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  1. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    Think there were 4 Northern Ireland cars from what I have seen so far!
  2. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Had this back in May. Nothing really changes. Also the credit note doesn’t mean you are getting a credit. It’s just internal accounting they are doing. Thought I’d mention just in case you are expecting some money back. I was confused when I first seen this.
  3. -DB-

    Luxury Tax

    Yes, that’s correct! Sorry didn’t get to finish my post before I hit reply!
  4. -DB-

    Luxury Tax

    It was actually the media's fault. Tesla never said it would be 27K, thats what the media reported. Musk guessed around £33k which was still a little short but it is what it is.
  5. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    There's one here: Checks delivery estimate and updates if it changes I haven't had time to try it though!
  6. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    Agreed. Some of these are bound to goto other RHD countries, if even only a few hundred. I'd guess a similar rollout as they did here to test the delivery methodology.
  7. -DB-

    Performance Trim or Not?

    You'll pay the same insurance for P- as P+ as no insurers currently distiguish between the 2 models.
  8. -DB-

    Questions For Uk Model 3 Owners (delivery Complete)

    There’s no silly questions if you’ve never had an EV! The answer is no, you can drive it like you stole it as soon as you leave the shop!
  9. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Jeez, not many reds in that pic!
  10. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    I'd the same call on 23rd May. It a basic courtesy call, they actually said at the time that "you probably wont hear from us for a while" Still no VIN here. Hopeful to get one allocated in the next week though. SR+ Red, Sport Wheels, order 1 may
  11. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    All appear to be SR+ allocations so far.
  12. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    They delivered a mixture of cars in June, SR+, LR and P+. AFAIK the only ones not delievred were models with a towbar and P-. No idea how they picked who gets preference though.
  13. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    I know you don't think the Model3 VINs register holds much water but they still have only have 1000 recorded and this batch seem to be being allocated from yesterday. The 1000 VIN's are being allocated so some of the logic is certainly correct!
  14. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    It usually appears in the source code of the webpage before it appears on any documents. It should be noted that if you do have a VIN in the source code that it doesn't guarantee itwill stay there! It can change or be removed completely but most times it remains the same. How to check Source...
  15. -DB-

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    Looks like the next batch of VIN's are being allocated. Some users on the FB group said they had VIN's allocated overnight and they appear to be from the 1000 batch range (424) previously reported by Model 3 VINs below.
  16. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Plenty of folks getting credit notes and new booking invoices with later order numbers. E.g if you take finance this happens, so the actual order numbers are over inflated. They will use reservation number, though to what degree is another matter!
  17. -DB-

    Routing with no traffic data

    It seems to be down. See this thread Everyone else's maps and navigation working?
  18. -DB-

    Do Teslas have AVAS?

    The noise on our PHEV can be turned off. Not sure if the new law will permit this or not. Edit; just seen it mentioned in a post above that it will be allowed to be switched off. If you don’t hear it inside the car I don’t see why you’d want to switch it off but each to their own!
  19. -DB-

    Do Teslas have AVAS?

    Our PHEV omits a noise. Its a horrible wirring noise but you dont hear it when you are in the car. unless you've no radio on and the window is down! I'm ok with that as I'd rather that than hitting someone who didnt hear me coming.
  20. -DB-

    You can get an M3 right now in the UK

    Can’t see anyone buying it at that price to be honest, but you never know! This must have been their plan all along as if they didn’t like the car they could have returned it under the 7 day/1000 miles policy.
  21. -DB-

    You can get an M3 right now in the UK

    .......if money is no object! 2019 Tesla Model 3 | eBay
  22. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Yes it’s different depending on the browser you use plus a few other bits. Noticed this myself recently and went investigation. Lol
  23. -DB-

    Anyone get 'the text' yet?

    Congrats! Health to drive!
  24. -DB-

    Cat amongst the pidgeons - What if...

    This! Plus Tesla tech is just miles ahead of BMW.
  25. -DB-

    Anyone get 'the text' yet?

    I think this also....at least hoping for this!
  26. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Looks like the seagulls have worked their magic on the blue one!
  27. -DB-

    Change to SR+ Price?

    @foxbenw Edit; some info on the changes in this thread UK Model 3 order page open! Also FSD increased in price sometime in May.
  28. -DB-

    Change to SR+ Price?

    What did you order and when? Only difference is LR AWD is gone and P- now takes its place
  29. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Congrats! I deliberated between red and blue so many times. Went with red in the end. Hope you are enjoying the car!
  30. -DB-

    Change to SR+ Price?

    "So wait, the price on the invoice isn't the actual price?" :p
  31. -DB-

    Change to SR+ Price?

    Tesla has sent a text message. Now you can all relax and stop calling the sales team!
  32. -DB-

    Change to SR+ Price?

    [email protected] I would guess that when the order agreement is generated it automatically sends an email. As it disappeared and has now be regenerated it's probably just used the default email template for that "Create Order Agreement" action. I'm not saying its the right way to do it...
  33. -DB-

    Anyone get 'the text' yet?

    Indeed. I've seen elsewhere that some deliveries also scheduled for an Edinburgh pickup.
  34. -DB-

    Anyone get 'the text' yet?

    Congrats! They can probably close the cash deals quicker than HP and I'd say that what they are doing for the Q2 end push.
  35. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    We don't, but its as close a metric as you will find anywhere! Everything is speculative guessing! I'm not trying to burst your bubble, just going by what info is currently out there. I hope for a July delivery, but not holding my breath or getting overly excited yet.
  36. -DB-

    Company Employee Loan For Ev Purchase?

    Would be interested in hearing the outcome of this. Whilst we do not have our own car park at work, we do provide access to one for management. I’d be interested in any schemes for EV’s for staff as could potentially offer at appraisal stage etc if worthwhile.
  37. -DB-

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    VIN numbers need to be registered for each car built. To date only 1300-1500 have been registered that we are aware of for right hand drive vehicles. And there are other RHD markets opened recently, not just UK. There are also EU orders to be fulfilled so the ships haven’t be all RHD UK...
  38. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Think this is a standard call to make sure everything is completed and ready in your account. I had the same call in 24th May and was told July/Aug delivery. But fingers crossed for us both! I’m SR+ so still tempted to make the jump to P- will see if I get a VIN allocated in the next week or not.
  39. -DB-

    UK - model 3 Performance is a £3700 upgrade - what is it without? an AWD?

    I thought this was confirmed as discontinued this week? A sales rep said he had an email from HQ confirming same I think?
  40. -DB-

    Order to delivery times

    You need to email or call sales for them to either make the change to P, or re-enable the edit button in your acount
  41. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Same happened to me when I got Finance approved.... So I'd say the speculation of 5000 orders (based on order numbers being logged) is an incorrect number, by how much I don't know, but it could be a fair amount.
  42. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Maybe that also! I could have misread it.
  43. -DB-

    Anyone Else Ordered Lr?

    Website says spoiler and dual motor badge may be fitted after delivery so likely wouldn’t delay delivery.
  44. -DB-

    Buying Black? Better Get It Before The Price Increase

    Looks like another demand lever being pulled for Q2. Black will no longer be free with the price increasing to 1K. It will be replaced with “Simple White” as the free standard colour. Tesla changes its standard paint color from black to white - Electrek
  45. -DB-

    LV insurance and tracker

    Thanks for info and congrats on being one of the first!
  46. -DB-

    Anyone get 'the text' yet?

    I take it all who got a text today already had a vin allocated in the source code? Seems to be a better selection of cars as some people with texts are SR+ and not P models as first thought. Unless they are from the next ship potentially arriving tomorrow?
  47. -DB-

    Home charging options

    Still using Type 1 for Outlander PHEV
  48. -DB-

    They're here.....

    Always call to check bank details before a large transfer, that's my rule anyway. I have seen too many horror stories of emails being intercepted.
  49. -DB-

    Home charging options

    Anyone know what charge adaptors (if any) come with the M3? I'm hoping to use the 7kw PodPoint we have at home but its a tethered Type 1 so will need an adaptor to convert to Type 2. EDIT: Does anyone know if the onboard chargers on SR+ and LR/P models are different? I've see both 7Kw and...
  50. -DB-

    They're here.....

    Order and Delivery - Model 3 Its not clear from the FAQ.