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  1. B

    Worst energy usage?

    That would be cold indeed! My question was one of physics not comfort. Jerry33's suggestion of 4-10% seems more reasonable to me than 33%. I'm just struggling to comprehend how the a/c system could use that much power relative to all other systems combined, including propelling the car at 50mph.
  2. B

    Worst energy usage?

    So if I'm reading this properly, and recognizing it's just an estimate, if I drove a consistent 50mph with the a/c blasting it would knock over 100 miles off my range?? The a/c really uses that much power relative to what it takes to propel the car? I find that mind blowing. Or am I just not...
  3. B

    Lloyd's mats have arrived: photos

    It's too bad that both matmycar and autoanything will let you buy the front mats without the rear mat, but not the rear mat without the front mats!
  4. B

    Model S floor mats in Tesla Store

    Have you received them yet? If so, what are your initial impressions? Separately, has anyone ordered the mats from carcoverplanet.com mentioned elsewhere in the thread?
  5. B

    Time from pre-delivery MVPA to receiving Delivery window

    I signed on December 16th and they countersigned on the 18th. I saw the delivery button on the 31st, at which point they gave me my 2 week delivery window.
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    Time from pre-delivery MVPA to receiving Delivery window

    Here's my prior post on another thread. Hope it helps. Saw my delivery button today as well. I'm not sure exactly when it first appeared since there was no related email. Tesla should fix this lack of notification, since they've trained us all to look for emails, although I suspect its...
  7. B

    Model S Delivery Dates and Sequencing

    Saw my delivery button today as well. I'm not sure exactly when it first appeared since there was no related email. Tesla should fix this lack of notification, since they've trained us all to look for emails, although I suspect its appearance was pretty recent. For those anticipating their...
  8. B

    Winter Driving Experiences

    I have driven almost all of my life in snow country, but I try not to go to shopping malls when the streets are skating rink slippery. Sorry, you can't expect TC to cure everything. This is a non-issue in my book.
  9. B

    Completely Blacked Out Model S

    I wouldn't trust a picture taken on a beach against a sunset. That's about the most flattering backdrop imaginable, for any color. Find one taken on a street. Also, I'd advise seeing the red piping on the leather in person--some people love it, some not so much.
  10. B

    Winter Driving Experiences

    Bummer!! But good call on installing the plug.
  11. B

    Winter Driving Experiences

    @Mike_Schlechter--definitely please update on what you discover for charging (either here or in the battery/charging section). There's a J1772 in South Londonderry, not far away, but its 30A and that would mean hanging out there for several hours. I'm definitely interested to hear if you find...
  12. B

    East Coast Supercharging network

    I have also heard the Boston-DC corridor will be active "by year-end".
  13. B

    Real world carbon fiber appearance

    For those of you who have the CF trim, do you find that it has good definition and clarity across the dash or does it lose definition in a big way at angles? My (limited) experience with it suggests the latter--but I've never seen a full dash in natural light. Obviously this may matter to some...
  14. B

    Switched from perf 21's to Tesla's 19" winter package

    @cinergi--any range observations on your winter 19's vs. the perf 21's now that you've had them on for a while? Thanks
  15. B

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    For those who care about this, here's Tesla's response: "Realistically if you leave your key fob within a sensor range of the vehicle, you will increase the standby drain because the car will not be able to enter sleep mode. Sleep mode is the newest software update on Model S. Model S will...
  16. B

    New dimensions of the Model S

    This is an old thread but for anyone stumbling on it anew, the car is 77.3" wide with the mirrors folded and 86.2" with them extended. I haven't measured but that's been on the specs page of their website for quite a while. Just to prevent confusion. . .
  17. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    Not to sound like a broken record, but I bet they'd get a lot more people's interest-free $12k if they built a technology upgrade path into the wording of the agreement.
  18. B

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    Good point. Not actually having mine yet, I lose track of what is customizable and what isn't!
  19. B

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    Ideally I'd leave it unlocked, but not if that means the vamp load goes up. So if I leave the fob out of range or if I use any kind of shielded bag, etc., I'm locking the car. This is a dilemma. . .unless, of course, keeping the fob in range doesn't affect the vamp load. Then I'll just leave it...
  20. B

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    Back on topic. . .and apologies if this is a dumb question. Unless I change my habits, the place where I'll leave my key fob will be within about 20 feet of the steering wheel of my Model S as it rests in my garage. I'd imagine I'm not alone in this. Does leaving the fob within "range" affect...
  21. B

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    There are tons of J1772's but unfortunately they're not very practical unless you can leave your S plugged into one overnight. For charging on the go, they're just too slow (in the Northeast, anyway). And charging overnight? If they're at the hotel, great, otherwise. . .not sure I'd leave my car...
  22. B

    Feature suggestion--Beep when locked

    I wouldn't begrudge the request, as long as I can disable it!!!
  23. B

    I want to see a good picture of the carbon fiber dash please

    That second one is pretty good. Thanks!
  24. B

    I want to see a good picture of the carbon fiber dash please

    I'm almost there on my config--black exterior with tan leather, but I'm sure struggling on gloss obeche vs. carbon fiber for the trim. Wife actually prefers the cf which shocked me. I've seen the obeche with tan numerous times in person and I think it looks great. I've seen the cf with other...
  25. B

    will the 60 kWh battery be enough for me?

    Don't bother with the dual chargers unless you're doing the HPWC. The J1772's around here aren't powerful enough to take advantage of it and the superchargers bypass the onboard chargers.
  26. B

    Letting your kids drive the car? (teenagers specifically)

    I have a couple more years before I have to worry about this, but I'm totally with Todd on this one. It would be great to have a password-protected speed limiter and, preferably, acceleration limiter. I worry about the peer pressure as well (to "punch it" or "let me try") and would love to take...
  27. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    @kevincwelch--got mine late this morning. Turns out the new period isn't three weeks, it's "by December 31, 2012". I don't know if the timing of my original email plays into this or not, or if others are getting three weeks or year-end like me.
  28. B

    At which point did you start looking around for financing and contacting banks?

    For what it's worth, USAA's loan lock-in period is 45 days.
  29. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    @jerry33--absolutely agree. That's why I don't want the Battery Replacement Option to lock us in at 85kWh, but rather provide us with some wording that allows for an upgrade path. But if we are locked in at 85kWh, we're at risk of having our cars be obsolete. That's really the point I'm making...
  30. B

    will the 60 kWh battery be enough for me?

    At first glance I'd say "no way", but you have the advantage of driving right by what will likely be a supercharger location at White River Junction. WRJ is about 140 miles from Marlborough. I do a trip from the western 'burbs to Stratton, which is about 140 miles as well. I'm doing the 85kWh...
  31. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    "How do they offer an upgrade path with an unknown destination?" @NigelM--I agree completely and it's a good point. I think it's easily solved by language that states something along the lines of "Model S owners who purchase the Battery Replacement Option may elect to replace their battery with...
  32. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    I wrote something to this effect in the price increase thread (that got kind of off topic) and I'll repeat it here. RubberToe's comments are precisely why Tesla should give us an upgrade path to the then- state of the art battery. Having significantly better battery technology in competitive...
  33. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    I was following them back pre-IPO and saw them on their IPO roadshow, but honestly I couldn't remember for sure myself, so I looked up the S-1 for their IPO from January 2010. It states "We currently intend to begin volume production of the Model S in 2012 with a target annual production of up...
  34. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    Isn't one major issue with aftermarket battery replacement going to be the proprietary cooling technology? I'm guessing the entire unit would have to be replaced, not just individual cells, if you were to try to get the battery from another supplier. That pretty much would rule out it having the...
  35. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    Stating one of my points above differently, I think it's critical if an EV is to maintain a respectable depreciation curve that there be a path to incorporate the latest battery technology when the original battery is degraded. Otherwise the car's range will wind up being thoroughly outclassed...
  36. B

    Official: Replacement Battery Option

    My hope is simply that Tesla will spell out precise terms of the deal when this goes live, not just referring to it as "a new battery" which GB did in his post. Personally I think just replacing an 85kwH after 8 years with a refurbished 85kwH would be really silly if there's a 120+ available...
  37. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    ". . .the same price set over three and a half years ago. . .A straight 8.75 percent CPI increase would now yield a base price for Model S of $62,400, an increase of $5,000. Tesla is increasing prices only half that amount. . ." I agree that Tesla is handling this well and that if demand...
  38. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    Actually, come to think of it, 5673 and 4398 should be outside of the initial 30-day window at this point, no? When did you get your original "time to finalize" email?
  39. B

    Switched from perf 21's to Tesla's 19" winter package

    It does. Thanks. I was thinking the same thing on needing winter tires anyway given the rwd, so the hassle factor and incremental cost issues at that point pretty much become moot. Sounds like a good way to go. Thanks again.
  40. B

    Official: Upcoming Model S Price Increase & Timeline

    So 5673 and 4398 got "a month or two", while 7971 and 8189 (me) got "the next few days". I assume there are no deferrals in play here. They shouldn't know what battery we're going with, so that shouldn't matter for this purpose, unless they're monitoring our design studio activity and guessing...
  41. B

    Should Model S have a solar panel?

    I think a crank on the side would come in really handy! :biggrin: I joke. . .actually I was wondering the same thing (although it would mess up the pano!)
  42. B

    Switched from perf 21's to Tesla's 19" winter package

    90% decided on the performance. If I were to do the standard, I wouldn't do the 21" upgrade, but rather stick with the 19's. I know others have passed on the 21's with the performance model even though there's no credit for doing so, mostly just to avoid the incremental cost of the extra set of...
  43. B

    Switched from perf 21's to Tesla's 19" winter package

    Cinergi--please update with any thoughts re. your decision to go with 21" perf + 19" winter package. Is your driving experience with both a reaffirmation of the decision or, alternatively, any regrets? Same city--same weather, and I'm very close to finalizing with the same wheel decision.
  44. B

    Model S Delivery Dates and Sequencing

    I have a Feb/Mar delivery estimate (P8189). Interestingly, I was told by a Tesla rep that if I order 85kwh with active air, my delivery will likely be in January since those are "in production". I find it surprising, if true, that I would skip that far up. Any others hearing this?
  45. B

    Range difference of 21" tires vs. 19"

    Apologies if a conclusion has been reached on this in other threads. Can someone tell me whether there's a definitive answer to the expected difference in actual range between the 21" tires and the 19"? Tesla says the following on their website: "21-inch wheels with low-profile performance tires...
  46. B

    Subjective Question: Minimum Annual Salary to Buy Perf 85kWh w/options

    @rorystewart--My final thoughts on the subject. Debt is not by definition evil. But people get in trouble when they don't use it prudently and conservatively. If you're taking out a big loan to buy a car that you know you really can't afford, and you're putting yourself in a financially...
  47. B

    Subjective Question: Minimum Annual Salary to Buy Perf 85kWh w/options

    Being an old school finance guy myself, I look at it this way: I could pay off my mortgage, but I don't. Why? Because 3 3/8% interest on a 30 year loan, before considering the interest deduction, is cheap money. I'd rather carry the loan and invest the capital. I see this as no different, except...
  48. B

    Subjective Question: Minimum Annual Salary to Buy Perf 85kWh w/options

    DavidM--Agree with your comments, with the possible exception that someone may choose to tactically take out a large loan strictly as a rate-driven cost of funds decision, not as a needs-based financing decision. I think at the end of the day if a person is stretching to buy this car (or a...
  49. B

    Air suspension - need vs. wish? Premium sound

    Here's the link again. I copy/pasted straight from the site--maybe try a copy/paste into your browser. Don't know why it's giving a line break but the link looks right. If it doesn't work this time it's over my head! Continental Automotive -Electronic Air Suspension System for a smoother ride...
  50. B

    Air suspension - need vs. wish? Premium sound

    They definitely market the air suspension as more about raising/lowering for road conditions and aerodynamics, more so than handling and ride, but that may just be the marketing angle. I'd love more input from people who have made the direct comparison. Here's a link that (if I remember...