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  1. Eclectic

    TESLA Headed for Lack of Cash Again?

    Though my degree in Economics was obviously different from hers, AOC has the answer. Tesla should just announce that it will provide a rebate of $10,000 for each car they sell up to 1,000,000 cars, then cancel the rebate before anyone can buy a car under the plan. Voila, they will have $10...
  2. Eclectic

    If you're looking for a P85D+...

    A few months ago we traded our P85D+ in to a BMW dealer for a 530e. The dealer gave us about $54,000 for the car and then tried to sell it on their used lot for something like $58k. It sat for a few weeks and then went to auction. The car was bought by a place in Southern California and they...
  3. Eclectic

    All else equal is a 4yr CPO P85D vs. 4yr CPO 85D worth an extra $6,000?

    A few things...we also were in the Bay Area when we owned our P85D. When Musk first introduced the P85D we placed our reservation that night, then found out the car was originally not offering the 19" wheels. So we called our service adviser to cancel the order, as the 21" simply would have...
  4. Eclectic

    All else equal is a 4yr CPO P85D vs. 4yr CPO 85D worth an extra $6,000?

    It is worth it unless you are more interested in minimizing the cost of purchase. The P85D I owned was one of the best cars I've ever had. The 85Ds that I drove were appliances in comparison. I care about performance, though, and my P85D was a "plus", which may have made the case more compelling.
  5. Eclectic

    Deloitte: Automakers may have completely overestimated how many people want electric cars

    Where firms in Deloitte's space add value is producing an analysis of something that has already happened. They are simply awful at producing accurate forward looking reports.
  6. Eclectic

    Tesla Model S, X Hold Higher Resale Value Than Rivals

    Same thing in the US. We paid something like $130k US for our P85D and got a bit over $50k in trade after 4 years and under 60k miles. It turns out that the dealer who took it in trade tried to sell it for $56k, had no buyers and sent it to auction where it went for about $45k.
  7. Eclectic

    This isn't good - charging rate increase

    We? I can see how you've bought into your own self deception, but you've not come close to selling it to me.
  8. Eclectic

    This isn't good - charging rate increase

    Exactly. There are so many real benefits to EVs that glomming onto refueling times seems silly. That was why I disagreed with the post that started this detour.
  9. Eclectic

    This isn't good - charging rate increase

    I haven't been in Spring, TX, but pretty much everywhere else has gas stations on every major street. If you have to do anything more than pull into a gas station, you're not doing it right. Personally, I'd rather take 5 minutes once every week and a half on my way to the office to fill up the...
  10. Eclectic

    This isn't good - charging rate increase

    You asked why I disagreed...and I disagree with your 7 second a day figure as well. There are plenty of reasons to like EVs, but I don't think fuelling time savings is a really compelling (or accurate) point.
  11. Eclectic

    This isn't good - charging rate increase

    You're not counting the time it takes to plug in/unplug every day. When I owned a Tesla I had to back into my garage to plug in and then remember to plug in and unlplug. Maybe a minute a day at most, right? Yet that's up to 7 minutes a week, and it takes about 5 minutes to fuel an ICE car...
  12. Eclectic

    90% Of Electric Car Owners Won’t Return To Gas

    I tried to find the actual report from "Fully Charged" and have yet to find it. There's no link in the article and when I go to the Fully Charged website I can't find the story either. It looks like this study, if it's real, was conducted in Europe. There doesn't seem to be any info on...
  13. Eclectic

    Effect of 0 range for several weeks

    The VIN is 69152. I guess we got lucky with the price...the dealer who we traded it to gave us $53k and then tried to sell it for $56k, dropped it to $55k and then sent it to auction. Assuming that the 0 range on the battery isn't going to hurt it, anyone looking for a P85D+ should keep an...
  14. Eclectic

    Effect of 0 range for several weeks

    So even though I don't own the car anymore, I get notifications from the Tesla app about my recently sold P85D. We sold it about 3 weeks ago and it the app started to alert me that the car needed a charge about 2.5 weeks ago. The car sat in the dealer's lot with 0 miles range showing, then...
  15. Eclectic

    A Tesla Owner's Goodbye

    Well, it's a bit short of 5 years, but we put a ton of miles on the new car in the past 10 or so days. Just about 3,000 miles going from the Bay Area to Bozeman and back for the holidays. Weather was a bit sporty...lots of snow in the past few days and cold temps overall. It's obviously too...
  16. Eclectic

    A Tesla Owner's Goodbye

    The thing is that I live in today, not in some future time of maybes or mights. We traded in our P85D and got a brand new BMW 5 series with no money out of pocket after the tax kickbacks. The BMW gets 40+ mpg, is exceedingly comfortable, very quiet and has great handling. Plus it is a fun car...
  17. Eclectic

    A Tesla Owner's Goodbye

    Yep, got all of the driving assists. BMW separates the assists into separate packages but we got a car with all of them. Funny you mention Subaru, as we also bought a Subaru Outback a few months ago for our home in Montana. I can't imagine the Y being competition for it in cold and rural...
  18. Eclectic

    A Tesla Owner's Goodbye

    Well, we are now a Tesla free household for the first time in 5 years. As early adopters, we took risks in buying a Model S and overall, I leave the fold very impressed. Teslas are smart cars in many ways and we actually never had any problems with either of our Teslas. In the end, there...
  19. Eclectic

    2014 P85D+ Green, no ludicrous

  20. Eclectic

    2014 P85D+ Green, no ludicrous

    While I thought we were going to keep this car for the foreseeable future, it turns out that my wife is going to have to resume her commute into SF and now needs a car with the HOV sticker. So...up for sale is a 2014 P85D+. We didn't upgrade to ludicrous and the car has a bit under 58,000...
  21. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    Ah, I see. Well, you'll be very angry to find out that after the government conducted an investigation into what happened and released its report, the WSJ again blamed Northrop.
  22. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    I actually don't know what the error was in the first place, but looking through the WSJ archives the story from Jan 11 2018 includes this: "In the wake of the event, industry and government officials focused on operation of certain hardware, called an adapter, which attached the payload to the...
  23. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    I guess I'm lucky that you're not a mod. Unless you are, and are just being quite benevolent.
  24. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    That's not quite how I read the story. The story says that Musk first used SpaceX assets/resources for Boring Co. (a classic case of fraud when one person controls two ostensibly separate companies) and didn't get approval for it from either the SpaceX board or SpaceX investors/debtholders...
  25. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    That, sir, is a question I will not answer, as the WSJ shows up on time every day while I'm still waiting for the things Musk promised four years ago at the P85D launch event...
  26. Eclectic

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    Rule 10b-5 (the anti-fraud rule) applies to all securities, not just publicly traded ones. So since SpaceX is selling bonds right now (a security), Musk taking money from Space X to pay for his tunnel hobby (where the Space X bondholders have no claim in the event of a default) is certainly...
  27. Eclectic

    Non Tesla EV charging at supercharger?

    Did it look like this?
  28. Eclectic

    Musk: ‘I Do Not Respect the SEC’

    The problem is that the SEC was enforcing the rule that is used against insider trading when it sued Musk. Rule 10b-5 is an incredibly broad rule that has been used by the SEC to prosecute pretty much anything it doesn't like. The only way to bring the SEC into line is to reduce its powers...
  29. Eclectic

    Musk: ‘I Do Not Respect the SEC’

    I've also had to deal with the SEC for 20+ years, as a lawyer handling securities offerings and M&A. Like most government agencies, they are not worth the price paid. As one example, take a prospectus of offering circular. Lawyers read them, accountants might read the financial sections, and...
  30. Eclectic

    Public attention in the Model S?

    Yep, that is it. My brother lives in Navarre and when he retired from the Air Force a few years ago he wanted to buy some land for a farm nearby. It just happened that the best piece of property was a bit northwest of him. So we went in 50/50 on the land and I get some pretty good steaks out...
  31. Eclectic

    Public attention in the Model S?

    Well, I have a little farm in rural Alabama...near Red Level...so if I am at the farm and see you I might do a double take, but I would assume that most everyone else won't even notice it. The folk who live in my part of Alabama probably know generally about electric cars but wouldn't have an...
  32. Eclectic

    Musk tweets, traffic lights, stop signs and roundabouts are in testing

    This is very exciting news! I hope it means that all the promises made 4 years ago about how the P85D will have similar capabilities will finally be realized.
  33. Eclectic

    WSJ Panamera - Why?!?

    I now understand TL;DR. Goodbye.
  34. Eclectic

    Trump threatens to end subsidies for electric vehicles

    So you won't answer a basic question. I'm not surprised, since you also attribute statements to me that I never made. I never said the 9th Circuit is a "crazy outlier". Someone else said that. I took issue with your misinterpretation of the data, which is rooted in your lack of knowledge as...
  35. Eclectic

    WSJ Panamera - Why?!?

    We're in a bit of a unique situation since we split our time between the Bay Area and Montana. The Panamera will join the Subaru Outback we bought earlier this year in Montana. A typical drive there is usually at least 200 miles+ without a supercharger nearby, so a nice high speed cruiser like...
  36. Eclectic

    Trump threatens to end subsidies for electric vehicles

    I'll ask again: Are you a lawyer?
  37. Eclectic

    WSJ Panamera - Why?!?

    To be clear, we're actually keeping the P85D+ as well (for now). The resale market on P85Ds is pretty tragic and since we have unlimited supercharging for the life of the car we're going to use it to run errands around town, park at the airport, etc. We're going to drop the PG&E TOU plan that...
  38. Eclectic

    Trump threatens to end subsidies for electric vehicles

    As a threshold question, are you a lawyer? Because you obviously are adept at talking statistics, but you don't seem to understand what the numbers relate to. Your conclusions are, frankly, absurd. For example, the claim that cert is granted based on what the Court wants to overturn is...
  39. Eclectic

    Trump threatens to end subsidies for electric vehicles

    There's a lot of mischaracterisations in that post. I currently have a case at the Ninth Circuit and they are doing pretty much what their reputation would lead one to believe...basically ignoring law they don't like, coming up with new theories to arrive at the conclusion they seem to want...
  40. Eclectic

    WSJ Panamera - Why?!?

    I guess the OP will really not understand what I'm doing...we're buying a Panamera to replace our P85D+. Teslas have served us well (we've had two Model S's) but the Porsche offers more for the money. Others have said that the P85D+ has the best balance of performance among all of Tesla's...
  41. Eclectic

    Trump threatens to end subsidies for electric vehicles

    Have you ever considered "none of the above"?
  42. Eclectic

    Racism issues at the Tesla plant

    No thanks. Like I said, this thread is a prime example of urban bigotry and I have no interest in encouraging you to continue posting. Goodbye.
  43. Eclectic

    Racism issues at the Tesla plant

    Anyone who thinks rural folk are more racist than urban folk clearly has no idea what he is talking about. I grew up in the Bay Area and now live in Montana. Racism is rampant in the Bay Area and isolated in the rural areas I've lived (and I have a farm in rural Alabama). I'm not white...
  44. Eclectic

    Racism issues at the Tesla plant

    When I read his bigoted supposition about the identities of those who allegedly engaged in the racist acts I assumed he was just trolling on behalf of either the UAW or those who are trying to turn everything into an attack on a certain skin color. Then I concluded it was both.
  45. Eclectic

    Cars that you regret selling?

    2009 Audi A5 with the 3.2 and the manual transmission. It wasn't the quickest, fastest or best handling car around, but it was a ton of fun to drive and it looked great.
  46. Eclectic

    Tesla Pickup Moves Up the Company’s ‘Resource Priority’ List

    I'm sure this will appeal to a lot of potential truck buyers but it's not for me. It looks a bit dainty to me, stylistically, and it isn't a serious truck...it's more like a Honda Ridgeline. I go off road a lot, bash my truck over rough terrain, haul elk and deer after hunting and generally...
  47. Eclectic

    Hands Up of you bought a Tesla and you don't care about clean air or the 'Telsa Mission'

    It's down to a Porsche Cayenne versus an AMG GLE 43.
  48. Eclectic

    Hands Up of you bought a Tesla and you don't care about clean air or the 'Telsa Mission'

    I bought a Tesla twice for the same reason my next car won't be a Tesla: I wanted the car that offered me the most for the money, with the primary considerations being fun to drive and convenience.
  49. Eclectic

    Musk promises better Summon coming "next year"

    When we placed the order for the newly-announced P85D just about 4 years ago a similar promise was made about the car driving itself on private property. 4 years later...
  50. Eclectic

    Any else getting Hillbillied ?

    Try to keep up with your own contradictions. You referred to the driver of the truck in your original post as a redneck, then you denied having said that, and I pointed out that you did indeed say it. I didn't say you were calling all truck drivers "rednecks", that's some sort of tangent that...