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  1. Eclectic

    Another death in a Tesla (Castro Valley, CA)

    I wouldn't use AP on that road (it's too much fun to drive it), and I've never noticed this while on the road but that satellite image makes it look like AP could have been tricked coming through the bend by the driveway and by the time the guy realized he was off the road he was already on a...
  2. Eclectic

    Another death in a Tesla (Castro Valley, CA)

    I know the road very well, it's a few miles from my office. It's a road that is very rural in the midst of a congested urban area, so lots of people go there to race or push their cars' limits. If you don't know how to deal with things like decreasing radius turns and other tricky driving...
  3. Eclectic

    Did Tesla just kill the Model S 75D?

    At least for people like me, the Model S is the only Tesla I would consider. I've driven the 3 several times and I don't like some important things (like the center screen control over so much), and I think it's ugly. I think the S will continue to be popular in the market it's had success with.
  4. Eclectic

    Montana Road Trip

    It's a Motel 6...and it's not in a great location (not bad, just sorta away from anything good). There's nothing wrong with the Motel 6 if you're looking to keep costs down. If you're willing to spend more, the Element is a modern place that has EV charging and it's in a great location...
  5. Eclectic

    Montana Road Trip

    Though it's not right next to the supercharger in Bozeman, there are two really good places about a mile or so away in the Cannery district. Lot G Cafe and Pizza Campania. Lot G is a breakfast/lunch place that happens to be gluten free. The food is outstanding. Pizza Campania makes great...
  6. Eclectic

    Montana Road Trip

    If you need some restaurant recommendations in the Bozeman area I'd be happy to give a few of our favorites. We spend a lot of time in Montana and the supercharger coverage is ok on the main travel routes but a note of caution if you start exploring--while the days of Montana having no speed...
  7. Eclectic

    Are all of the first P85Ds "Plus" versions?

    Thanks, it's sorta weird...under the MVPA tab the list of features didn't include a few things that were on the final delivery configuration sheet. Looks like we do have the performance plus package, which was a no cost feature. I always thought the car handled a lot better than it should...
  8. Eclectic

    Are all of the first P85Ds "Plus" versions?

    I keep seeing references to some P85Ds as being "plus" versions and understand that this has to do with the suspension (i.e., the P85+ suspension setup being used on the P85D). What I don't understand is how to tell if you have one. We ordered our P85D right after the P85D intro event and it...
  9. Eclectic

    Ideas To Help Prevent Auto Pilot Accidents...It's Time To Get Real

    I don't think autopilot is a problem. Before there was the Model S with AP1 I was still having to deal with bad and inattentive drivers. If the goal is to make the roads safer, this is not a Tesla issue. First, make the test to get a driver's license MUCH more difficult and require an...
  10. Eclectic

    Installed a Tesla charger in my condo garage. Other owners are forcing me to remove it. Thoughts?

    The code is pretty clear on this. It says that the process has to follow the process the HOA uses for considering architectural modifications. Simply mentioning it at a meeting is not enough. I've never seen an architectural modification application take the form of a verbal statement at a...
  11. Eclectic

    Where to put sunglasses on Model X?

    "Where to put sunglasses on Model X?" On the headlights?
  12. Eclectic

    2014 MS P85D

  13. Eclectic

    2014 MS P85D

    Just in case anyone uses the info in this thread for analytical purposes, I made a mistake in my post. My 90% is 222, not 212.
  14. Eclectic

    Installed a Tesla charger in my condo garage. Other owners are forcing me to remove it. Thoughts?

    Don't assume that California law is so clear in this particular case. The process required in the law is there for a reason...some HOAs have very particular design standards. The law required the OP to submit the application for approval to the HOA as if it were an architectural modification...
  15. Eclectic

    2014 MS P85D

    My 90% is 212 @ 50,000 miles.
  16. Eclectic

    Sudden Unexpected Acceleration today

    This happened a few hours ago near me. Model X barreled into the front of the bank. I bet the owner will claim unintended acceleration. I bet the logs will show the accelerator was pressed.
  17. Eclectic

    Sudden Unexpected Acceleration today

    I've driven lots of different types of cars and trucks over the years and I can assure everyone that unintended acceleration is a real thing. Last time it happened to me was with my 2000 Dodge pickup at a storage unit in Oakland. It was in a bad part of Oakland and there was some gunfire, so I...
  18. Eclectic

    Musk’s burnout...

    Bingo. I've been company counsel to quite a few public companies. The percentage of CEOs and CFOs who have disdain for the analyst community approaches 100. If you're going to be a public company CEO/CFO, you just have to play the game. If you don't, you have to accept that the analysts will...
  19. Eclectic

    Accident at Oxnard Supercharger Site

    Talk about getting ICEd...
  20. Eclectic

    Free Super Charging for Model 3 customers?

    Funny this is brought up...I drove from the east bay to Folsom today. Tried to charge at the Roseville Galleria on two separate occasions during the day and all stalls were occupied and the lines were long waiting for open spots. Then, on my way home with 49 miles of charge left, I pulled in...
  21. Eclectic

    Green Tesla S

    Our first Model S (2013 P85) was green and our current P85D is green as well. There were no differences in the color between years as far as my eyes can tell.
  22. Eclectic

    Fit bike in trunk

    This is the closest I've seen: Will an XL-Size Mountain Bike Fit? - 2017 Tesla Model 3 Long-Term Road Test
  23. Eclectic

    VW Getting Serious

    So much better looking than the guppy-hits-a-brick-wall Model 3. Bravo, VW.
  24. Eclectic

    Is a Tesla Model S the car for me?

    I believe that if the car was first sold before Jan '17 the free supercharging is for the life of the vehicle, without regard to whether it's resold by Tesla or not.
  25. Eclectic

    Is a Tesla Model S the car for me?

    Another thing to consider since you mentioned the cost of fuel in both posts...unless something has changed since I last looked into it, the used Model S will come with free supercharging. We supercharge as often as we can since the cost of electricity, even with the EVA rate, adds up. If...
  26. Eclectic

    Has Tesla already saved lives? Autopilot

    It's interesting that you posed the question with a reference to distractions from looking at phones while driving. This is not so much an issue with my Model S, but when I drove a neighbor's Model 3 I noticed that I was taking my eyes off the road to do routine things that had to go through...
  27. Eclectic

    Driving high speed on the Autobahn...not possible

    I've had my P85D at those speeds in Montana and while the energy use is extremely high, I never had a problem with maintaining the speeds. The problem for me is that at the speeds indicated you cover a lot of ground, fast. I ran out of usable road before I ran out power or the ability to stay...
  28. Eclectic

    Model 3 set to dominate it's category as early as next month

    He said that about the Model 3, at its introduction. Check it out yourself. As for what BMWblog says, who cares? It's editorializing, just like that Honda site's comparison. If you dismiss Honda's, you should dismiss BMW's as well. I've seen lots of Model 3s now and I've driven one...
  29. Eclectic

    Model 3 set to dominate it's category as early as next month

    You're missing out on the high volume and affordable words that Musk used to describe the Model 3, words that can't be used to describe luxury class cars.
  30. Eclectic

    Model 3 set to dominate it's category as early as next month

    First, Musk himself said that the Model 3 is a high volume, mass market, affordable car. That defies the label "luxury", even at the entry level. Second, there's this.
  31. Eclectic

    Model 3 set to dominate it's category as early as next month

    The problem with this theory is that the Model 3 is only PRICED like an entry level luxury car, but it is actually more properly categorized functionally as midsize sedan, like a Honda Accord. Make that sales comparison.
  32. Eclectic

    Guess who just got pulled over??? This loser!

    Enforcing a law on every violation is different from enforcing the law generally. They have discretion, they can't refuse to enforce. As I said, if you want to show respect to the police, you won't break the law.
  33. Eclectic

    Guess who just got pulled over??? This loser!

    That's not the point. They are the ones who have to enforce the law. If you want to respect the police, don't break laws, even if you think the laws are dumb. The police may think the laws are dumb too, but they still have to enforce them.
  34. Eclectic

    Just bought an X. My first Tesla. It'll be the family beater and we'll ignore it. Suggestions?

    My pappy told me the best way to make a car last a long time is to change the oil every 2,000 miles.
  35. Eclectic

    Guess who just got pulled over??? This loser!

    If you really wanted to respect the police you'd just comply with the law.
  36. Eclectic

    Cannot force myself to buy current “dated” model S

    This is the dilemma we face in substance as well. Our P85D is going to be off warranty at the end of the year and we absolutely won't own a Tesla without the warranty. Because we feel that the Model S is dated both interior and exterior, we won't buy a new Model S unless it's been thoroughly...
  37. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    So you think I don't own a Tesla? You think all of my posts are complaints about Tesla?
  38. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    What I did was subscribe to Car and Driver. When you read a car review and agree with it you get into this paid shill gig.
  39. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    And you've just exposed yourself for all to see. Thanks for playing.
  40. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    Your negativity towards opposing viewpoints seems to be without a purpose, other than perhaps to try to intimidate, yet here you are...Are you being paid to dwell on the fact that I agree with Car and Driver's assessment of the Model 3?
  41. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    So you think that a balanced perspective means that people share positive and negative experiences, yet those who have an opinion that is not positive towards a product have no place in the discussion. Very interesting.
  42. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    Why do you care about my goals in reading things? Do you ask these questions of people who heap praise on the Model 3?
  43. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    Is there some sort of litmus test to being a member of this forum?
  44. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    I didn't say I expect to learn about Tesla products and I didn't say people aren't objective. Why does anyone from this forum read Car and Driver if they are so biased and anti-Tesla?
  45. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    I'm reading about Tesla products. Isn't that what this forum is all about?
  46. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    Why are you?
  47. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    You were bragging about wasting money, I was just wondering why...
  48. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    If you think paying for a car to sit in a garage brings as much entertainment as going to a movie or surfing, I now understand why you are so enamored of the middling Model 3...
  49. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    Why was that? Did you intentionally waste the money or was the car not operable?
  50. Eclectic

    Car and Driver Model 3 Test - Not Great

    So you make things up when you respond to opinions you don't like???