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  1. O

    32A Blue Charging Cable Missing

    they keep changing the rules, 6 months ago, they were not willing to give out the 13a cable in exchange for wall adapter. (which was not the case before)
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    Superchargers in Hong Kong are not for long distance travel

    Tesla now has some installation credit for referral buyers. A good step forward. Issue is with the icing of slow chargers and commercial usage of super chargers. Both detrimental to the push towards ev adoption. 1 in 12 new cars r Tesla's, good luck to us all. If you are a potential Tesla buyer...
  3. O

    Why HK no delivery estimate for Model X? Almost everywhere else says 2H 2016...

    I Hope not, we just dont have enough chargers... something like 1 in 10 new cars in Hk are Tesla's currently. It's good for evs but not for the current early adaptors. Going back on topic, do you think a model x is too big for Hk car Parks? It is slightly longer than the s. The size is my...
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    Occupancy of Superchager

    Wow, some guy's was vandalized in Panda last night cause he parked at the SC for 3 hours. Two problems here, the new car owner needs to be educated, and why would someone be so bad as to vandalize, he should just leave them a note. Usually this type of occupancy does not happen more than once...
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    Tesla pay-per-charge charging station suggestion

    Well, we never know their intentions or what type of conflict of interests they may have... There are uber drivers and commercial drivers out there. As for as I am concern, Tesla is a disruptive company and anything they do can be disruptive and change. Free super chargers is meaningless if we...
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    Tesla pay-per-charge charging station suggestion

    No one gets penalized if they are willing to pay and get what they feel it's worth, the op is suggesting a free option for other end users. Free anything doesn't work in HK, everyone else is being penalized now with a scheme that is designed for the states. Totally believe in pay per use and...
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    Idea for Tesla - Tesla Valet Charging Service

    For multiple of reasons, Valet is a good idea. I hope they even charge us to use super chargers, so it incentivizes people to charge at malls or at home. I only drive 200km per week and it sucks knowing that I pay the same as the other drivers who SPOT or are driving Uber.
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    Elon in Hong Kong 26 January 2016

    registered and no confo... sucks.
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    Hong Kong CLP (ABB) triple-standard combo charger tested (Jan 2016)

    Good stuff, looks like the ChaDeMo adapter is more worth while than the 13A one...
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    Spotify in Tesla

    Good point. I was pretty surprised they gave us premium spotify accounts and we don't need to pay.
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    7.1 - range algorithm updated?

    Upgraded from 7.0 on my 85d, range increased from 360km to about 370. A quick drive shows usage slightly lower than before. Hopefully it is an algo change on the motor side that gives us increased range.
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    news on re-release of autopilot in HK?

    Let's go back to the root. Why did TD change its mind? It had already turned a blind eye to AP features. It was because Mr Tsim (or whatever his name is) decide to drive around in the busy neighborhood with his hands off the steering wheel and then got it publicized as a safety risk. Mr Tsim and...
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    news on re-release of autopilot in HK?

    Good luck and one piece of advice, don't hold your breath. =)
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    At this moment yes, SC is eligible for everyone. So far some argument is that it is legal and we have paid for it, but that is not the point of discussion here. Once again, the point of this discussion is, SHOULD IT BE prioritized somehow to maximize value to EV drivers? Rather than, was it or...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    Well think of it this way, if this continues (unless you argue that such cases don't exist), it only takes 280 (13hrs*42SC/2hrs) of your friends before there will be a constant queue at the SC in the 9am-10pm time. Given your friend drives at least 250km a day and spends ~2 hours a day charging...
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    Hong Kong First Registration Tax

    Agree with ditb, at some point it needs to be canceled much like What has happened to our parking perks. Same thing happened to the low emission tax break that was canceled earlier last year. Eventually Most cars met low emissions requirements (original goal) and the incentive could be...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    It is easy to pick out the commercial users. Say average user charges 3 hours a week with a standard deviation of 1 hours. It means 95% people charges 5 or less hours per week. Anything above is beyond reasonable usage. In the end, the sc cost is spread per user and the at some fuzzy point, the...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    There is no doubt that parking at charging spot is a problem but that misses the point of this thread. The question here is does a commercial operation like Uber suck out our SC resources? Simple math shows it can/will and I hope that Tesla/Uber does something that is tailored for their...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    Unfortunately That's not the case in Hong Kong. Our superchargers are always occupied. In Cali, the super chargers are less occupied and drivers might have home charging. You guys face issue only on Thanksgiving and Xmas holiday in tejon. Take a look at my pictures from this Saturday and also...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    Yes or something like every driver gets 4 hours of free charging time per week. Which equates to about 1000km per week. After which, the cost should be paid (includes maintenance and SC build out cost). Fair usage is important as SC resource is scarce. Rough estimate, we have some 2000+ Model...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    I don't think the problem is Tesla is unwilling to build more or not, its about finding the spaces that has enough electricity. Our car prices includes super charger usage, in a way, we are subsidizing taxi drivers. I think the more you use the more you should pay. In US, super chargers are made...
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    RDIO going bankrupt

    just got an email from tesla that we will be getting Spotify.... nice...
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    Uber drivers and super chargers

    What do you guys think of uber drivers and super charging? Are they the 20% who are taking up 80% of the resources? Today I waited at Olympic for a spot, the turn over was quick. I saw a young professional looking guy drive away. I thought I would turn on uber and see if it was a taxi...
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    BlackVue in car (front & rear) cam

    Do you need to open the pano roof to acquire GPS signal? I have had the f750 and so far so good.. it is a bit bigger
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    HKEV Airport Charger summary

    I just came back from 3 day parking. You can't park and charge there. Cause the level with teh charger is $144 per day, If you park outdoor it is $300 for 3 days and $90 after. I was able to park near the charger one time cause P2 (outdoor) lot was full and they let me pay the outdoor price and...
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    Hong Kong First Registration Tax

    You guys are right, i always thought the i8 full electric. Glad those guys are paying tax! Then the current exemption makes sense since there is no $2m sports car that is getting tax exempted....
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    Hong Kong First Registration Tax

    FRT is not an environmental tax, it is a tax that is meant to deter drivers. FRT exemption is an incentive for EV cars. This means EV should be taxed even though EVs don't have tail pipe emission, because EVs still use the HK roads and congests streets. To have a higher acceptance of EVs, we can...
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    tesla wall connector for sale

    That's no longer the case... no swap allowed. According to my DS 2 months ago.
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    Hong Kong First Registration Tax

    Too bad, I was hoping they would get some tax from i8 owners and subsidize the build out of some more medium chargers.
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    Car blocks 2 stalls at Science Park supercharger

    nice baller style then!
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    85D range

    361 and 400... I feel my car is more energy efficient after v7 by ~5%. Maybe the weather is not as warm....
  32. O

    Tesla gets warning letter from Transport Department for auto pilot?

    Apple daily is complete ****. Its their job to be hypocrites, whatever gets the public blood boiling or scared sells news paper. They would complain that HK govt hinders innovation but in fact, its really these media scare stories that causes knee jerk actions in the HK govt.
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    Tesla gets warning letter from Transport Department for auto pilot?

    ã€å¯¦æ¸¬TESLA】åŠè‡ªå‹•é§•é§›å±éšª é‹è¼¸ç½²è­¦å‘Šä»£ç†å•† | å³æ™‚æ–°èž | çªç™¼ | 20151029 TLDR: Turn on AP in normal road and complain that it is dangerous. TD sends warning letter to Tesla.
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    Charging with a standard BS1363 (household 3 prong) socket - review

    we shuld use these whenever we can: to show that people actually have demand for charging needs and to alleviate some of this SC demand.
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    Frequency of occupied Superchargers & "peak hours"

    On week nights, usually one spot open. If occupied, a 5minute wait should be fine. I passed by this Sunday and didnt charge, on my way up, i saw one Tesla leaving the parkage. Once I arrived at the SC, there was a newly arriving tesla waiting for a spot. So yes, it is quite packed on weekends...
  36. O

    Financing and insurance in Hong Kong

    Do you guys have problem with liberty? I will have to recommend against them going forward. It's been almost two months since I took delivery and I still don't have my hard copy insurance. Starting to afraid if I have insurance or not. Their orig employee quit after telling me they got all docs...
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    Pomponazzi 880xx coating on new Tesla

    I went with them as well. Both shops were great and had good customer service. They found a minor dimple on my car bumper (I let it go since it is only seen under certain angle up close). And then recently I scratched my car door, they buffed it up and half the scratches went away. My only my...
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    Window Tinting

    Nah, its a bit of math. So to be legal the windshield has to let at least 70%. You start at 80%, if you apply something that is 90% light transmittance, your ratio becomes 80*0.9, which is 72%, thus stilll above the legal requirement of 70%.
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    Window Tinting

    All our windows start off at 80%. Thus to be legal, your front windows can apply a film of 90% transparency. Your rear windows 70%. Pano roof, as dark as you please.
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    Window Tinting

    I don't park outside, but i think you can google some info on the cyrstalline where people show the temperature of cars side by side.. I think after 1 hour, either film will make a difference (personal opinion). And people don't get in trouble cause the cops don't have a machien to check you...
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    Window Tinting

    i did 3m Crystalline at Sunshine (there was a slightly discounted price on facebook for MS owners) for $5800 including pano roof... I did 100% wind shield, everything else 70%. I wish i did 40% on the back now. Doing 70% in the front windows is illegal (so is parking on the side of most...
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    Firmware update done

    Are you sure you Didnt turn on the energy saving feature?
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    Autopilot convenience features and/or the ultra HiFi Sound option?

    Are you sure this is safe? occasionally i see these posts where TACC goes haywire and if you don't have your foot on the break, it becomes hazardess. And in HK where we spend less time on the high way, i don't see myself using this feature at all.
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    Ride Height concerns when entering typical crappy HK Car Park

    85D, comprehensive, 60% NCD with liberte was 7414, 60%NCD. Zurich only gave me 50% NCD and the terms were not as favorable for $8300.
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    Reasons to upgrade from 70 to 70D or 85 (got a few days left in my change window....)

    I went with the 85d instead of 85 because when i test drove, it felt like it was understeering during cornering. the AWD should hopefully compensate for that... I don't have at home charging so any bit of extra range is great. Figure if I sell it back, i get some of the money back.
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    Finally, got confirmed P85D delivery date

    o, just checked wiht my DS, he said no longer mid aug, the cargo ship got delayed and I am back to end of Aug.
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    Finally, got confirmed P85D delivery date

    guess i will be expecting a car from DSE... My 904xx might be on an earlier boat as DSE said it is arriving to HK soon...
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    Finally, got confirmed P85D delivery date

    No clue, let me email him today. My 85D finished production on July 16th. Edit: DS told me car is on cargo ship already and can move up delivery date to mid Aug.
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    Finally, got confirmed P85D delivery date

    That would suck. What did you sign? The Transport department paper work? I signed that last week. I also have 85D and VIN 904xx. I read from the Aussie forum that we can try to ask the DS the cargo ship name and then we can track the boat on google map.
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    Finally, got confirmed P85D delivery date

    nice! my 85D finished prod 1 week ago, or about 1 month after yours. hope i can get it end of aug!