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  1. G

    Garage Wiring Fire

    Christ, he didn't even get the month right! The fire was in November!
  2. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Have you asked them about it? I asked about one in the Ontario/San Bernardino area of SoCal as it's really needed for S60s driving from LA and San Diego to Las Vegas, and they wrote back that they're currently looking for a site there, even though it's not on the map (anymore).
  3. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Oh, I absolutely love my S60 more than the 335d. But that's largely because of things that are unique to the Tesla, like how quick it is, the tech involved, and the Supercharging network. I love electric drive too, but not just because of how quiet and smooth it is. If it did 0-60 in 8.8...
  4. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I get what you guys are saying to an extent. I'm just saying the difference in price could buy you a lot of fuel and the 335d is a hell of a lot more fun to drive than something that does 0-60 in more than 8 seconds. If you think a car with 425lb-ft of torque is a dog, then I don't know what to...
  5. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    . So does my BMW 335d, and it also gets better fuel economy and gets to 60 more than 3 seconds faster. Oh, and it's really nice to drive, handles beautifully, and is almost half the price. Weird. The ELR says "I just want to look like I care about the environment without all the hassle of...
  6. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I have to imagine the next priorities are connecting Texas to the Southwest and Southeast and connecting the Northwest to the Midwest. All are relatively small gaps to cover considering what we had just a couple months ago.
  7. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I just don't understand building a car expecting to not sell many. The Model S is production limited and it's a small company, so they can't just expand production willy nilly. The other cars that don't expect to sell many typically do so based on price, rather than because they're admitting...
  8. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Why would you purposely design something not expecting to sell many? That's something Ferrari, McLaren, et al. do, and with good reason. Their cars have a market for people who want superior performance at any cost. The ELR doesn't do anything better and that's why they won't sell many. GM...
  9. G

    Tesla branded solar power storage unit

    Christ, how much electricity do you guys use?! Lol, I have a 3.5kW system from Solar City and it's enough to get rid of my $80/mo average bill from Edison. That doesn't include the car, but I'd pay SolarCity $0.17/kWh to charge the car and Edison only charges $0.09/kWh between midnight and...
  10. G

    Garage Wiring Fire

    Good thing SolarCity (my solar supplier and I'm assuming yours as well) will be offering a battery setup in 2015. Then you can get off the grid altogether and they have no justification to charge you anything since you wouldn't be using their service at all.
  11. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I thought that looked like the Kohl's in La Verne! I've charged there as well in that exact spot. I initially thought it looked familiar, but then saw you live in Phoenix and figured it was just another Kohl's that looked similar. Unfortunately I was there for like an hour, but I at least got...
  12. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I think he meant the list of ones that will be opening soon. :)
  13. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I actually might try to make a trip back home to Minnesota in the next couple of months. I just need to figure out how to charge at my brother's house, since he only has 120v/12a outlets as far as I know. That might be kind of painful.
  14. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Thanks! That makes a lot more sense than my thought process was. Unfortunately, I think going through Hawthorne might be your best bet. There's quite a bit of hill climbing along the way to Tejon too (which I'm sure you know) that puts it even farther out of the 60's range.
  15. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I know the feeling! My house is at almost the exact same elevation (6000' for me). If I let it coast, I'd end up doing about 100mph on my way to the LA basin area. Considering how twisty some parts of the road are, that wouldn't be a good idea. What I've been trying to work out is whether...
  16. G

    Supercharger - San Juan Capistrano, CA (7 V2 stalls)

    It looks like they're facing in different directions, huh?
  17. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    But one in Ontario/San Bernardino would be even closer and usable for both. :) Tejon to Cabazon would be really sketchy in a 60. It would be easier for an 85 to make it from Tejon to Indio than a 60 to make it from Tejon to Cabazon. Keep in mind, there was originally one scheduled in the...
  18. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Good point. I don't think a speed multiple of 1 on evtripper equates to the speed limit either. It seems to use 5mph over the speed limit as the baseline. That said, I'd still rather see the SC in Indio as it seems to make more sense, especially if what Tesla wrote to me is true that they're...
  19. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I'm talking about Tesla's Supercharger page (Supercharger | Tesla Motors), not TMC. :)
  20. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I think Tesla needs to reorganize the list of Superchargers now. It's to the point where, if you're looking for a particular one from the list, it's a bit tedious to find. What a great problem to have now. :)
  21. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I'd rather have any of those than the ELR...by like a million percent.
  22. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Hey, that same strategy worked for the Lexus SC430 for a long time! :)
  23. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I can relate to almost all of that except the acceleration thing. I really enjoy having the acceleration when I need it and the Volt's just wouldn't be enough to keep me, personally, happy. Everything else you said though, are exactly the reasons I bought my MS.
  24. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I don't know that marketing is really necessary, is it? The people who can use it know where it is. The people who just randomly see it can't use it. I think word of mouth advertising is working out extremely well for them at this point as production is going as fast as it can at all times...
  25. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Out of curiosity, what was the allure of driving EV for you? For me, I fell in love with the instant and constant acceleration, not having to wait for the engine to get into the power band or feeling any shifting. Admittedly, I haven't driven a Volt, but I can't imagine I'd love the Volt in...
  26. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Yeah, I think this opened last week. I'm very excited about it as it's within range of my hometown. Now both ends of my route are covered, I just need the middle to fill in a little more!
  27. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Yeah, and I'm sure the Volt is just fine. I still, like RobStark, can't get over the mileage on gas. 37 only? My BMW 335d spits out 425lb-ft of torque and a sub 6 second 0-60 time, all while getting 36mpg on the highway. 1mpg less and way more power. I'd stick with the BMW if those were my...
  28. G

    Model S knock off? 2015 Chrysler 200

    I don't know that I exactly agree. I really hope you're not defending Chris Bangle's design. Even in hindsight they still look awful, particularly around the trunk lid. It looks like an afterthought. Then again, I don't really see the resemblance to the Model S in the Chrysler 200. I...
  29. G

    Model S knock off? 2015 Chrysler 200

    What's with all the freakin' knobs on the center console?! Engineer: "BMW and Audi have been successful using a knob on the center console. Maybe we should put FOUR knobs there! More is always better!"
  30. G

    Model S - Window Tinting

    Another point here is that it doesn't heat soak the car nearly as much, so not only does it take less time to initially cool, it takes less to keep it cool because the seats, dash, etc didn't get as hot while sitting there. The surfaces take awhile to cool down after they've been heated up and...
  31. G

    Model S - Window Tinting

    +1 I'm not affiliated with Prestige in any way. Photosync made a huge difference in interior temps in my car after sitting in the desert for 9 hours (which happens pretty regularly with my car). In a car like the Tesla, where running A/C actually affects range, I'm willing to spend the money...
  32. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Same here, but there's just something extra satisfying about seeing the SC's pop up on the TM website.
  33. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Yeah, I met a lady at the Hawthorne SC who'd done the trip in her 60. She hadn't really put any thought into it from the sounds of it and just wanted to go to Vegas with her daughter. She said they didn't have much left when they got there and she was pretty nervous from the sound of it...
  34. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I think several on here check Supercharger | Tesla Motors , Superchargers , and this thread on a daily basis. We all have a problem! :)
  35. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I'm not sure if it's different than what they said to you, but they're apparently looking for something in the area. Here's the response I got: I really hope they find something in Ontario as that's more convenient for me, but I'd take either one!
  36. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Oddly, it seems the 85 uses more rated miles for a given trip than the 60 does. I understood how the 60 would use less energy in kwh, but fewer rated miles actually baffles me a bit since the two cars seem to have rated range tailored for their different energy usages.
  37. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Personally, I hope they build out I-10 first. Barstow to Kingman isn't possible in a 60. It wouldn't be terrible to have to go to Vegas and then Kingman, but it'd be nicer if we didn't have to. I must admit, it's actually pretty fun using EVTripPlanner to plot out trips. It's especially...
  38. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I find it about a million times better than my BMW nav. It still doesn't recognize a road I use to get home that's been there for years. Trying to find a business that's existed for less than 5 years is nearly impossible. It makes me wonder what you're actually getting for the ~$400 nav updates.
  39. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Sorry I wasn't clear enough. The two hours was from San Diego to my house, which is in the mountains north of the Inland Empire. It's only ~130 miles from San Diego but it's also a lot of hills and then a climb to 6000', which is the elevation of my house. The route you propose is definitely...
  40. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Yeah, I submitted an e-mail via the website to ownership, but maybe I'll send one to that e-mail address as well to cover my bases. I haven't heard back yet, I'm assuming because it's the weekend.
  41. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    To be fair, I don't think many people, if any, are "whining." My only criticism is the supercharger between San Diego and Barstow being removed suddenly when it was originally slated in Fall 2013, so I was expecting it within weeks (Fall is almost officially over) only to see it suddenly...
  42. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    My mistake. I obviously totally misunderstood what you were saying. In that case, I agree completely.
  43. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Well they have to start somewhere, and it really wouldn't make sense to start in Minnesota, would it? California has by far the highest amount of them and then the east coast after that. I think they've been doing a perfect job with the roll outs. PS, hello from a native Minnesotan. I would...
  44. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    It looks like there's been a decent amount of talk about future sites being removed from the supercharger website. One I was really looking forward to seems to have been removed as well, which appeared to be between San Diego and Barstow along the 215. It was originally on there for "Fall 2013"...
  45. G

    Decreasing rated range.

    At the same time, wouldn't you say it's safer if it under predicts than if it over predicts? Do you really think the battery physically has less energy because of a software update?
  46. G

    Decreasing rated range.

    On the 60, the point where the rated range and projected range intersect seems to be 297, just to add a little more info. And to the people who claim they are losing range, you can't really claim that until you can show that you're still using the same amount of rated range per actual mile...
  47. G

    Firmware 5.6

    What kind of phone are you using? If it's a Windows Phone, then it's definitely the phone doing it and not the car.
  48. G

    Firmware 5.6

    Do you have a Windows Phone by any chance? I thought for the longest time that my BMW was reading my texts aloud for me, giving me the option to either read or ignore them, but when I got my Tesla, it was still reading them and with the same voice. It turns out it was a feature of my Windows...
  49. G

    Firmware 5.6

    I'm really curious how they're going to handle this, because navigation and 7 years of free updates are supposed to be included in the price of the tech package. You can't hardly start charging people a monthly fee for their navigation to work when they already paid a large up front cost for...