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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

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I'm still in the 'short term TSLA price movements' thread, right?

I can understand your confusion. This is the "talk about anything and everything investment related TSLA or not until we get too far off track and a mod breaks it into a separate thread" thread. Occasionally it is the "come by and lecture traders about how they should just buy and forget because there is nothing to talk about on the long-term investment thread" thread.

I jest of course. =)
My guess, which is worth next to nothing at this point, is that an ever greater percentage of new buyers are not day traders and are more the "buy and forget" type. With my limited understanding, that should make it harder for larger holders and shorts to make maneuvers that would manipulate the price, right? hoping this will lead to a steady and more stable upward trend.

It's a bit anecdotal I know, but the number of average folks I'm running into who are buying without any regard to anyone's analysis but just based on a feeling and also simply because they like the company, is remarkable, perhaps unique in it's breadth.
Picking up super nicely now from falling in to the $133's after crossing $135. I know it's tiny movements but it demonstrates enormous strength in my eyes: every time we've had an ATH peak before we have had a significant drop afterwards and it has taken days or weeks to get to the top again... Maybe there is something to the more and more "buy and hold" type investors entering as per 100thApe's theory?
Picking up super nicely now from falling in to the $133's after crossing $135. I know it's tiny movements but it demonstrates enormous strength in my eyes: every time we've had an ATH peak before we have had a significant drop afterwards and it has taken days or weeks to get to the top again... Maybe there is something to the more and more "buy and hold" type investors entering as per 100thApe's theory?

Or we are not at the peak yet... ;)
After seeing shortslaver profiting handsomely on the AUG $130 monthlies I bought some of those on Friday...Up 32% today at the end of the day so I sold them and changed them out for half as many Mar14 $150 and still was able to keep some profit. If it keeps going up I still profit some, if it goes down for TSLA Tuesday I won't lose as much. If it hangs out here I won't have as much theta decay. I kept the two AUG $160 calls I bought end of day Friday even though they are up 50% from where I bought them because that's almost no money compared to the rest of my holdings, though in retrospect maybe it probably would've been smart to offload them anyway...
Any Crazy SOB out there have September $190 calls? If so, congrats to you on your near 100% gain today :smile:

My Aug 190's are up 66% today, too bad they constitute a very small portion of overall holdings.

Jonathan - Like a fool, I sold my Aug 160's on Fri after seeing the theta hit I was taking each day. Would've been worth nearly twice as much as I bought them for today :(

I'm really wondering what sort of run-up this is going to turn into after last week's relative flatness.
My Aug 190's are up 66% today, too bad they constitute a very small portion of overall holdings.

Jonathan - Like a fool, I sold my Aug 160's on Fri after seeing the theta hit I was taking each day. Would've been worth nearly twice as much as I bought them for today :(

I'm really wondering what sort of run-up this is going to turn into after last week's relative flatness.

sold my aug 150 on friday. sucks but made a nice profit so it's all good.
What options are you thinking about ShortSlaver? I was thinking about getting back on the Aug $150s again on a dip

Not sure yet, going to wait and see what happens the next few days. The stock closed strong it looks like so I have no idea right now.

I feel like it's moving up fast in anticipation so might just wait until Monday or Tuesday next week to figure it out. If it keeps moving up, it would make sense for a lot of people to take profits before earnings to avoid that risk. Might find a "discount" then.

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After seeing shortslaver profiting handsomely on the AUG $130 monthlies I bought some of those on Friday...Up 32% today at the end of the day so I sold them and changed them out for half as many Mar14 $150 and still was able to keep some profit. If it keeps going up I still profit some, if it goes down for TSLA Tuesday I won't lose as much. If it hangs out here I won't have as much theta decay. I kept the two AUG $160 calls I bought end of day Friday even though they are up 50% from where I bought them because that's almost no money compared to the rest of my holdings, though in retrospect maybe it probably would've been smart to offload them anyway...

Congrats on the win! I was purely lucky there! Like you, I think I have a "feel" for this stock....but of course, just when you think you know....

Good luck on the 150's! I hope to get back in that action soon.

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At this point, I would have done better with "buy and forget".

Pretty much. Almost nobody long has lost and unless you've played the volatility perfectly (nobody has obviously) you're doing well. Fire and forget, especially for those who bought under $40, has been the best strategy to date.

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sold my aug 150 on friday. sucks but made a nice profit so it's all good.

Making profit's never sucks. What sucks is when everything falls apart in an instance and it's all gone. Congrats! Treat yourself tonight!
The stock closed strong it looks like so I have no idea right now.
I feel like it's moving up fast in anticipation so might just wait until Monday or Tuesday next week to figure it out. If it keeps moving up, it would make sense for a lot of people to take profits before earnings to avoid that risk. Might find a "discount" then.
Like you, I think I have a "feel" for this stock....but of course, just when you think you know....
Haha, you're too generous...I think you have a much better feel than me! I followed your lead with those AUG 130s ;) Either way, I agree, I have no idea right now. I do agree that there may be a discount the day or 2 before earnings. If so I plan to buy some weekly options if that happens. As for now I'll stick to my longer term calls and my stock! (and those 2 rogue Aug 160s, haha, though will likely sell those soon)
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