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  1. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    Another take on this - Let me explain: In Norway there is a larger proportion on the population that can afford a Tesla than in the US (it is effectively half priced, equivalent to being ~$35k in US). In the US more Tesla buyers are from a small subset of the population - wealthy first movers...
  2. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Google Trends Tesla Motors on Google Trends. Over last few days search volume in trending down. Perhaps this correlates with trading volume? Also, Switzerland above US? Doesn't seem right...
  3. D

    S70D investor implications

    250 mile range at 65 mph, 240 mile EPA. And another blog reference for 240 mile at 65 mph that is probably a mistake.
  4. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    If Tesla states 240 mi EPA, and it is not the correct number they can be accused of false claims. It's not not some schmuck with his own html page, this is a publicly traded company with lawyers and all. And they said a few times that we should expect battery improvements. So it's not...
  5. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Tesla put on it's website 240 mi It makes more sense if you don't assume the same battery chemistry as the 85.
  6. D

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    This is not about dissing Tesla. I'm saying that for the Camry buyer with only ~$25k to spend on a car, and you need a model at least as cheap, with range long enough that you don't even need to think about it - and that means you can charge once every few days without a home charger/parking...
  7. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Quartz has an interesting take at the latest developments with Tesla... What Quartz They are saying the twitter+feature offensive is directed somewhat at wallstreet (despite denials by Elon), because at the rate of spending they might need to raise more money soon. Seems plausible.
  8. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    But subtract people who will never buy a Tesla due to Lack of engine noise/Range/Brand loyalty/General dislike for EVs/.... Anyway, 50k is a nice conservative number. I think Tesla would be wise to have a higher range model, and probably will. The reason for optimism for me at least is not how...
  9. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Makes sense. From reading around MB S class sells around 50k a year. So a reasonable expectation would be for sales long term to be around that value. Add another 50k or so for the X. So even if demand is not peaked out - they should at least see some saturation, assuming a nice log curve for...
  10. D

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    Agree on the $100/kWh. I see Sakti3 and Quantumscape coming up with solid state batteries at around that price point. Not so sure on 'when' though.
  11. D

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    Well if by that time Tesla is still only capable of doing one model at a time then are doing something wrong. They should be able to do a truck and another sedan. On savings I disagree on the relevance. People tend to mostly look at the price at purchase. And many would find it hard to spend...
  12. D

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    When the conversation comes up with friends and people I hear talking about EVs, the request is for longer range. As further proof, they discontinued the S40 and S60, but not the S85. I'm convinced that if they bring to market a S100, it will do very well. This forum has confirmation bias since...
  13. D

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    With the announcement of the discontinuation of the model S60, Tesla made the financially responsible thing, which is also probably good for sales. At the same time, it proved again that people like their long range and performance, and Tesla as a high end OEM has to optimize for...
  14. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    The market is slowly but surely reacting to the fact that the rate of innovation at Tesla is higher than other OEMs. I still think TSLA is a high risk play, but that is due to the production scaling risks with model 3, and nothing shorter term.
  15. D

    Risk of aluminum battery to tesla model

    https://www.alcoa.com/canada/en/news/releases/2014_phinergy.asp Is Alcoa working on two Aluminum batteries? Could be. But there is one in the news, and it is a Al-air battery. They are working with an Israeli company, Phinergy.
  16. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    If there was a new battery chemistry behind this, it would be the best of all news. This could be the testing ground before whatever replaces the S85. S100?
  17. D

    Risk of aluminum battery to tesla model

    I remember reading about this not being a compelling proposition, since you will need to replace the Aluminum plates a few 100's of miles. This the Aluminum-air battery developed by an Israeli company right? Phinergy... Anything '-air' just tends to fall apart after a very short number of...
  18. D

    Model 3 Target Market

    I expect the model 3's 35k$ option to be like the model S60 or even S40 are for the S/X platform. That is, a low selling and eventually discontinues entry level car. The high end option 300+ mi range will make most of the sales. It will take another design iteration and a few more battery...
  19. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Hoping for a higher range model as well. Just to prove it can be done. Probably not this year.
  20. D

    The other automotive lithium ion gigafactory

    Well I did say gigafactor-ies. ~6 GWh seems big enough to be called a giga-factory. Which would make the Reno facility a tens-of-giga-factory... The point it BYD will have the capacity to sell several 100k's of EVs by 2020. Most OEMs wont. What they don't get in logistical advantage they...
  21. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    That's an interesting idea. Perhaps SolarCity could also go from being a solar company to a company that also had batteries and a stand-alone product (e.g. in NY)? If demand is high I would expect Tesla to not wait for SolarCity to have the proper team in NY. It could result in some awkward...
  22. D

    Bjørn's Tesla Model S videos

    Interesting. I wonder what slowed down the P85D so much. The extra 250kg probably...
  23. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    A home battery market does not have to be limited to residents with solar, or to the amount of sun. Deciding factors would be price of electricity from the grid and incentives. Here is a map of states by electricity prices: link...
  24. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    One great thing about the Tesla home battery is that it de-risks the gigafactory and whole model 3 strategy. If they end up with no model 3 by 2020 it probably can't help them, but if for either demand or supply reasons they don't get to 500k/yr by 2020 this is one more market for those...
  25. D

    China Market situation and outlook

    With BYD building 34GWh capacity over the next few years it would seem they are well positioned to take the lead in China in EVs. It wouldn't be a level playing field to begin with. Also I would expect Nissan to take the lead in Japan, and the VW, BMW in Germany. As for who will be the largest...
  26. D

    The other automotive lithium ion gigafactory

    What about the other gigafacties of BYD? 34GWh by 2020, that would be quite similar in magnitude to the 35GWh Tesla/Panasonic gigafactory. How does this not get more covered? BYD Gigafactories To s | CleanTechnica
  27. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    [Regarding things we already know are not going to plan (but are not widely discussed)...] Any information beyond the headlines regarding how the negotiations with Japanese suppliers for the gigafactory are going? Also, what is the worst case scenario here?
  28. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Are you indicating most investors agree that Tesla is production limited (and therefor needs to prove it is executing on production ramp up?), I got a strong impression this is not the case, that most bears and even many bulls think there is a saturation of the market for Tesla, at least in the...
  29. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I think for Tesla to really take off they need to disprove the bear arguments: 1. That they are demand limited and the market is close to saturation. 2. That they are GAAP non profitable. The first argument will be quite disproved in the next few quartiles. Not much to talk about, just that...
  30. D

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    (from techmaven 2014-06-05, 07:54 AM, Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014 - Page 485) techmaven - are they any updates regarding the chemistry they will use for model 3? also, any speculation regarding what kind of energy density they will get? I became curious from Elon's remark regarding...
  31. D

    Tesla BEV Competition Developments

    OK, ok, the bolt is not complete vaporware. It is planed. I agree. But here are the two concerns: 1. As RobStark mentioned, it is unclear how it will sell in relevant numbers unless they (as in - LG-Chem) expand capacity significantly. 2. At least AFAIK - they did not publish what kind of...
  32. D

    Tesla BEV Competition Developments

    (direct link: https://static-ssl.businessinsider.com/image/551ab9ba6bb3f7d93a53d8cc-960/screen%20shot%202015-03-31%20at%2011.12.06%20am.png ) , looking at the above chart, there are the R8 etron, which will be built to order. And the currently vaporware Bolt, competing against the model 3. So...
  33. D

    Tesla Stationary Storage Investors Thread

    This is great news for investors. It provides a second market for Tesla if demand for Model 3 doesn't live up to expectations, or if the model 3 is late while the gigafactory is complete and running - this could buy them more time. So, from a risk management perspective this is huge. Also, I...
  34. D

    SolarCity (SCTY)

    This is actually a great point. The poorest Indians are not the ones who are likely to be micro-grid clients. Businesses and middle class who want a stable electricity source are. The stealing of electricity makes the case for solar stronger, since it weakens the grid.
  35. D

    Website wait times for delivery change

    Could this be a first indicator Tesla is no longer production constrained?
  36. D

    US Market Situation and Outlook (Rob Stark's American Megathread)

    Some estimates: InsideEVs estimates (http://insideevs.com/monthly-plug-in-sales-scorecard/): Jan: 1100 Feb: 1150 hybridcars estimates (http://www.hybridcars.com/february-2015-dashboard/): Jan: 1300 Feb: 1400 Average: Jan: 1200 Feb: 1275 Ratio of March sales to average Jan+Feb in 2014: ~1.2...
  37. D

    US Market Situation and Outlook (Rob Stark's American Megathread)

    1) Great idea for a thread. This was certainly missing. 2) Optimists/pessimists/profession[i]+"-ists": please lets get back on topic. 3) Besides looking at InsideEVs numbers, is there any way to bound the uncertainty on NA numbers? If it is 1100, 1150 for Jan, Feb, it doesn't look like a beat...
  38. D

    2015 Q1 Discussion thread for Delivery numbers, Earnings Report and Conference Call

    So, well it be Q1 or Q2 where we see a drop in articles and public perception that Tesla is on the verge of imploding? (the answer of course is neither, but I'd guess after a good Q2 there would be obvious evidence Tesla is at least doing "ok"). Edit: also, what is the current estimate of...
  39. D

    The big unknown: Will gen 3 be delivered on time?

    Well then, if it's really late, as in 2019-2020 they are still making ~100k a year from models S and X, they could go bankrupt (right?). But a year or so delay, how could they handle that?
  40. D

    The big unknown: Will gen 3 be delivered on time?

    There are much more unknowns than knowns at this point, but given the importance of this issue to the long term viability of Tesla, and frankly, depending on the expected timeline for delivery, whether or not Tesla will continue to exist, it's at least worth a thread even at this early stage...
  41. D

    500 mile range Tesla - why not?

    After listening to the q4 2014 call, someone actually asked this exact question. The answer was, from what I understood, a battery upgrade for model S would be around 2019-2020. This is probably a few years later than what I had in mind, but they are doing the roadster upgrade, which is cool...
  42. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    Where did you hear they are going with a 'less wild design' for model 3? I only see from interviews of Elon, even for this year the exact opposite. This is good new for long term investors. Disappointing that even with all the press on Tesla such a detail gets missed. Edit: Ok now I got it...
  43. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    If it's true that there is no leeway in the delivery time, and even a year delay could be a disaster, it makes all the more sense to be a bit of a bean counter on quarter results. This is a bit like trying to guess the standards of hygiene in a restaurant by looking at how clear is the...
  44. D

    China Market situation and outlook

    maoing, do you see improvements in the awareness of Tesla now that the D is out? Is it mentioned in the media? Thanks
  45. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    Ok I see it now under "2015 Outlook". (I blame my poor reading comprehension). Some speculation on Norway sales: Sorry, the page you requested could not be found - TheStreet In short, they counted 316 for March 1 to 16 in Norway model S sales. So sales better pick up in the next two weeks or...
  46. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    I couldn't find any information regarding guidance for Q1 2015. I see 8500 for global deliveries as a good conservative number the quarter. But the doubling of production by year end makes these numbers have more sense. It's still tight though. Is there any information from Tesla how the ramp...
  47. D

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    I see from CleanTechnica (link: Tesla Model S, Nissan LEAF, BMW i3 Top US Electric Car Sales In February | CleanTechnica), That the US sales February are ~2000, ~1500 in January. That compares to ~500 in Europe in both Jan, Feb. So, first, I have a hard time seeing how that adds up to 55k for...
  48. D

    500 mile range Tesla - why not?

    I agree its quite a hack. But as far as demand, when I lived in Canada I'd go camping. It's a reasonable scenario to drive 3+ hours in elevated terrain and cold weather, park the car, sleep for the night and then 3+ hours back. This plus having one less thing to think about on a daily basis.
  49. D

    500 mile range Tesla - why not?

    On the one hand I get that this is somewhat of a distraction right now. And it goes against prior statements of Elon. But then if there is a market for it, and I think there is... why not? It should probably wait until Tesla is no longer production limited. But other than that I see no serious...
  50. D

    Tracking P85D delivery thread

    Please send Elon an angry tweet. Or I will. Not sure what there is to do with oil price related speculation but the communication regarding D deliveries can absolutely be managed better!