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  1. electrifyme

    Tesla Raising Price of FSD to $15,000, AI Director States "We Can Build a Car That Never Crashes"

    You'll have another car before FSD is done. Ask the people who bought their car 5yrs ago. Waste of money
  2. electrifyme

    Roadster 2024

  3. electrifyme

    Speculating on Roll Out and Delivery Assuming 2023 Release

    I'm not optimistic about mid 2023.. dunno why but going by Elon time and other issues that come up along the way. Thinking end of 2023 or beginning of 2024 we will some a couple. Ramp to thousands will be mid 2024.. in my garage... end of 2024 or beginning of 2025.
  4. electrifyme

    Roadster 2024

    I'd say 2027 to make it a 10yr anniversary on when it was announced.
  5. electrifyme

    Increased Car Prices and $12k FSD...Just Insanity!

    12k is insane to pay to be a beta Tester providing data back to Tesla. Heck, they should be paying you.
  6. electrifyme

    Tesla all but confirms Cybertruck production delay until 2022

    Well thank goodness there are other choices. Hummer or Rivian is on my list of alternatives.
  7. electrifyme

    Tesla all but confirms Cybertruck production delay until 2022

    Not even 2023? Why not? Something to do w/ the batteries not being ready or ???
  8. electrifyme

    Tesla all but confirms Cybertruck production delay until 2022

    Pretty predictable. Didn't expect CT in 2022.
  9. electrifyme

    Elon Risking Becoming Liability To Tesla

    What the heck are you talking about... especially with woke. What does that even mean? Lay off the drinks.
  10. electrifyme

    Elon Risking Becoming Liability To Tesla

    Elon is similar to trump.. they both are egomaniacs... both got the get the last word in and likes to troll. Birds of a feather flock together. Sorry, just calling a spade a spade.
  11. electrifyme

    Does Tesla remove FSD from third-party dealers

    Wow, that is pretty disgusting if they did that.. talk about trying to double dip with FSD.
  12. electrifyme

    Almost all input is error

    All input is error? Does that include the code written by humans for FSD? No wonder FSD sucks and crashes into stationary trucks. LMAO.
  13. electrifyme

    Profile Name on main screen gone.

    Yes, that's what I thought would happen.. If it senses my phone unlocked it, it would use my profile.... but it doesn't work.
  14. electrifyme

    Profile Name on main screen gone.

    This change is a PITA. My wife and I both drive it and I always need to select mine when I drive. Now I have to go thru the menu to just to switch profiles since they removed it from the front.
  15. electrifyme

    CyberTruck seen on Test Track in Fremont

    Looks horrible. Wiper has to be a joke right?
  16. electrifyme

    If I change my order will I lose my early ‘spot’ in line?

    It'd be nice to know what the new prices are for the quad motor. I don't expect it to be the same as tri. No way in hell Tesla is giving stuff away for free.
  17. electrifyme

    Have I locked in a price

    Sorry, the 100 was not an "order" so the prices is not locked in. Expect to pay more.
  18. electrifyme

    Quad Motor

    The tri-motor upgrade to quad will have a new cost. Wonder how much more they want to milk people? 10-15k more?
  19. electrifyme

    Just read CT delayed to end of 2022. I so 2023!

    There's no way the existing tri-motor gets the quad motor for free. Expect to pay more. Sounds like a forced upsell to me. Tesla tactics don't surprise me.
  20. electrifyme

    China Truck Entry for EV, Possible Cybertruck clone

    Come on man...does NOT look like a CT clone. Teslas are not the center of the universe.
  21. electrifyme

    Just read CT delayed to end of 2022. I so 2023!

    My wife asked when are we gonna get our CT... I just rolled my eyes... Who knows! Prob 2024 or 2025.
  22. electrifyme

    Just read CT delayed to end of 2022. I so 2023!

    Saw on Twitter.. The Cybertruck has been delayed to late 2022. "Production starting late 2022 and volume production in 2023"
  23. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Cybertruck is delayed until 2023... So roadster is 2024 or 2025 now?
  24. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Not surprised by the delay.... actually expected that. Late 2023 at best. 2024 likely.
  25. electrifyme

    If HW3 does not achieve FSD would you accept a Tesla Bot driver as compensation?

    A car can be upgraded with better hardware. In either way, its how the system has been trained and that training is from the current fleet. You don't need insert a bot to physically drive the car. And no, it won't have cat-like reflexes.. that one won't happen for a long time.
  26. electrifyme

    If HW3 does not achieve FSD would you accept a Tesla Bot driver as compensation?

    lol.. addition camera doesn't necessarily make it "better"... if car cam1 can't recognize an object, bot cam1 can't either.
  27. electrifyme

    If HW3 does not achieve FSD would you accept a Tesla Bot driver as compensation?

    This has got to be a joke comment. You're basically kicking the rock down the road and now using BOT cameras/etc. instead of the car and even worse, relying on a BOT for input to the steering wheel and pedals. Geez, what can go wrong w/ that especially a wheel with a YOKE! LOL. If the car...
  28. electrifyme

    A yoke or a joke?

    IF tesla is gonna force a yoke on the CT, I'll likely cancel mine. I wallet just thanked me.
  29. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    This is.assuming there are no challenges or issues to work thru. They are new platforms. Pad half a year to a year and Elon time. If 2023, I would.think I would be late 2023 at best.
  30. electrifyme

    MASTER THREAD: FSD Subscription Available 16 Jul 2021

    It's expensive for what it is... that's all I'm saying.. When I see "FSD", it should really mean FSD L5... not driving assist. I'll purchase it when it's really what it's suppose to be.
  31. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Elon stated it'll come after CT. CT is looking like 2022 -2023. 2024 is my bet
  32. electrifyme

    Survey: Is Full Self-Driving Capability worth the cost?

    Why pre-pay for the hope of L5 FSD that may not come for yrs. Don't fall for the FOMO tactics. It's a lot of money for something that you might not ever get before switching to another car.
  33. electrifyme

    MASTER THREAD: FSD Subscription Available 16 Jul 2021

    Most people thought the 10k was for full FSD L5 in "two weeks". That's a long ways off so they'll never get what they thought they paid for.
  34. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Likely 2024
  35. electrifyme

    Will windows stop smash and grab

    I wonder how emergency responders would rescue you if in a serious accident.
  36. electrifyme

    MASTER THREAD: FSD Subscription Available 16 Jul 2021

    Wait. 200 a month when its not really fsd? Fsd as in L5. Expensive. Pass
  37. electrifyme

    2021 Model S Plaid/LR Fire

  38. electrifyme

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    How often would one actually look at that? Seems like it's the only excuse one can come up with. It's really not a prob.
  39. electrifyme

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    The yoke is stupid as hell. What was the purpose of the yoke? What prob was it trying to solve?
  40. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Congrats on the new life.. enjoy in good health. glad it worked out for you.
  41. electrifyme

    S plaid + cancellation implications on CT

    Me thinks so too.. batteries weren't ready yet. He should just say that instead of saying "no need"..
  42. electrifyme

    Who has ordered?

    I have but I want the 500 mile version. I'm guessing there are delays w/ this battery capacity so expect to see this in 2023 or close to it? It's Elon time so pad a few years, ya?
  43. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Imagine investing 250k in Tesla stock instead of putting a deposit for the FE... It could have paid for itself and a couple of more. Yea, don't give them a free loan unless you got money to burn or just want to be the first. I'd imagine there's a bunch of rich people out there that don't care.
  44. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    They prob can't achieve 500 miles yet. Announce a product that will eventually get there. It'll be 5 yrs already since the announcement. Funny
  45. electrifyme

    AI experts: true full self-driving cars could be decades away because AI is not good enough yet

    Fsd L5 ain't happening. Elon has been spreading this Fsd fud for way too long and taking peoples money. Reminds me of the saying, fake it till you make it.
  46. electrifyme

    Roadster 2023

    Or 2024. Cybertruck goes first.
  47. electrifyme

    Blog Musk Says He Wants the Roadster to Hover

    Elon says a lot.of things.. how about getting it produced first.