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  1. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    I suspected from your recommendation, paulp, that you may have had some prior experience. Rick and I discussed the matter extensively. ;) Congratulations. The Frames are amongst the most brilliant (and brilliantly executed) concept I have ever experienced; and accept my word on it, I have...
  2. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Wolf Blass / Banrock Station / The Frame Resort Paringa / the Frames - walk in welcome / The Frames - view from BR Day 7&8 - Adelaide - Renmark - Paringa. Initially rain and cold, progressed to overcast - top 14°. Battery: Start - 451 km typical - End 122 typical. Distance travelled - 263 kms...
  3. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Mistsubishi CHAdeMO charger Adelaide / Charge Rate CHAdeMO / Adelaide Hills Day 6 - Kingscote - Penneshaw - ferry - Cape Jervis - Adelaide. Initially overcast and cold, progressed to drizzly then back to overcast - top 16°. Battery: Start - 432 km typical - End 350 typical. Distance travelled...
  4. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    On road trip so will catch up with the register when I get back - but keep up the good work - more firsts please! To keep the ball rolling - 'The first Tesla off the ferry to Kangaroo Island' - 6/6/16:
  5. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Crash Scene :( / Off the ferry - First Tesla to KI / CEO of Kangaroo Island Council Day 5 - Strathalbyn - Cape Jervis - Ferry - Penneshaw - Kingscote. Initially clear and cold, progressed to pleasant day, top 16°. Battery: Start - 383 km typical - End 154 typical. Distance travelled - 175 kms...
  6. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    First Electric Scooter Accross Murray Bridge?? Day 4 - Robe - Murray Bridge - Strathalbyn. Initially clear and cold, progressed to light rain on and off all day, top 16°. Battery: Start - 327 km typical - End 242 typical. Distance travelled - 324 kms @ 205Wh/Km (charged for 4.5 hrs at Murray...
  7. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Crossing the Border / Ghostly Fog / Fayrefield House (Wow) Day 3 - Portland - Nelson - Beachport - Robe. Initially foggy and cold, progressed to foggy and colder (5°) and finally cleared and warmed to a sunny 18°. Battery: Start - 390 km typical - End 64 typical. Distance travelled - 288 kms @...
  8. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    First is first, NovoCasGreeny! For instance - 3/5/16 - first at Lavers Hill:
  9. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Wreck Beach X 2 / Port Ferry for lunch / Scooter Foray through Portland Day 2 - Apollo Bay - Wreck Beach - Port Campbell - Port Ferry - Portland - Initially overcast with angry seas then nicely developed to sunny, got to 16. Battery: Start - 390 km typical - End 64 typical. Distance travelled -...
  10. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Start of Great Ocean Road / Ferry to Queenscliff / Vanilla Slice Heaven Day 1 - Brighton - Sorrento - Ferry to Queenscliff - Torquay - Apollo Bay - Initially foggy then sunny, got to p14. Battery: Start - 448 km typical - End 202 typical. Distance travelled - 236 kms @ 184 Wh/Km. Inspired by...
  11. alpal

    The future of energy and cars in Australia?

    Every election in Australia only ever focuses on health, education, jobs and tax cuts. I've personally experienced over twenty state and federal campaigns and each and every time it's the same issues, the same promises. And yet ...
  12. alpal

    Is driving from Sydney to (nearly) Newcastle and back possible?

    You can see it's fairly flat once out a little from Sydney explaining the good average - for my whole road trip (Melb to Scotts Head and back) I averaged 197Wh/K. Most of the drive was sunny (April) and I used autopilot sparingly. I think the other main factor would be head wind if any - not...
  13. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    It's my son's (who is in St Petersburg wind tunnelling at the moment); there for safekeeping. PS Thanks (not) for your concern about the anni prezzie! ;)
  14. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Road trip update! Take-off tomorrow morning 8.45am. Packing scooters - tick Trip Elevation Plans Printed - tick Batteries Charged (Scooters) - tick Undies packed - tick Anni prezzie bought - .......
  15. alpal

    Is driving from Sydney to (nearly) Newcastle and back possible?

    You can see from the photo - I have a 90D and made the Sydney to PM run easy and averaged 180Wh/K.
  16. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    First ;) at Cassegrain's Winery Supercharger NSW 01/04/2016
  17. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    D'oh. Sorry Astroboy. Got your date. BUT unfortunately LGGD beat you to the punch - he holds the claim for WintergardenBrisbane on 13/9/15! (Great. Already the competition starts!) Dylanpete - need your dates. TesAus - nice! LGGD - really nice as well (and congrats for knocking off Astroboy)...
  18. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Hi Moderator (meloccom?) - as this trip is now imminent (take off Thursday), could you please rename this thread to -> Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaay! Melbourne to Adelaide ...
  19. alpal

    7.1 in Australia

    I've had a continuing problem with Spotify and my USB stick music since the last update - hopefully this one will fix it.
  20. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Really? Is that it? I would have thought after a day of this incredibly exciting thread we would have had dozens of "Firsts". But just to reiterate - to stake your claim of being the first somewhere we need a photo with plates and a date. Come on!
  21. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    You too Astroboy, date please?
  22. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Great shots Dylanpete but I need dates please.
  23. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Okay raynewman - 2 April 2015 - Claiming 'ran out (or nearly) while still trying to understand battery range'. Not a place but a situation - that's okay. Good memories hey?
  24. alpal

    Spotted in Australia and New Zealand

    Oh what! I thought I'd already been spotted (have been on slack). Not fair!!!!
  25. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Hi LGGD and nice to see you join this thread. I've enjoyed yours for a while now. Nice photo but I need id's to ensure validity of claim (;)). Thanks to the game I was playing with you and Colin trying to avoid being spotted by standing in front of my licence plates, all my photos from our...
  26. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    @raynewman - I'm not sure where you are claiming? "Lost" perhaps. Or maybe, "miles from nowhere". I'll need a date too, okay? @meloccom - snap! Sydney Harbour Bridge 3/1/2015 - all yours(so far)! Nice shot.
  27. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Thank you meloccom. AndrewNSW - done and well done! Not only a wonderful shot, but that red car - wow - such a superb colour. So location 2 - The Red Lion Tavern in Glencoe 16/4/16 - filled. Come on - keep 'em coming!
  28. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    Good idea - but - how do you rename a thread? PS My next road trip will be Melb->Perth so maybe MDK might have some competition.
  29. alpal

    First Australia - New Zealand sighting of a Tesla at:

    How about we start a thread where, instead of posting photos of previously unsighted Teslas (don't get me wrong, I like that thread), people can also post photos of their Tesla being in a place (city, monument, view ...) for the first time ever. (I can hear the cheers already! What a great idea...
  30. alpal

    Tesla Owners Event (Late Notice) Organised by Richmond SC

    Not sure what you mean, NovoCasGreeny, so I guess not. I was the one stuffing those crepes in all night - hmmmm - Nutella!!!
  31. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Zapman, thanks for this offer. I have started a new conversation with you.
  32. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    No 39 tradition hey? I think the modern one is lace. Hmmmm ;)
  33. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    AUD780! Wood hey. I'll have to look up 39.
  34. alpal

    Tesla Owners Event (Late Notice) Organised by Richmond SC

    An evening of delicious food and Tesla talk at iconic "Food Truck Stop, Welcome to Thornbury", was promised ... but not delivered. It was better! Great people - great food and drink - great location! Well done Tesla Melbourne. Thanks for a wonderful night.
  35. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Road trip update! CHAdeMO adaptor picked up last night from Tesla (not cheap!) - almost ready to go! Check list - Plan (where to charge and for how long) - check Adaptors - check Booked ferries - check (one to Kangaroo Island not...
  36. alpal

    A Sunday Drive - 12 June

    Not sure if you want us to reply here PJF, but - we're in for 2 people (Sharon & Alan)! Can't wait - sounds like fun (definitely the panna cotta!)
  37. alpal

    7.1 in Australia

    Now happening with USB stick music! Anyone else having these probs?
  38. alpal

    To Window tint, or not Window tint?

    How good is that Tesla red!!
  39. alpal

    This is the longest weekend - I might go to dentist

    The wait - she's so sweet.
  40. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    The front folds down and the seat is simply removed. We get two of these easily in the Tesla's boot with the back seats pushed forward. Plus - they're a lot of fun to use - especially in ludicrous mode (when I'm onboard)! ;)
  41. alpal

    QLD Event - The Farm, 15th May 2016

    Not a special red! Not a special red!! :@ "As a Ferrari owner" - says it all. Hmmmmph!
  42. alpal

    QLD Event - The Farm, 15th May 2016

    Red - the preferred colour of those discerning few! Of course, there have been many studies. How often have you heard the one, "a red or two over dinner is good for your heart". Or perhaps, "better red than dead". It turns out that simply there is less friction as you drive with the colour...
  43. alpal

    A Sunday Drive - 12 June

    Count us in(2)! Sounds like a load of fun. Can't wait till we meet some more Tesla owners.
  44. alpal

    Melb to Syd via Hwy1

    Arrrrgh - auto word correct - 'Je ne sais pas'!
  45. alpal

    Road Trip - Take 2 - Yaaaaaaah! Melbourne to Adelaide

    Found! And to maintain our theme, electric too! So for the record, to accompany us on our next road trip we have purchased two electric scooters to occupy us whilst we charge during the day, and for those who like to see the specs: ;) 48v 12AH Lithium battery => .576 KWh (Yes that's half a...
  46. alpal

    Melb to Syd via Hwy1

    Road trips are fun hey. This extra element of range arithmetic adds a certain 'Je Ne said pas' to the whole exercise. Nice description.
  47. alpal

    EV bandwagon time....let the fun begin.

    The average tax payer doesn't pay the average amount of tax at the moment in our system so who cares. When they do, let's talk. Australians will always buy mainly based on price only so that is the area that needs attention, as you have said. And yes, I agree also with you, the model 3 is sexy...
  48. alpal

    EV bandwagon time....let the fun begin.

    The Greens (and Labor for that matter) have no other way than their now habitual concept of paying for their spending by taxing the rich. But I do agree with Blue heaven - it progresses the discussion. We'd better wake up soon - while the rest of the world transitions to EVs and the...
  49. alpal

    Wall Charger Issues

    I ordered an extra charger when I ordered my car which I picked up and installed before my car was delivered and I was specifically advised (warned) to follow the Australian section of the manual for installation. My electrician, however, managed to follow another section thinking it was all the...