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  1. theganjaguru

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    I don't know about that. I've written a few lucid, articulate, and factual comments rebutting SA's outlandish negative remarks regarding TSLA, only to have them not published or removed. This behavior does not show integrity. It only proves that they have an agenda to slander. Plus my inbox is...
  2. theganjaguru

    The TESLA Motors Battery Pack Kit

    Personally I think it's a great idea to make a Tesla conversion kit.... Maybe because I've had the same idea myself. :biggrin: If TSLA made a kit for converting the most sold vehicle in a certain class say a Toyota Corolla or something they could sell kits. It would help Elons goals of EVs...
  3. theganjaguru

    Model S Pole Crash.

    That's not IIHS. You are talking about safercar.gov which is the governments safety ratings. IIHS does more rigorous tests (IMHO) They are totally different tests and have not been conducted/published yet. http://www.iihs.org/RATINGS/ - - - Updated - - -
  4. theganjaguru

    Model S Pole Crash.

    ... This accident involved a young driver. She could have been txt messaging. I wouldn't start jumping to conclusions so quick. Though I have to admit I'm a buttons and nobs kind of man. I like that tactile feedback. It's a lot easier to reach for that nob and blindly twist to adjust the AC...
  5. theganjaguru

    Model S at Hertz

    I wonder if the people at hertz are aware of the vampire loss because at that rate that car is going to be sitting in the lot looking pretty.
  6. theganjaguru

    WTB Model S 40kWh

    There is a blue 40kw (listed as a 45 kw) on AutoTrader here in San Diego. It's been listed for a while so I imagine the seller is trying to turn a profit. I've notice that people aren't in a hurry to sell as they've listed their cars for a profit. Cars for Sale: 2013 Tesla Model S in Rancho...
  7. theganjaguru

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    I am a poor man. But I went with TSLA anyways!!!
  8. theganjaguru

    First Model S Sighting in Kona, Hawaii!

    sooo cool to see a Tesla on BI.. and now for a PSA. Vertical Video Syndrome - A PSA - YouTube
  9. theganjaguru

    Random Model S sightings

    Finally synced my camera. A few random sightings since March... La Jolla, CA My first time parking next to a Tesla My pops sent me this one this AM - Tesla rolling through Tahoe City, CA. - one word accompanied this pic.. Silent.
  10. theganjaguru

    BMW i

    I just got an email from BMW today about the i's carbon fiber frame. It makes me wonder if carbon fiber frames are in the design for GEN III and maybe even model X...
  11. theganjaguru

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    ... I know I shouldn't wish ill will, but personally I hope it takes them a bit of time to figure it out...
  12. theganjaguru

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    The shorts are freaking out right now... This guys pulled estimates out of his bum. He ignores the fact that there is a big asterisk next to tesla on the Autodata chart that says Estimated. Then attributes the change the autodata numbers is due to demand when we all know it's due to European...
  13. theganjaguru

    Should Tesla Motors be the First to Commercialize New Battery Technology?

    Maybe... But I prefer to reply in wordy paragraphs! :biggrin: Plus I do think that eventually getting into battery chemistry could benefit tesla. However, I do like your short and eloquent translation. - PS,I haven't seen your BGC around San Diego yet.
  14. theganjaguru

    Should Tesla Motors be the First to Commercialize New Battery Technology?

    ... But tesla has been innovating with battery management technology. - Thermal management, Supercharging etc. - The Nat Geo program on the TSLA factory stated that TSLA is using a proprietary pattern for lining up the battery cells when they make the packs. And since they are selling their...
  15. theganjaguru

    Sourcing materials and sustainability of the Model S

    Mercedes and BMW use hemp in door and dashboard components. I guess hemp is too expensive to use while it still must be grown outside the US. It would be great if Tesla started to offer more green materials such as hemp and flax for their base interiors or recycled PET for their interior carpets.
  16. theganjaguru

    ?Fake: New NHSTA Compliant filed 07/01/2013

    I only say South African Mafia because Elon hails from South Africa. - though I won't disagree with you.. The Russians are crazy!
  17. theganjaguru

    ?Fake: New NHSTA Compliant filed 07/01/2013

    Definitely a fake. I had a faulty spiral cable on my truck. I discovered on the owner forums that there were hundreds of other people with the same issue. So I reported it to the NHTSB. Per the NHTSB instructins, I placed my vin number on the complaint so that the NHTSB would be able to verify...
  18. theganjaguru

    Devils advocating...from someone who shorted TSLA

    @Realist - Thank you for shorting! Please continue! - Get as many friends as you can to short, because I am so happy with the results of your logic. Though you should really adjust your logic on batteries. - but don't change your logic on shorting TSLA!!! 1. Because battery tech will...
  19. theganjaguru

    Model S On Wrecked Exotics

    So sad http://wreckedexotics.com/newphotos/exotics2013jun24/2013-tesla-model-s-8273.shtml
  20. theganjaguru

    Has it dawned on anyone?

    I couldn't disagree with the OP more. Talking to the other party and compromising are acceptable tools when dealing with an existing contract between two disputing parties. Compromising just because the other party is big and powerful goes against everything a democracy stands for. The fact is...
  21. theganjaguru

    June 20th Speculation

    Your concern is exactly why I believe TSLA started marketing their faultless battery warranty. Another way for TSLA to mitigate your concern would be to set standards for a battery to be swappable, so if it isn't able to charge to at least X% of original capacity then it becomes a backup battery...
  22. theganjaguru

    Can Money-Saving Driving Monitors Be Installed in the Model S for Insurance Purposes?

    I'm not sure I'd use progressives snap shot even if it were "compatible". Lots of people ended up with dead batteries. Courthouse News Service
  23. theganjaguru

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    I noticed as of 5/15/13 there were 23m shares - though they had a day to cover. At that time I believe TSLA was about $80 a share Anyone care to tell me if they think if the shorts are still in the game and do they still have effect on the stock price? Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) Short Interest -...
  24. theganjaguru

    8 Model S on Autotrader.com

    I was surprised to see 8 Model S on Autotrader.com. Then I looked at the prices. Looks like people are trying to make some money. A couple of the listings state that the wait to receive is still Months. Find Your Car: Tesla Model S Listings Near La Jolla, CA 92037 - AutoTrader.com
  25. theganjaguru

    swegman: Car won't turn on (screens are dark)

    Any update on the status of this issue? I've been most curious about your path to a resolution. Thanks!
  26. theganjaguru

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    Vampire Draw - Sleep Mode - Physical Start Button My buddy and I were discussing the fact that while the whole process of placing your keister in the seat is what starts the MS is cool, it does take away the power/decision of the driver, and people don't like to have their power taken away. I...
  27. theganjaguru

    It's the Batteries, Stupid!

    I hope this is the future for future Teslas... Especially if these supercapcitors can be made so inexpensively
  28. theganjaguru

    Elon Musk's Interest in Supercapacitors

    Supercapacitor made inexpensively.. Wouldn't this be sweet if this was the future of the Tesla product line?!? http://vimeo.com/51873011
  29. theganjaguru

    Suggestion Box: What colors would you like Tesla to add?

    I think Tesla should add some lighter colors.. their blue and green colors are so dark that they will be hard to keep clean.. my truck is speedway blue and I absolutely love it, partly because even when it's super dirty it looks quite clean... Here's a ultra quick PS.
  30. theganjaguru

    Outstanding article on Tesla marketing

    I think this small sentence (inability to go on a roadtrip) is highly misleading. Forum members have already driven across the country without a supercharger network. Sure you have to plan your roadtrip, but the model S is quite capable. This bullet point makes it appear that Tesla's...
  31. theganjaguru

    Best Guess on Future Model S Options

    I found it this AM while I was cruising the TM Job Board linked from the TM site... I have no idea how long it's been posted
  32. theganjaguru

    Best Guess on Future Model S Options

    Tesla will definitely have AWD in the Model S based off this job posting: Careers | Tesla Motors Required to build ‘mule’ model S 4WD vehicles by modifying model S 2WD vehicles.
  33. theganjaguru

    Random Model S sightings

    Saw the sig red again at the UTC mall in La Jolla... Wasn't running later his time. She is vin 416 for you vin trackers
  34. theganjaguru

    Random Model S sightings

    Um, today I've learned that I need to strip metadata from things before posting them on forums... My "PC" is running 10.6 - I didn't use iphoto to import this one and it still showed right side up... Well at least now you know your dad is competent...
  35. theganjaguru

    Random Model S sightings

    ... I guess I am officially a Model S stalker.. I spotted this at UTC mall in La Jolla, CA ... sig red tan interior. I was running late to Yoga, so the pic of the vin is too blurry to discern anything... - - - Updated - - - The pic was right side up on my computer... Mods?
  36. theganjaguru

    Zinc-air batteries

    Zinc Air Battery on a Tesla? It looks like they have taken this to the next level... Could Zinc batteries be part of the Model X and future Tesla products? $12,000, 340 Mile Zinc-Air Battery Could Hit Markets Next Year - Gas 2
  37. theganjaguru

    Build quality: alignment of trunk

    Greetings. Longtime reader. My 2cents... After glancing through this thread no one has measured the tolerance of the alleged gaps between panels with any scientific instrument, or even a piece of paper for that matter.... Everything I've read thus far is subjective to interpretations as you...