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  1. Avendit

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    This was the old thread that broke the pretence for me: International Aptera Info | Aptera | "you can’t make a three-wheel category M1 or N1 vehicle, they’re forced into category L5, and category L vehicles are maximum 2 m wide, 4 m long, both of which they exceed."
  2. Avendit

    Tebay supercharger for northbound travellers

    I meant destination charge really. I find most airB&B etc open to the idea and have used electric camp site power points previously. Saves stopping 10 mins after getting on the motorway.
  3. Avendit

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    Ah. But you are in the UK forum, where unfortunately, aptera don't seem to have a plan for how to come to market here. It breaks some fairly basic rules for EU road use (can't remember which, something like too wide for it's intended class designation) and despite desperately trawling their...
  4. Avendit

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    Tesla is just as bad. If I could get a non pup Y I may have by now. Really don't want the range reducing 21"ers, but anything less than the p will feel pedestrian after the M3 p-
  5. Avendit

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Sorry, I meant pull through so you can charge with trailer still hitched up? I don't think all of these have that?
  6. Avendit

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Are there any drive through chargers a) in the UK, b) on the M6/M5 corridor? I've got a country length tow to do in a couple of weeks and I realised I wasn't sure if we even have any to aim for! Looking like tebay and a.n.other in the absence of other options.
  7. Avendit

    Tebay supercharger for northbound travellers

    From Kendal you should be able to charge local rather than the SC?
  8. Avendit

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    And it's not something the media have picked up on at all yet. I guess that comes after the move to EVs is further along.
  9. Avendit

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    That wh/km really makes a big statement about the M3. Everything else just can't touch it, which means more charging, or bigger more expensive batteries etc.
  10. Avendit

    Model Y Roof rack

    The racks shouldn't touch the glass when fitted, all the weight is on the pads and that bit of PPF. If any grit or similar get trapped in there it will very quickly ruin the paint. PPF goes on and stays on. Doesn't look that bad unless you are prepping for a show or similar.
  11. Avendit

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    Just did 400 miles in my p- 2019 car, so possibly slightly more qualified to comment here. Early Fremont cars there definitely good ones and bad ones. Mine's great (hence still have it) and also reasonably rare combo of no pup but +tow, but I know friends that only got 'ok' cars. Not...
  12. Avendit

    Tebay supercharger for northbound travellers

    Tebsy is spot on in the right place for many trips like that. Lots of V2 now, and some other brands going in too as a back up.
  13. Avendit

    Charging using 32amp Commando and mobile charger

    Also, I would 100% 3d print a bracket for the UMC so it isn't just dangling. Again, what is fine for an occasional visit gets more problematic when used as a daily driver and one day that will work loose, fry the connections or at best fall down with a think meaning you don't get the charge you...
  14. Avendit

    New headlights retrofit

    That was a question! A few people liking/marking informative, so I hope it's right 😂
  15. Avendit

    New headlights retrofit

    One of these: Not one of these:
  16. Avendit

    New headlights retrofit

    Now I'm just being lazy, but where do I check I have the ethernet port? or is it the port above my right toe when sitting in the driver seat? Late 2019 UK p- with HW 3. I think that means no converter needed, just one of the ethernet cables?
  17. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Just a thought - can any of your control systems output a graph of generation over time? If that's a smooth curve then it's probably fine, if it is the inverter clipping there will be a really clear flat cap on the graph.
  18. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    (I think that's about 35a)
  19. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Have you independently run the 2 arrays through pvwatts? With an easy/west split you get a much longer generation day, but not the same peak. Each panel only generates peak when 90 degrees to the sun - if the sun is hitting both near mid day, then they will both be getting fairly glancing...
  20. Avendit

    Bump repair - Edinburgh?

    I've used JRM coachworks in murrayfield for repairs and mods over the years (nothing on the tesla, yet), but they may be gone - only a framework webpage there now.
  21. Avendit

    New Navigation Supercharger Prediction

    Having used both Keel and Trentham for the first time recently, I've added Keel to my 'avoid' list. Trentham with masses of V2 chargers, nice environment, proper food, beats out Keel on almost everything other than 'closeness to the motorway'.
  22. Avendit

    Andersen EV charger support

    Mine is one of the wood ones so no problems yet. They are however only held on by 2 small torx screws, so if they still do your colour you may be able to get a replacement?
  23. Avendit

    Andersen EV charger support

    Been solid for me I'm afraid. Reboot everything? Mine does have all 3 LED's on all the time now, but is otherwise working perfectly. I imagine a new core at my cost is in my future.
  24. Avendit

    Hiring a Tesla Q

    Last summer in Iceland I had to email hertz after pickup, car showed up in my app about 12 hours later.
  25. Avendit

    M3 Ludicrous - What do we know?

    I'm really hoping there is a version with a tow option 😂 like the old P-. And the adaptive suspension, ideally the full kit from the Raven S, right? Wishful thinking at this stage I think tho.
  26. Avendit

    Help Please

    For cancer, even the NHS doesn't dick around. Multiple people I know, and personal experience, has test -> consultation -> surgery inside a week. Obviously in the past now and it may different this year. What people I know have struggled with is getting put back together after the all clear is...
  27. Avendit

    Trailing efficiency steps?

    Oh, the bikes are terrible. With 3 on the back, and 1 + a roof box on the top we were probably 40% down - we were very fully loaded that day. In comparison the boat sits behind the car, under the boot lip height so I suspect turns the whole thing into a single aerodynamic unit mostly. But...
  28. Avendit

    Trailing efficiency steps?

    Yea - a small high performance dingy is pretty aero - 4.5m long, only 1.5ish wide and 80cm on its trailer in towing configuration. Also, I drive a bit slower when towing which gives you quite a lot back in terms of range to make up for the added drag. I've a photo in a really old thread...
  29. Avendit

    Trailing efficiency steps?

    You're probably right. Just aware of the savings tesla made by changing the bearings on the Raven S. You lose range going to bigger wheels as they are less aerodynamic and heavier and compliant with the lower ratio tyres, but that is all because you keep the same overall rolling size. For a...
  30. Avendit

    Trailing efficiency steps?

    Hi all, I've been trailing my boat around for the 4 years that I've had my m3p- quite happily, but this year I'm planning many more trips up and down the country. This made me wonder, is it worth a little more thought on the efficiency side? What can be done to a skimpy combi boat trailer to...
  31. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    Squeezes in there.
  32. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    We have a polystyrene tray with spaces for tyre inflator kit and other bits n bobs. But there was a hollow that the charge cable could be coiled into. I'll get a photo later.
  33. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    Can the cable not go under the boot in the abarth?
  34. Avendit

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    🤣. Presumably without FSB this time...
  35. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    I was concerned about the 0 NCAP stars, although there is presumably more behind that than meets the eye? Did have it on the short list at one point, low milage second hand ones were an absolute steal.
  36. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    Also loving ours, although the software is a mess compared to the Tesla 😂. 6 different places on 2 different screens to change things, some of which are interrelated and some isn't, and a variety of different names for the same thing, depending who did the translation that day. Can't help with...
  37. Avendit

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    I'm not sure I agree with this, or To be fair I'm looking at AP rather than FSD as sold in the UK, but AP is demonstrably better than it was in 2019, and I know that FSB people got the drive through lights feature at some point. Not disagreeing with your point otherwise (I think everyone that...
  38. Avendit

    Model Y Blowing cold air but only on auto

    The group? Very active. This thread? Not so much. You might get more replies starting a new thread as everyone that sees this one will assume you are asking something about your Y's delivery.
  39. Avendit

    New headlights retrofit

    Just to check... 2019 p- in the UK should be ok to swap to the new headlights? Process looks something like: Aquire new headlight pair from fleabay/local friendly breaker etc Fit them, an afternoons work Talk to someone, eg the US guys mentioned above, while having a laptop physically...
  40. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    And 'leccy on top of that 😳. And people were commenting on my power bills as a heat pump user!
  41. Avendit

    usb audio pauses between songs

    Interesting. I get micro pauses between tracks which I've been wondering if it was album art size (my software's default is to slightly over size the album art, presumably in case I ever want to display it on an imax screen or something). You obviously have a different problem tho. I'm also...
  42. Avendit

    Reliable non-Tesla granny charger needed

    100% what I would do too. good compatibility, cheap extra ends if you want to go commando or take it to europe etc.
  43. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Depends on your house and desired comfort levels. That's us maintaining 21 degrees most of the day in a 5 bed house. If we hadn't done insulation and the heatpump and just left the (old) gas system in place we would be paying £1000 a month just now. Seasonal co-efficience of performance is...
  44. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Yea, reached that transition point to only buying off peak for us. But that is 'only' 19 panels and a 10kw battery, and a heat pump. It's frustrating that the green techs don't balance very well. I did manage to make the HP 1/3rd more efficient this year by tweaking software, but it...
  45. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    My problem with the compare apps is that they don't let you record your time shifting capabilities, they just look at history, which has time shifting for your current tariff.
  46. Avendit

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Just wanted to say welcome to spring! A couple of times this week we have survived on 7.5p octopus power and sun. \o/. Yay for solar + batteries. It was a little weird as one of the days it did also hail and sleet. But sun is sun in between.
  47. Avendit

    Help Please

    Donated, it's a cause that will impact many. Going to piggyback a bit just to highlight another mens health issue; nut cancer. https://uk.movember.com/mens-health/testicular-cancer Keep an eye and a feel on the pair. Having been through this, and friends and family having been through other...
  48. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    So, day 1 done! Car arrived pretty perfect, new type 2 cable supplied since the garage had been using the car's one and all good. 2 slight weirdnesses I wonder if people can help with? The centre dash screen (uConnect screen in official parlance) is off every time we unlock then get in the...
  49. Avendit

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    Fortunately we thought about most of this when buying and siting the (singular) charger and it is between our parking places and has a 8.5m cable on it. There are 13a sockets another meter away in the garage if we need them for backup. And I mostly charge once a week at work for free 😂 . It...