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  1. C

    Will Model 3 be your first American car?

    Actually - serious question. Will the Model 3 be an american car? It will be assembled in America, but if the Model S is 55% made with parts in America (see the monroney sticker), given the battery cost will be a larger percentage of the total cost of the Model 3, the Model 3 would likely be...
  2. C

    60KWh battery for the Bolt... ¿maybe to big for base model 3?

    Keep in mind that drag CD is a function of the aerodynamic efficiency for a given area. A higher cd value on a smaller frontal area is actually more efficient than a lower drag cd on a larger frontal area, such as the Model S. The Bolt could have a drag cd of .26 and still be more efficient...
  3. C

    Q3 2013 results - projections and expectations

    Q4 Margins I would speculate Tesla wants to avoid delivering any S60's in Q4 to help make their 25% GM target... - - - Updated - - - Great research Staplegun! One question, these are the base prices and not optioned prices? How do you think about the option price increases in August?
  4. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
  5. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Interesting that there are 42 members and 90 guests viewing this thread alone. Anyhow, the leaked 5454 production numbers for Q2 might give a surprise positive eps or something according to the other thread so yes i think this is a buying opportunity imo. Where did you get the 5,454 production...
  6. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    The letter mentions Southpaw, but I am not so sure they are the authors the way it is worded. Southpaw is a private equity firm that does credit investing (unless maybe they shorted the convertible) and is based in CT. https://www.southpawassetmanagement.com/team.aspx?dev=founders The note...
  7. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Nope - the author remains anonymous...
  8. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    There is actually a letter going around Wall Street today from a Tesla short: After pulling every accounting gimmick in the book possible to try and show a Q1 “profit”, including reversing a warrant charge, booking a Forex gain, and selling a record amount of $68 million in Zero Emission...
  9. C

    Power drain while idle (Vampire Load)

    Idle Losses = 'Dirty' car Anyone see the report on WhatsupWiththat about the idle losses making the Model S emit more CO2 than a ICE? Tesla needs to fix this.
  10. C

    My Current Monthly Electric Bill Is Amazing

    Miles? The metering really pays off! How many miles did you drive over the 29 days?