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  1. Brother T

    My A-Z Guide to Model 3

    I am a happy owner of Model 3 Stealth Performance. I found out about the "silent but deadly" nature of EV cars through the movie Stuber. After a little research, I came across Tesla Model 3 and instantly loved it. So, I ordered it on Oct 31, 2019. However, going from order day to the day after...
  2. Brother T

    Autopilot Calibration Day vs Night

    When you first take delivery of your Tesla, the cameras need to calibrate themselves before AP becomes active. They are not calibrated from the factory.
  3. Brother T

    Insurance on a Stealth VS LR AWD

    VIN does reveal a Stealth to be Performance for 2020 models. But my insurance company has my Stealth as “Tesla Model 3 EV”. Trust me, once you drive off in a Stealth, that acceleration will make you forget whatever extra chump change you would be paying. I drove a LR AWD and a Stealth and the...
  4. Brother T

    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    Download the delivery checklist and look at videos on YouTube and get yourself prepared. Also, when you go to bed and before falling asleep, visualize (with your eyes closed) each and every nook and corner of the Tesla in your mind and touch everything. Memorize the pattern.
  5. Brother T

    Autopilot Calibration Day vs Night

    Ok thank you, is there a way to recalibrate AP?
  6. Brother T

    Autopilot Calibration Day vs Night

    Ok I have a strange question. I’ll be taking my delivery in the evening and by the time I leave the Tesla Delivery center, it will be dark outside. How accurately will the autopilot function work if it is calibrated at night vs during the day?
  7. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    Is that in Chicago area?
  8. Brother T

    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    Oh ok, thank you. Wondered why the background flashed blue in many YouTube videos that I have seen.
  9. Brother T

    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    Why is the speedometer background blue in the last picture?
  10. Brother T

    My trade-in quote disappeared!

    I had a trade-in that was being appraised for a whole month. But when I went to signup for Tesla Financing, I could see the trade-in value being subtracted from the cost. I got approved for the loan and now I don’t see the trade-in value at all. Also, the trade-in quote was still in being...
  11. Brother T

    SSD not being recognized in my model 3

    Thank you, found that T5 manual after replying back to you. It will help other members.
  12. Brother T

    SSD not being recognized in my model 3

    Lol, yea sorry about that. It was too late at night for me lurking around here and not thinking through. I’ll google and find the solution there.
  13. Brother T

    SSD not being recognized in my model 3

    It is absolutely appalling to see people proclaim with pride, ‘I, me, I figured it out’ but give no explanation on how to and don’t even respond. I’m having the same issue and would like to know how to disable the security setting.
  14. Brother T

    Pedestrian Warning Sound

  15. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    Both of you are correct. I guess I’ll stick with Tesla and pay extra each month till the finance charge drops down to a comfortable number. In five years, I’ll be down $30,000 either way, so saving at least $1000-$1500 in interest can go a long way.
  16. Brother T

    LR AWD Waiting Room

    I guess I’m not there yet. I have three black check marks done. None of them are green. That CR-V trade-in evaluation is being going on for at least a month now. No progress! I did have another vehicle info first and that was evaluated in four days, then switched to CR-V evaluation. I don’t know...
  17. Brother T

    Tesla loan comparison spreadsheet - auto updates hourly

    I guess I can live with the Tesla offer and pay extra each month till the Interest charge drops down low enough to simulate a lower APR.
  18. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    So I got approved for 3.24% with Tesla. They used Chase for $30,000 loan. Is this good enough? Should I apply at other places to see what rates I get, at the expense of more credit inquiries? I’m torn between deciding to go find better rates and take hits to credit or paying extra each month to...
  19. Brother T

    Tesla loan comparison spreadsheet - auto updates hourly

    Any low rate banks in IL? I guess EECU is just for CA.
  20. Brother T

    LR AWD Waiting Room

    Where do I submit insurance info? I only see a box for uploading driver’s license.
  21. Brother T

    Model 3 in Chicago area now

    Did they call or did you force yourself into their delivery appointment? Also, can you list a few steps of your process, from post ordering to scheduling for delivery, please?
  22. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    So it’s a hit or a miss with Tesla financing. The only way to know now is to actually apply with them and other banks and see what the outcome is.
  23. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    Ok, thank you! I guess my delivery is near then. I’ll apply with Tesla financing and other banks to see what I get. Do I have to call Tesla financing people to see whether they price match if I get a lower loan APR from another vendor?
  24. Brother T

    Does this mean my delivery is near?

    I ordered LR AWD Gray on Oct. 30, 2019 and have been checking my Tesla Account and both forums everyday:( Today, I get this text to complete Trade-in, Payment Method, and any other outstanding tasks in the next 72 hours for priority vehicle matching. Does that mean my delivery is near? I don’t...