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  1. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    That reminds me of the time when the price of TSLA crashed because the word "reca11" was used for an adapter replacement. The bots were looking for that word and they were duped into selling. That was a sweet opportunity!
  2. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    It might seem more credible if they pointed out that the first, second and third cars they own were built by Tesla too.
  3. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Can someone translate that tweet for me? :redface:
  4. V

    TSLA Trading Strategies

    Some of their brothers are covering AH.
  5. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    You won't see as much amazement here because we drive the car and we knew that this was in the works. This press event seemed to be more for the tech blogs and car mags.
  6. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Don't let this get lost in all the noise: RW Baird said Tesla remains its top pick for 2015, and maintained its "outperform" rating on shares of the electric car maker with a price target of $275. Recent meetings with Tesla management make the firm more comfortable with delivery guidance as...
  7. V

    Elon Musk: Human drivers are dangerous

    I always told others that the Tesla made "driver's cars". They definitely feel like cars made for drivers and the benchmarks Elon uses are ultimate driver's cars like the McLaren. I love how Elon has no filter and gets people thinking. It creates insights for those of us that have...
  8. V

    TSLA Trading Strategies

    I noticed that the "Max Pain" number is lower than it was Monday morning. So far, there hasn't really been any notable significant reductions in puts that are OTM for the monthlies. In fact, the size of some of the increased OTM positions was a bit surprising. Options interest reduced only...
  9. V

    Energy Consumption per mile (Wh/mi) map

    I thought that the Leaf recently added temperature management because of the battery degradation suits from warm weather users. Did I fall for a rumor and they really didn't fix the issue?
  10. V

    Jerome reassigned to customer-satisfaction role

    I recall Elon saying that Germany and China were very important markets for Tesla, but I don't recall him stating that they would be big markets for Tesla. I apparently took away a different message from those statements. The message I got was that they were important, yet they may need...
  11. V

    FUD tracker

    This is supposedly from Reuters! Notice that the article is from Detroit. I bet that is where their "sources" are from too. Talk about making huge assumptions while not knowing Tesla's intent or plans! Tesla must expand those positions and get management up to speed now because...
  12. V

    Articles re Tesla—Fact or Fiction?

    It is evident that he missed last quarter's conference call. :rolleyes:
  13. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I think Apple has nothing to offer Tesla other than cash. I'd be quite upset if there was anything else going on. Apple is a big slow company without ideas.
  14. V

    Sun Country Highway Advances in Washington State!

    I just called and told Sun Country that they can add the 80A J1772 chargers in Kirkland to the Sun Country Map. I hope they add to their map the two 80A J1772 chargers the TMC members had installed in Port Angeles by the Coho Ferry dock. Those are hosted by the City of Port Angeles...
  15. V

    Salt Lake City, UT: Wednesday, March 4th

    Here is an article I found with the latest news. Tesla dealership in doubt after House rejects online-sales bill | The Salt Lake Tribune
  16. V

    Analysts notes, rating upgrades and other relevant news

    I am not finding any news of this at all in the common news streams. Will it be ignored by bloggers and reporters like the other previous estimates that were not negative?
  17. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    All is normal in terms of business. The excessive drama from the media is not. "Cleaning out dead wood", "General housekeeping", etc., happens all the time. Especially after there has been massive recruitments. It's best to get the task done early on, when people are still within...
  18. V

    Aoxin Ibis EV sedan from China

    Psst... Copy watch. :rolleyes:
  19. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I went to the P85D event. After the event, I was amazed at how accommodating Tesla was for buyers with existing orders. People with cars in the production queue called in and said they wanted to change their order to Dual Drive. Some of those people already had VIN numbers for their car...
  20. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    10K just filed with SEC. Tesla Motors - Annual Report
  21. V

    Tesla Gigafactory

    I know one of the safety guys at Boeing Everett. It is the largest building in the world. I'll ask about it. It has much more open space than I imagine the Gigafactory will have.
  22. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I found an article that states port slowdown started around Halloween. The slowdown accelerated (decelerated?) until it hit critical mass with the lockout. Washington Apples Languishing Amid Slowdown at West Coast Ports - Bloomberg Business Local News | The News Tribune
  23. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    In the Seattle area, you have to live an hour or two (or more) out of the city to afford an average middle class lifestyle on that kind of pay. High pay, high tech jobs took over a working class city and all the bedroom communities. How the cost of living has changed twists the mind. Public...
  24. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    It is impacting imports, not just exports. Parts are imported from Asia via West Coast ports. Sorry if I wasn't more clear. - - - Updated - - - It was mentioned in the shareholder letter.
  25. V

    Website wait times for delivery change

    Newly designed seat shipment delays?
  26. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    The beginning of the unofficial "slowdowns" started about the time of the "D" announcement. I recall this because farmers were trying to ship their crops and they were in crisis mode. Losses were devastating. "Officially" there was no "slowdown", but it was very evident to the shippers that...
  27. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    They shut down on the first week of every quarter for maintenance and a deserved break for some. It has been that way for quite some time.
  28. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    The local port was shut down for several days around President's Day. It sounds like it was a coordinated West Coast "lockout". It is difficult to import when ships are sitting at anchor, waiting in line, with no one to take the containers off the ships. The Ports started slowing down in early...
  29. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    It looks like a change of MMs that are running the show. NASDAQ exchange had the reins for quite a while, but they stepped back. There could be a short attack going on. Boston Exchange looks unusually active during the big moves. - - - Updated - - - Max Pain is still sitting around 110+...
  30. V

    P85D Lost power on road, "Pull over safely"

    Deadline? I interpreted it as a goal, which makes more sense for a firmware update. Testing isn't done, until it is done.
  31. V

    P85D Lost power on road, "Pull over safely"

    People were screaming their heads off that that HAD to have this torque sleep by midnight of January 31, or else. Some need to be careful what they wish for and let Tesla take the time to test for anomalies.
  32. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Is it my imagination, or did the change in price direction happen at the same time the dock strike settlement news and the refinery strike news hit the wires and TV?
  33. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    In that situation I can easily imagine not seeing the message correctly (blind corners, anticipating an obstacle and all). Sometimes they flash up faster than I can read them. Later it is mentioned that they put the car into Reverse and then Drive and all was fine. That makes it sound like...
  34. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    It sounds like they got the new alert that they accidentally went from "Drive" to "Neutral" and panicked. The logs will tell all. - - - Updated - - - When I heard that there was a reduction in deliveries specific to Q1, I thought it was prudent considering the extent of the West Coast port...
  35. V

    Do we need a Tesla "Snuggie"?

    It isn't a contest. It's a sport! I have a very nice Tesla fleece lined blanket. The dog uses it the most. He won't wear a jacket.
  36. V

    Tesla: Bear vs. Bull

    What the "skeptic" Ford and GM guy doesn't understand is, once you go Tesla, you don't go back. Others might become mid range all-electrics but, we are spoiled by much more than just a long range electric car. We are spoiled by the dealer-free experience and sincere service.
  37. V

    Lurking on Tesla Short/Bear Websites

    If you do click on the link, in the comments you will see a revelation from a TMC member. Apparently this guy Keith guy is in Australia and tries to peg green energy businesses as frauds. Apparently he takes donations to chase green "scams". Maybe he got donations from people who like to...
  38. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    By looking at the comments, there are more nervous teams of shorts hanging in there than I realized. They are pretty worked up and it is a Saturday.
  39. V

    FUD tracker

    The author's name seemed too familiar. I realize it is a pseudonym, yet I found this interesting article that mentions the website and it includes a copy of an e-mail from the author. The Latest Zero Hedge Article On Cars Is Also ********
  40. V

    Tesla Gigafactory

    Try username "Babe" and password "PaulBunyan".:wink:
  41. V

    Lurking on Tesla Short/Bear Websites

    The most active basher I have ever seen posted this on youtube. I doubt has never even seen a Tesla. The guy seems to post 24/7 and comments on just about every article that comes along with variations of the same name. He certainly appears has an agenda. It may just be notoriety. If so, I...
  42. V

    Apple giving $250k signing bonuses & 60% salary increases to nab Tesla engineers

    The new poaching spree is because of this event, I believe. Silicon Valley Companies Agree to Pay $415 Million to Settle Suit | Re/code I think that is why we are seeing some movement in the high tech workforce. Some do choose money, others choose to make an impact and challenging work...
  43. V

    How Tesla lost a brand advocate through poor recruiting practices

    Parts of this sounds typical (and familiar) for many different fields for interview processes. Don't call us, we'll call you. Extra non-essential contact can be interpreted negatively, depending on the culture, the type of company, or the approach. In other businesses it can be viewed as...
  44. V

    Elon's demand "secret weapon" ...what is it?

    Combine that with the "invisible love" program and it's "game over". :cool:
  45. V

    Elon's demand "secret weapon" ...what is it?

    I wonder if this could factor into the picture. It looks like things are moving along. Tesla Roadster 3.0: Prototype Goes On 340 Mile Trip, Still Has Miles To Spare Roadster Road Trip Update: San Jose to Los Angeles on a Single Charge | Tesla Motors
  46. V

    Apple: Rumors of EV to Challenge Tesla or Buying Tesla

    That would really make me sad. Part of Tesla's appeal the fact that is a smaller, nimble company with high energy and innovative spirit. That is why they have been able to recruit top talent from several very successful high growth companies in different industries. On second thought...
  47. V

    Elon's demand "secret weapon" ...what is it?

    The more I think about it, there is something that would strongly influence demand positively, bowl over the dealers and fulfill an existing need for current owners. What is a dealership's gravy? Service and parts. What is one of the first things a potential new buyer wants to know? How...
  48. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Perhaps this news will help in the short term. Labor secretary to join talks in West Coast port dispute
  49. V

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    There are continuing issues that are out of Tesla's control that can impact Q1. But it will impact other car companies too. Automakers pinched by West Coast port delays There are some ways to mitigate some of the issues, but not all. Starting up the rail to the East Coast and the ports...