autopilot without all your passengers...
  34. hingus2000

    Model 3 premium audio in RHD/UK

    Really interesting. Particularly good to see a suggested set of EQ values. I must admit to my untrained ear I haven’t found the perfect setup yet. I find that the front (windscreen) speakers dominate the sound stage, to the point where you don’t really get any impression that sound is being...
  35. hingus2000

    Will the FSD Re-write Include AP and Enhanced AP?

    Despite being a high end software architect/manager you seem to have missed the point somewhat :). The subject of this thread is not a hardware fork. Assume everyone is on HW3. The subject is the difference between FSD and EAP which is a merely a software difference and one that folks can...
  36. hingus2000

    Phone Key Not Accepted

    Same issue this morning actually. Phone key not recognised but app functions work fine. Will try a reboot of the phone / bluetooth.
  37. hingus2000

    Phone Key Not Accepted

    Had a strange one yesterday. I was playing around with NFC tags to open the Frunk, which involved an iOS Shortcut script using the Tesla API. I probably did make repeated instructions to open the Frunk in a short period of time, some of which worked and some didn’t. Anyway a few hours later...
  38. hingus2000

    Referral issues

    Similar boat here: I’ve just used up the last of my 400kWh for being referred myself. Despite me referring someone else, them having been delivered the car and the referral showing in my account as ‘Delivered’, I have never been credited with another 400kWh. I had been waiting to use up my...
  39. hingus2000

    [poll] Longterm TeslaCam hardware reliability

    My TeslaCam was really intermittent and would need regular re-formatting. I am using an endurance micro-SD card. However since I swapped card readers, it has been flawless - so I think my original card reader (a tiny, thumbnail-style one) was the weak link.
  40. hingus2000

    [UK] 2020.36.x

    I find Autopilot pretty good on motorways - where it is meant to be used. I genuinely think it makes the drive less weary and in my experience the car feels like it’s on rails. Autopilot on non-motorways is definitely another kettle of fish!
  41. hingus2000

    2020.36.3.1 Release notes

    Still waiting for the update to 36 here. I'm currently on 32.5. I've tended to receive all updates to-date really promptly, probably paying my dues down the queue right now.
  42. hingus2000

    Have you ever kerbed your Aero wheels?

    Yes - every other week. For reference I only have street parking at home. They are completely unforgiving. There is no tyre ‘bump’. If you touch the curb you scrape the rims unless you’re approaching at a very wide angle. I’ve actually taken to deliberately turning fully into the curb to feel...
  43. hingus2000

    Voice control not hearing anything

    I’ve been having exactly the same recently and pretty chronic since the last update. Nearly posted my own thread about it.
  44. hingus2000

    Plate fixing tip [Velcro heavy duty tape]

    Will removing the tape (at the end of a lease, for example) damage the car’s paintwork underneath?
  45. hingus2000

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    TeslaMate has appeared to log itself out a couple of days ago and I just had to log back in using my Tesla details. I’ve lost about 48 hours of data. Is there anyway of knowing when this will happen in future and avoiding it?
  46. hingus2000

    What did you do to your Tesla Model 3 today?

    Looks great. Where was this one from?
  47. hingus2000

    [UK] 2020.32.x

    32.5 downloading here (from 32.3). No sign of a Nav update yet.
  48. hingus2000

    Goodbye Aero Covers

    Had a good look at the car with the Aeros on and off, and decided I much prefer the car with them on. The alloys underneath are nice enough, but they make the 18” wheels look a lot smaller. The futuristic look of the Aeros sets the M3 apart IMO.
  49. hingus2000

    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    I’d like navigation and the driving UI to be better. It’s OK at the moment, but when the beautiful screen forms such a large part of the car, it could be better. Some really easy wins include announcing when you are being re-routed for a quicker journey. Google does this, says how much time it...
  50. hingus2000

    Pedestrian Warning System - Arrived in UK yet?

    Do all current Model 3s have the external speaker? Or is it a new feature?