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  1. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    Sounds like we had a very similar experience :)
  2. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    UPDATE FOR THOSE WHO CARE (copy from another thread): This past Saturday I refused delivery of an inventory vehicle. It had 4000 miles on it and came with a good price adjustment. I was ready to accept imperfections knowing I am getting a discount, but when I inspected the car I just couldn’t...
  3. R

    New Tesla Owner - Model X Delivery & Post ownership experience of 5 days

    You (as well as I) imagined wrong. Seems like they don't give a s***t anymore.
  4. R

    New Tesla Owner - Model X Delivery & Post ownership experience of 5 days

    Probably not as relevant, but Saturday I refused delivery of an inventory vehicle. It had 4000 miles on it and came with a good price adjustment. I was ready to accept imperfections knowing I am getting a discount, but when I inspected the car I just couldn’t accept it. - I took delivery at...
  5. R

    Uncorked X100D

    I am picking the car up tomorrow. Any idea how I can find out besides asking this clueless guy again? Talk to an SA at the service center? Any other ideas?
  6. R

    Uncorked X100D

    Yep. Exactly how I feel. I am used to this “Tesla employee speak” unfortunately.
  7. R

    Got the car today - almost smooth

    Off topic, but does anyone know if there is expiration of the $500 credit and if it can be used towards annual service?
  8. R

    Uncorked X100D

    This car is VIN 42xxx and I estimate it was made around 4/17.
  9. R

    Uncorked X100D

    So I am picking my inventory MX tomorrow. I inquired with my DS about performance upgrade. This is a response I received: “I am pleased to confirm that your Model X 100D received the improved performance since it is a dual motor vehicle.” Does this make sense? I always thought that all 100D MX...
  10. R

    Uncorked X100D

    Asked my OA. He had no idea what I was talking about
  11. R

    Uncorked X100D

    Guys, thank you for great info on this thread. I am picking up an inventory MX this weekend, built around 4/17, VIN 42xxx. Any way tell if its uncorked? TIA!
  12. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    Car with over 4000 miles was mostly likely a service loaner.
  13. R

    Delivery Advice - Inventory Adjusted MX

    I saw this car when it came out and almost pulled the trigger on it, but didn’t (you are welcome!). Five seats killed it for me. It should a killer color combo with carbon sonic wheels. There is no magic formula regarding wear and tear on inventory cars. There is what they consider minor damage...
  14. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    Thank you for your input guys. I will defiantly use your advice.
  15. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    Photo was taken by my OA through closed window. This was before the prep so I am hoping they made it look better. The DA did point out that at inspection at Fremont they said that seat will not be replaced at delivery center. I can either accept it, refuse delivery or take my chances at the...
  16. R

    Is this acceptable leather condition for inventory car?

    Scheduled to pick up next week. Delivery center refusing to address and states this is normal wear. Accept or refuse delivery? What would you do?
  17. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    $30K off a P100D is ok, but not a steal. I have seen discounts $50+K on P100D MX. $30k off 100D is another story :)
  18. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Beautiful. Congrats! Picking up mine next Saturday (26k adjustment).
  19. R

    Picking up MX next week. Pay for FSD now or wait?

    @Maximus-MX - good point! So far, whenever I get a new car I always think I'll keep it long term. In reality though, somehow I end up with a new car every few years :).
  20. R

    Picking up MX next week. Pay for FSD now or wait?

    I think you are right. Problem is I think they will jack up the price to get it later once it becomes real.
  21. R

    Picking up MX next week. Pay for FSD now or wait?

    I am picking up a heavily discounted inventory MX next week and I am torn on whether or not to pay for FSD. This is not a 2.5 AP car, it was made by my estimation mid-2017. My thinking is to pay $3k which will probably force them to upgrade some hardware components once FSD comes out. Other...
  22. R

    2018 Model X Build Quality

    That helps. Thanks.
  23. R

    2018 Model X Build Quality

    @GOPJEW - how do you know if the seals are bad? On visual inspection or leaking air?
  24. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Inventory cars may or may not have a discount. Most do have some, but not all. If you are happy with the car, keep it. On the other hand, my long awaited inventory model 100D MX with $23,000 adjustment gets delivered next week :)
  25. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Thanks for explanation. In this case, I am definitely not paying 20k for better browser :)))
  26. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Well, maybe. It’s pretty much a consensus at this point that tax credit will start going away around 9/18. So if you don’t get an inventory car by the end of next quarter, you may not get the tax credit making the discount not as sweet. To me all that MCU business is only important in terms of...
  27. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Different strokes I guess. I am protecting my large investment by getting the lowest possible price I can.
  28. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    Pretty solid logic, but unfortunately you can’t chase Tesla innovations. You just can’t. Imagine if you went with upgraded MCU and plunked down extra 20k then found out that complete refresh came 2 weeks after you took delivery. Double hit.
  29. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    I think the problem is good inventory car deal is not little less money. I am looking at a fully loaded inventory 100D with over 20k discount. Would you pick custom order with new MCU for 20k?
  30. R

    Inventory car with good discount vs custom order with new MCU

    I don’t think this question is possible to answer. I am like you considering an inventory car, but of course it will be older, won’t have a new MCU and will come with a significant discount. Is the discount worth it an older VIN? I think only you can decide that.
  31. R

    Any news on 100D uncorking?

    Hi guys, I am about to pull a trigger on an inventory 100D VIN 42xxx and made around 3-4/2017. Any way to know if its uncorked or uncorckable before I take delivery? TIA!
  32. R

    Showroom discount XP100DL $38K off $1160/month lease

    It’s a pretty good deal. I have seen many like this. If you are good with the price, enjoy!
  33. R

    Showroom discount XP100DL $38K off $1160/month lease

    It seems every inventory MX P100d always lands at 120k. If MSRP is 170k, it’s 50k discount. It’s it’s 160k, it’s 40k discont. I have never seen a p MX below 120k.
  34. R

    Paint protection options ?

    I had my car wrapped at Transhine. My experience couldn’t have been more positive. Great job, great communication, great prices. Bill and Jesus are the best. I highly recommend them.
  35. R

    Owner Advisor Referral

    I can confirm above. Create a new account with email address and new OA will get the credit.
  36. R

    What would you do?

    That’s good thinking! By the way, love your suites !
  37. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    VIN 42xxx? I was under impression retractable spoiler was eliminated way before your VIN. But I am glad no issues with the car!
  38. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    I disagree on a few points. Vast majority of inventory cars are service loaners and demo cars, not cars declined by purchasers. I can make an argument that inventory car may have fewer issues since it’s already been in the road a few thousand miles and some issues were probably already fixed at...
  39. R

    Where are all the inventory Model X's?

    Just FYI, once your car goes into production, you can no longer switch to an inventory car. So you probably have a month or two.
  40. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    Well, Tesla no longer allows to postpone production so moving forward you probably can guesstimate production date fairly accurately. Based on what I've read on TMC, for example, VIN 48,000 cars were produced around 3/17.
  41. R

    Weighing Rejoining the Tesla Family

    You are correct, except Tesla has terrible leases. I consider myself somewhat of a lease expert and Tesla's are some of the worst out there. Plus with the buy and having a business you get tax credit and can do section 179 deduction. So even with huge depreciation you can still come out ahead...
  42. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Inventory cars can be produces all over the place, they are not just from previous quarter. I have recently seen inventory cars with VINs 48XXX, 63XXX, etc.
  43. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    Yes, I do. But they are giving almost all my money back for the car. I put newrly15k miles on the car, tires would need to be replaced soon. Plus just got registration for next year which is almost a grand. I am also getting free enxtended warranty on the replacement X. And I am swapping for an...
  44. R

    Looking for replacement X. What VIN is OK?

    That's great info! I think its smart paying for full self driving which will probably force their hand to upgrade to 2.5 even if you get 2.0. I think finding an inventory car with good adjustment made after 7/21 will be a challenge this quarter. Waiting until the end of next quarter is...