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  1. ToddRLockwood

    New New England Supercharger Locations

    No worries. The contractor said "6-bay Tesla Superchargers." The pressure is on to get the I-89/I-93 corridor up and running because Tesla is about to open the largest store in North America up in Montreal.
  2. ToddRLockwood

    New New England Supercharger Locations

    I have great news! Hookset NH is a go. Learned it from an unrelated contractor working at the same site. He confirmed it with the site's general contractor. Believes it to be a 6-bay supercharger—on both northbound and southbound I-93. Not sure of completion date, but likely this fall sometime...
  3. ToddRLockwood

    Wh/mi increasing with age?

    The best way to make a comparison like this would be using cruise control while driving a prescribed route at a specific outside temperature with the HVAC set to the same setting. But even doing this, you might get different results due to changes in firmware. But then you might simply be...
  4. ToddRLockwood

    Firmware 5.14

    Evan, I believe that you will find that it does. - - - Updated - - - Listing bugs would be a public relations disaster for Tesla. Taken out of context, the information would likely become fodder for anti-Tesla folks and would cloud the fact that Tesla is highly proactive about addressing...
  5. ToddRLockwood

    Yet another reason why the Dual Chargers option is worth having...

    If Tesla's Destination Charging network becomes robust enough, it might give other car manufacturers a reason to adopt Tesla's charging standards. I believe we will see this begin to happen when other car companies introduce 200+mile PEVs like the Model III. The level 2 standard makes sense for...
  6. ToddRLockwood

    Yet another reason why the Dual Chargers option is worth having...

    This might be true were it not for the fact that Tesla is offering the HPWC's to hotels for free, and in some instances Tesla pays for the installation as well. The property owner only pays for the electricity. I don't know for certain, but I imagine that Tesla's offer is contingent upon the...
  7. ToddRLockwood

    Yet another reason why the Dual Chargers option is worth having...

    Hotels are not the only locations where these destination chargers are being located. Ski areas are a perfect application, especially if you're not spending the night. Also, it's good to keep in mind that Tesla may offer a larger battery in the not-too-distant future. A 500-mile battery—which...
  8. ToddRLockwood

    Yet another reason why the Dual Chargers option is worth having...

    Another reason why a HPWC-to-J1772 adapter would be a useful item, but who would make it and how many would they sell?
  9. ToddRLockwood

    Yet another reason why the Dual Chargers option is worth having...

    Beyond the Supercharger: Teslas Other Charging Network - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ These public HPWC's (High Powered Wall Connectors) will be appearing at hotels and resorts across the U.S. over the next few years. Here's what's installed so far... Tesla Motors | Premium Electric Vehicles...
  10. ToddRLockwood

    Driving in RANGE MODE all the time

    On really hot summer days, I have found that Range Mode does not provide enough cooling for short around-town drives. When in standard mode, you can slow the fan and A/C unit down by raising the interior temp a couple of degrees: 72F to 74F. In the winter, the correct temp setting seems to be in...
  11. ToddRLockwood

    Model S silk necktie anyone?

  12. ToddRLockwood

    Is battery swapping even possible on current Model S vehicles?

    Often, with that variety of data connector, the mating connector is mounted so it has some lateral play, and it self-aligns when the two connectors come together. This was the case on large-scale studio recording consoles that I maintained in my previous life. My guess on the battery cable is...
  13. ToddRLockwood

    Is battery swapping even possible on current Model S vehicles?

    I believe the pack is already swap-capable. It was in Tesla's plan from the outset. That dangling connector may have been manually unplugged to prepare for drive unit removal. I don't see any problem with the bus connectors.
  14. ToddRLockwood

    Having some electronic issues

    Try rebooting the main screen. Hold down both thumb wheels until the screen goes dark, then let go.
  15. ToddRLockwood

    Mt. Shasta Supercharger Missing Signs Mystery

    The cost of being one of the sexiest brands in modern history.
  16. ToddRLockwood

    A sad cautionary tale of poor judgement

    Sorry to hear. Even someone with track experience would get familiar with the car before pushing it like this. The situation was likely made worse by having a co-worker on board. Tough lesson. Hope you heal up quickly.
  17. ToddRLockwood

    Anti-EV / anti-Tesla advertising from competitors

    As an Audi S6 owner and a Tesla Model S owner, I believe I'm uniquely qualified to respond to them. And I did. The A7/Model S comparison is a valid one, given that these are similar vehicles at a similar price point. They just got some of the details on the Tesla wrong, beginning with the...
  18. ToddRLockwood

    What do you think of this Model S front bumper design?

    It's important to note that Tesla's design team was not at a loss for a suitable front bumper design. The goal of aerodynamic efficiency led them to it. No wonder the Model S has the lowest c/d of any production car, including Ferraris and Lamborghinis. Cool-looking design is easy. Efficient...
  19. ToddRLockwood

    Is your Model S suspension feeling less nimble?

    Also, with less tire sidewall flex on the 21's, stress on the bolts is increased. If you regularly drive twisting secondary roads that are less than smooth, I highly recommend trying this. If your wheels haven't been re-torqued in awhile, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  20. ToddRLockwood

    Is your Model S suspension feeling less nimble?

    I wouldn't have believed it either, but it seems to make a difference. I'm running 21-inch wheels.
  21. ToddRLockwood

    Is your Model S suspension feeling less nimble?

    Recently, I thought my suspension was showing premature wear. My Model S felt a little sloppy on anything but smooth new pavement. The solution was very simple: I re-torqued the car's lug nuts. Even though I had done this two months ago, all but two of the car's 20 lug nuts were below spec...
  22. ToddRLockwood

    How many miles will you put on your Tesla in 8 years? To infinity... and beyond!

    I'm finding that I'm driving 25% more in my Model S than in any prior vehicle. The cost-per-mile for fuel and maintenance is so little, it provides an incentive to go on weekend drives that would have previously cost me $150 in gasoline. This is the opposite of my experience with Ferraris, for...
  23. ToddRLockwood

    Why Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars can't compete with pure EVs

    Tesla Trumps Toyota: Why Hydrogen Cars Cant Compete With Pure Electric Cars | ThinkProgress Excellent article by someone who knows.
  24. ToddRLockwood

    Superchargers aren't free!!!

    One of the best supercharger neighbors can be found at the Albany, NY location: a brand new Whole Foods. A great place to grab a healthy lunch. Too bad fast food is the only option at many supercharger locations.
  25. ToddRLockwood

    Charge Port indicator says door open, but it's not...

    When you bring up the charging window on the main display, does it indicate "Charge Port Open?" That would confirm that you have a port sensor problem. If not, you might try resetting the driver display too.
  26. ToddRLockwood

    Odds of Tesla really building another Sports car anytime soon....

    Elon's off-the-cuff comments notwithstanding, I don't see this happening in the near future. While the Roadster did an excellent job of providing proof-of-concept of high-performance electric drive, another 2-seat sports car would not align with the company's mission at this point. Tesla wants...
  27. ToddRLockwood

    My other car is a...

    I should have known that. It's like a grown up Alfa spider. I wonder whether the hood bulge was in the original design? I love that they left it off-center, instead of making it wider. That was a damn sexy car when it first appeared.
  28. ToddRLockwood

    Drive unit problems explanation by Elon

    One of the most common problems with cars built before spring 2013 is the door handles. Around that time, Tesla began installing 2nd Generation door handles on all new vehicles. Many older cars have since been upgraded with the new handles without charge. Based on my own experience, I imagine...
  29. ToddRLockwood

    Total Cost of Ownership (Tesla and ICE)

    These comparisons only make sense when you compare apples to apples, i.e. Audi A7-A8, BWM 5 Series, Mercedes S Class. When the Model 3 comes out, comparisons to less expensive vehicles will be more logical. Two factors that can't be measured in dollars are: 1. The hassle of dropping off...
  30. ToddRLockwood

    Drive unit problems explanation by Elon

    This is not unusual for a completely new vehicle. Have you ever seen the TSB list for the first few years of the Audi R8? Regarding Passin's comment, a lot of Tesla's exemplary build quality is in the chassis. Unfortunately, that's a part of the car that is under appreciated by owners. A lot of...
  31. ToddRLockwood

    How long until supercapacitors overtake batteries in EVs?

    I think your reply might have been intended for the previous post, not mine.
  32. ToddRLockwood

    How long until supercapacitors overtake batteries in EVs?

    As I understand it, supercapacitors, like lithium-air batteries, are not suitable for moderate-to-heavy loads over extended periods. Lithium-ion batteries are much more suitable for that. Tesla actually has a patent for a system that uses a lithium-air battery in combination with a lithium-ion...
  33. ToddRLockwood

    Grammar Misteaks, Spelling Misteaks, and Bad Puns :)

    This should clear everything up... Yankovic - Word Crimes - YouTube
  34. ToddRLockwood

    Dreaded Drive Train Clunk - FALSE ALARM

    My 2013 P85 has 23,000 carefully-driven miles. About a month ago I began noticing a clunking noise in the drive train when transitioning between regen and mild acceleration. With the windows down, I could hear it quite clearly when gently starting up from a full stop. This symptom seemed to...
  35. ToddRLockwood

    Elon Musk on Colbert Report (2014)

    Awesome interview. It makes a huge difference when the interviewer is a Tesla owner, as was also the case with the recent 60 Minutes story.
  36. ToddRLockwood

    Well, luck finally caught up with me... Main pack failed...

    This may have been covered already, but this sounds very much like a 12V gel cell failure, not a pack failure. There were a number of cars built in the winter/spring of 2013 that received defective 12V gel cell batteries on the assembly line. My car was one of them. The symptom is that after...
  37. ToddRLockwood

    2013 P85+ trade-in value at local BMW

    I believe Tesla's less-than-terrific dealer trade-in value is largely due to the fact that traditional car dealerships don't have the faintest idea what to do with a Tesla. The Tesla market is still young, and it operates outside the familiar Kelly Blue Book environment that gasoline cars have...
  38. ToddRLockwood

    Why the Dual Charger option is a good thing to have

    A HPWC may have been used to charge your car at your local service center without you realizing it. Plus, Tesla has started a campaign to install HPWC's at hotels and resorts around the country. If you take your car outside CA, you may indeed find this useful.
  39. ToddRLockwood

    Used Tesla at a dealer

    I was thinking the same thing. HOWEVER, how would you connect with the vehicle? I'm willing to bet that the BMW dealer has no idea what the app username and password are. And Tesla is unlikely to give you that information until you present them with a copy of the new title. Certainly a Tesla...
  40. ToddRLockwood

    Speculation: Delay in 6.0 Due to Liability and User Experience Issues

    The Model S has simply got the best user interface of any vehicle, and it keeps getting better. Tesla has hired some of the most talented UI engineers in the industry and it shows. Every time I drive an unfamiliar rental car, I realize how bad most automotive UI really is. Try to use the radio...
  41. ToddRLockwood

    6 wheels bent now.. anyone else?

    Sometimes it's so subtle that you won't notice it, except at specific highway speeds. Mine were discovered when I got my wheels rebalanced using the same Roadforce Balancer used by Tesla service. That machine is sensitive enough to detect very small deviations from true. Three of my 21" wheels...
  42. ToddRLockwood

    Why is it called Model 3?

    The progression has to do with price vs. production volume. From that standpoint the Model S and the Model X are in the same category. Step 1: Roadster — low volume / high price Step 2: Model S & Model X — medium volume / moderate price Step 3: Model III — high volume / low price
  43. ToddRLockwood

    6 wheels bent now.. anyone else?

    By coincidence, I met a Model S owner today who has 20" forged wheels on his P85+. He said he's had no bent wheel problems, even after encountering some pretty bad roads. A forged wheel may be the answer for Tesla. They're a lot more resistant to damage than cast wheels.
  44. ToddRLockwood

    6 wheels bent now.. anyone else?

    Oh yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Owners with 19" wheels need not comment on this thread. It's all about the 21" wheels. The roads in the northeast were particularly bad this spring due to the severe winter we had. I run 19" wheels in the winter, and I switch to 21" in April—as...
  45. ToddRLockwood

    Dangers of rapid regenerative braking?

    Regen without the brake pedal has two major advantages: • All of the car's forward momentum is turned into electricity; none is lost to heat generated by the brakes. • The brake pads will last many times longer. Tesla estimates 100K miles or more on a set of pads/rotors. Personally, I much...
  46. ToddRLockwood

    Help Planning! Long Island-Tupper Lake NY... trip

    By this, I assume you meant getting from Long Island to Albany, and later, Albany to Long Island. Tupper Lake is 148 miles from Albany. There are literally no charging stations in the Adirondack region, except for 14-50's at campgrounds. There is a KOA between Lake Placid and Wilmington. You...
  47. ToddRLockwood

    National network of approved installers for after-market Model S mods

    This sounds like a good idea, along the lines of the custom audio & remote starter installers. Best Buy actually does a lot of that, although a company that size might be difficult to work with. I'm curious artsi, in your thread title did you mean "improved installers" or "approved installers."...
  48. ToddRLockwood

    New New England Supercharger Locations

    Mike, here's another option. Head up the Taconic and top off at the Albany supercharger. Then take 87 North up to Exit 20, Rt 9 north to Rt 149 to Route 4 west and into Vermont. You didn't mention where in central VT you were headed, but route 4 brings you right into Rutland, Woodstock and White...
  49. ToddRLockwood

    Strange SC behavior at Harris Ranch today

    What was the outside temperature at the time? It could have been a cooling fan issue with the SC itself.