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  1. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    I don't mean to sound offensive... so please consider I'm just a random internet user that has positive intent. I think if you're asking these questions... you may want to get an electrician out to your house to do this Wallbox EVSE install. That way, a professional can make 100% sure all the...
  2. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Oh wow... you actually got this paper manual in your Wallbox? Lol this would have been super helpful... I wonder why me just ramming the stripped-of-insulation-conductors into those openings didn't feel very snug. Oh well, it's some eBay buyer's problem now hah.
  3. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Everything Rocky says is accurate… But are your wires actually fitting snuggly when you jam the copper ends of your cord conductors into the wallbox’s connectors?
  4. holeydonut

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    Don't forget your tax refund for the Gen 3 EVSEs!
  5. holeydonut

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    Important NEM question… when does @h2ofun true up his annual NEM, and does he have any leftover credits? ☀️
  6. holeydonut

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    Kind of surprised Poppe didn’t blame solar… https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/interview-pge-ceo-patti-poppe/3522296/?amp=1
  7. holeydonut

    Discussion: Powershare [V2X feature currently announced for Cybertruck]

    For V2H curiosity, here’s the equipment GM is using for PowerShare with the Silverado and Sierra EV. https://www.silveradoevforum.com/threads/gm-energy-powershift-charger.985/
  8. holeydonut

    Discussion: Powershare [V2X feature currently announced for Cybertruck]

    I wonder if the cybertruck and PowerShare can get SGIP subsidies or the 30% battery ITC. Government cheddar is so tasty. Time for @Vines to get a CT and meter it with CT’s. https://electrek.co/2024/04/25/tesla-cybertruck-owner-quoted-over-30000-powershare-installation/
  9. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Got it thanks! I looked it up and indeed the DC side has similar looking terminal blocks. What's weird is the AC side still has screw-down lugs lol. If it's good enough for a solar inverter then it's good enough for this Wallbox I guess. Now I know what to tell the buyer when they ask me how...
  10. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Aren't backstab connections for outlets now non-code compliant?
  11. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Lol, this thing is going to get returned the moment the buyer sees these lugs then thinks I opened the box but didn't include whatever they need to affix conductors to these lugs.
  12. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Any chance you have a product/model inverter that you believe have these? At first, these things in the Mercedes Wallbox reminded me of the SMA inverter terminal block. Unfortunately jamming in the big conductor, and then jamming in a screwdriver to the small slot didn't actually lock down the...
  13. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Yeah that green ground wire was already attached. It seems they have a connector for that wire. But there’s no way to get my own copper conductor to terminate in that recess. Given both Tom and Sandy both have identified that improper torquing of the connectors is to blame for a lot of melted...
  14. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Yeah, I thought about it being friction based, and I can sneak in #6 into that big hole. But it just feels lose/janky no matter what I do. I don't know why they didn't use a screw-down lug. The Tesla Gen 3 EVSE is just so damn good haha. This Wallbox thing just isn't worth the hassle. No...
  15. holeydonut

    How do these lugs work on the latest Wallbox EVSE?

    Spamming the TMC brain trust, since I have no clue who else to spam. Some Mercedes EQ vehicles now come with a free Wallbox EVSE. Unfortunately, it doesn't have normal screw/hex/torx lugs for the conductors (L1, L2, GND). Instead, it has what you see in the images below (potato chip for...
  16. holeydonut

    Bunch of error codes just appeared app_w009, tas_a313, di_a222, di_a246, di_a223, etc

    Yeah, you and I think this is a unicorn occurrence. But the Dublin, CA service center was willing to make me die on the hill that it happens all the time, and is NBD for a Tesla to just stop working while you're driving it.
  17. holeydonut

    Bunch of error codes just appeared app_w009, tas_a313, di_a222, di_a246, di_a223, etc

    I don't want to jade you too much on this - so I think as a primary objective you should follow normal TMC mantra and try to get this resolved to your satisfaction with your service center. Basically hope for the best. As brkaus noted, the estimated fee is not billed to the owner for warranty...
  18. holeydonut

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    Maybe @rpo has a different take than me... but I actually like the Model X when it performed as intended. The vehicle even with its rather dated underpinnings provides a ton of utility and pragmatic value. If I had some of the well-functioning examples others on TMC get to enjoy (even a rare...
  19. holeydonut

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    lol when do you think new model X buyers will have their doors fixed? 2025? 2099?
  20. holeydonut

    PSA, if you're in the mood for some great wwhitney content...

    Thanks again for @wwhitney and his infinite brain powers. Finally got my contractor out here to pull the free-standing tub. We found a double-trap going on. They agreed that was wrong and don't know how so many brilliant minds missed this during rough-in and before the tile went in. My...
  21. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    Lucky for us @bmah is a mega-techie and will be a great beta tester to look for such poorly written API requests and parasitic negative outcomes / externalities.
  22. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    @bmah MCE is offering up to $350 to charge at determined times ($25 per month x 12 plus $50 to sign-up). Presumably when you were already charging your Model X. Mercedes and BMW BEVs do not qualify. Sad...
  23. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    But this year you will! Form 8911 is your ticket to 30% off your EVSE's (including labor costs!). For real, your address is in the qualifying census tract. You lucky SOB.
  24. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    I'll paste the instructions from Turbo Tax here for posterity ... @h2ofun put in like 6 EVSE's so he'll be swimming in mad-monies. Yes, I did actually put in your address. And Yes, your census tract is in the list provided by the IRS. Which is crazy considering this guy's house is by the...
  25. holeydonut

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    Actual picture of @tfan2018 fumbling his NBCs.
  26. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    I'll eat crow... my previous post suggesting this was a VPP was wrong. They just responded to me, and confirmed it is more of a curtailment program (like OhmConnect). Participation in the program will not require someone to export energy to the grid like Sunrun's VPP or do a demand-response...
  27. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    Looks like bmah and I are calling MCE tomorrow.
  28. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    Yeah when I read “Automate your battery to discharge from 4-9 p.m. daily and set your battery reserve to no more than 20%, except when preparing for or during a power outage”… I’m picturing it dumping 15kW. If simply having self powered mode with a 20% reserve gets me $20 a month, I’m in haha.
  29. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    Btw I’m on MCE and I’m declining this. They’re not giving you enough money to blast your inverters on full export. Earlier this year Sunrun gave $750 for like 4 months of participation in a daily VPP. The energy is probably worth over $1 per kWh so you’re kind of getting jobbed if they give...
  30. holeydonut

    Marin Clean Energy Solar Storage Credit

    Here’s the link from MCE. https://www.mcecleanenergy.org/solar-storage-credit/?utm_source=grpcelg&utm_medium=eml&utm_campaign=slrstrgcrdt#eligibility
  31. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    5695 is working now on PC-WIN and Turbotax Online. If you started 5695 already, you will need to manually go into the forms and [delete] the bad one. Then re-do the step by step questionnaire and it'll add a new/working 5695 to your return.
  32. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    The GEOID should be the same as the Census Tract FIPS or 2020 CDFI Tract. It's accessible here. Try to get your 11 digit code before TurboTax, HR Block, and others actually fixes their forms and this government website gets blown up. https://www.cdfifund.gov/cims I can't find any other...
  33. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    Lol I wonder if filling in 5695 or 8911 puts you into the 100% audit tier.
  34. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    Blah. The update for 8911 got pushed back to Feb 28. And form 5695 is still not working properly for me on the PC-WIN version.
  35. holeydonut

    PSA, if you're in the mood for some great wwhitney content...

    I think you over-estimate my abilities.
  36. holeydonut

    PSA, if you're in the mood for some great wwhitney content...

    I wish I were being tongue in cheek, but every contractor I've had to work with has told me the same thing. "The customer is responsible, we're just the installer." These contractors are licensed lol. But they say I'm being too picky. Normal customers don't ask this stuff hehe. But the...
  37. holeydonut

    PSA, if you're in the mood for some great wwhitney content...

    I miss the days when @wwhitney would give amazing advice about PV+ESS installs on TMC. If you miss such Tier-1 content as well, you need to check out the TerryLove plumbing forums. My contractor screwed up the venting of our bath tub, and I was researching about how the vent should have been...
  38. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    Kind of funny how when you owe taxes, you file/defer as long as possible (hopefully without interest penalties). But when you're owed money, the W2 and 1099 stuff can't come soon enough haha.
  39. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    Gahhhh nevermind... you guys are right. Form 5695 isn't popping any error messages for me, but the form is currently straight up broken on the PC-WIN version. It's not worth trying to file until they fix it (hopefully 2/21). Typing in values under these sections on the forms doesn't actually...
  40. holeydonut

    TurboTax Delays in Filing for Home Solar Rebate

    My Turbotax Premier for PC-WIN doesn't seem to say anything about Form 5695 Residential Energy Credits. Seems like it's calculating the Clean Energy investment federal credit properly as well as the Energy Efficiency Improvements credit. However, it is saying I cannot proceed with form 8911...
  41. holeydonut

    Master Thread: Energy products and Tax discussions

    The windows had the sticker with the u factor and SHGC. Which is why I cross referenced those values against the V6 requirements.