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  1. MikeRPhD

    Tire wear question

    All: Just did more research and saw that this is a Feature not a Bug... (sorry about clogging up the threads)
  2. MikeRPhD

    Tire wear question

    Any ideas what alignment problem would cause this type of wear on the left rear tire of my 2020 MS?
  3. MikeRPhD

    If I deactivate FSD can I reactivate it later?

    True- but there are times when I want to use “cruise control”, but don’t want the car’s nervous twitches.
  4. MikeRPhD

    If I deactivate FSD can I reactivate it later?

    My 2020 is a radar car …
  5. MikeRPhD

    If I deactivate FSD can I reactivate it later?

    I have 10.6.1 and have been letting it "practice" on secondary roads on occasion to and from work. Yesterday, I was using Autopilot with "lane keeping" (not "Navigate on Autopilot") on a three-lane highway - I was in the center lane going about 60mph and approaching a heavy merge. When I...
  6. MikeRPhD

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    I passed "Elon's driving test" with a 99 and got the 10.5 version early this week in my 2020 MSLR. A couple of observations and a question. Observation #1: the dash graphics are really cool - I can see them being useful under some visibility conditions to keep you aware of stuff on (and...
  7. MikeRPhD

    Horrible experience picking up my THIRD S car

    I asked to have my front plate holder removed and was told the same thing (crash test issue) ... I was going to remove it myself, but decided to install a decorative front plate instead (for an organization I belong to). I also concur about the customer service being a bit hit or miss (some...
  8. MikeRPhD

    Software update killed my Model S LR+ ?

    Update: All is well. The car was picked up at work (where it had died) on the evening of Friday the 27th and taken to CLT. On Thursday 12/3 I got a text that all was well (they replaced the MCU and the 12v battery). In terms of the "loaner" they arranged an Enterprise rental that I picked up...
  9. MikeRPhD

    Software update killed my Model S LR+ ?

    Hi everyone - new owner here (picked up my Model S LR+ on September) and have encountered an interesting problem. On Wed (11/25/20) I downloaded 2020.44.15 using my phone hotspot while driving to work. When I arrived, I parked and began the install. After some time of watching the app...
  10. MikeRPhD

    Owners delivery stories, photos and first impressions

    Ordered my S LR+ in June & picked it up in early Sept. Had some issues with the cameras at first (replaced by the Mobile Tech), and all is well now... great car!