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  1. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    M5 Frankley Southbound M6 Hilton Park North and Southbound M6 Keele North and Southbound (probably better to go a bit further off the motorway to Trentham) M6 Charnock Richard Northbound (though was offline when we went up at the weekend)
  2. L

    What’s your job?

    I'm an engineer working in the conventional (gas/diesel) electricity generation sector.
  3. L

    Model Y Blowing cold air but only on auto

    It does seem to be a feature of Tesla's - I find my M3 blows cool air at my feet but if I turn the heating up then the rest of me is too hot (in auto).
  4. L

    Odd supercharger routing and -10% arrival on recent trip.

    I've had the car change the supercharger when I'm en route (usually because the original one is busy or faulty), not great when you're heading for Hopwood Park then it wants to take you to the one near the centre of B'Ham at rush hour. I've got a pretty good mental map of the superchargers on my...
  5. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Lead times for new transformers and other components required to reinforce (increase) supply capacity can be up to 2 years. Couple that with not enough experienced engineers and technicians to carry out the work and it's understandable why the DNOs are struggling to cope with the demand for new...
  6. L

    Strange charge level percentage after charging

    I have a vague recollection that 70kWhr of my 75kWhr battery is it's usable range (for the reasons described above) which is backed up by the car taking approx an hour for 10% increase in SOC when I'm pulling 30A off a charger (I don't usually pull the full 32A as I've had chargers with flakey...
  7. L

    No one charging.. Supercharger network empty

    Still not worth going to the Warrington one!
  8. L

    Supercharger sites with reduced/no capacity

    Does anyone know what the problem is at Hopwood Park supercharger? It was down to something like 4 stalls when we attempted to use is a few weeks ago and looks to still be at reduced capacity when we passed nearby today. Keele South supercharger was showing as out of service and Hilton Park...
  9. L

    App commands keep failing

    My husbands MY had the same issue this morning when I asked it to defrost (sat on the drive at home connected to wifi), he did go through a dodgy signal area earlier in the week so the car might need a reboot.
  10. L

    DC Charging Unavailable

    The Tesla tech couldn't see anything wrong but replaced the AC cable that connects the charge port to the HV battery. It's been OK since and I've charged it twice, so fingers crossed that's sorted it. It was more like an hour to sort out but that was partially because they had to drive round to...
  11. L

    DC Charging Unavailable

    Yep, that was the message. It cleared overnight but I think I'll keep the service appointment as it could well be either moisture ingress or a loose connection so may well reappear.
  12. L

    DC Charging Unavailable

    The car was charging in a covered carpark so I'd be surprised if it was water ingress. I have AC charged it outside in the rain but not for a few weeks so I guess it is possible.
  13. L

    DC Charging Unavailable

    Thanks both, fingers crossed it's an quick fix for me too.
  14. L

    Home charging speed

    In which case that would be my next move, to try charging it for an hour and keep an eye on it. I have to run at 16A on my Mum's charger (might be a zappi) as it keeps cycling between 16 and 32A, her car doesn't have that problem so she doesn't feel the need to fix it and I'm only up there a...
  15. L

    DC Charging Unavailable

    Just been to pick my car up after leaving it to (AC) charge at work overnight to be greeted with a DC Charging Unavailable message. I've started the process to book a service centre visit (not massively convenient as it's 45-60 mins away) but wondered if anyone else has had this and how quickly...
  16. L

    Home charging speed

    Try putting the car on charge for a few mins at a time when you can monitor it and see what it says on the app, does it say 16/16 (this would indicate that the charger is limiting the charge) or 16/32 (you should be able to increase the charge rate using the box below the charge tip on the phone...
  17. L

    Charging raye

    I think the highest rate I've seen on my car (2021 M3LR) is around 185kW when I was starting from a similar SOC . I haven't needed to use a supercharger for a while, it might be firmware upgrades have increased the max charge rates or perhaps it was a colder day?
  18. L

    Alarm false fires

    Not sure about the MY (does it even have a tilt sensor?) but my M3 tilt alarm goes off if I forget to disable it on the IoW ferry.
  19. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    It's good to see a decent number of 22kW chargers are planned as well as superchargers, that's about right for the time you'd spend at a designer outlet village.
  20. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    That car park is such a pain to get to and from, the roads are regularly blocked through all of December with Outlet Village traffic. Shame they couldn't get a location closer to one of the motorway junctions.
  21. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    The old large power stations were connected at 400kV, the grid capacity problems are further down the network at 132kV and below where most customers connect. So sadly there will be capacity issues for years to come I suspect.
  22. L

    UK: Essential charging attachments?

    I'd only buy the commando adaptor for your granny charger if you're likely to need it. All the public AC chargers that I've seen have been type 2, I only use my commando adaptor when I'm charging on the small industrial sites that I visit with work. I think it's frowned on to use the hook ups on...
  23. L

    Model 3 sulks if it isnt parked on the drive

    Mine occasionally asks for the card to unlock, if I loiter around it for a min or so it usually lets me in the with phone key eventually. TBH I'm more annoyed that it seems to prefer my husband to me and often connects to his phone rather than mine even though mine is the primary 😮
  24. L

    HyperVolt (error - no power)

    The large gas fired power stations aren't that much quicker to start up than coal unless we're talking about from stone cold (I used to be an ops tech at one), from a grid perspective I can see how spreading the load gain over 30 mins will help
  25. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Warrington only has 2 V2 stalls, I've only charged there once and never again - I had to wait for over 1/2hr then the charge rate was only 60kW as the other stall was in use. There were several cars waiting behind me, a couple of them gave up and left. I think you also risk a parking fine...
  26. L

    UK Model Y Seatbelt rubbing neck

    I'm not a big fan of the higher position in the MY (prob in a minority here!). I'm very short so tend to have problems getting a comfy driving position, which I've done no probs with a wedge cushion, seat & seatbelt adjustment in my M3. If I do the same in my husbands MY I have to pretty much...
  27. L

    35cm crack in rear windscreen

    I doubt the o ring is connected to the rear windscreen issue, when you book a service appointment Tesla roll in any warranty defects. I had a service appointment for a wing mirror issue and they did the boot strut o ring at the same time (plus something else, I forget what now).
  28. L

    Car is coming next week best apps to download for charging when out

    As others have said, have a look on ZapMap to get a feel for what chargers you're likely to use. I've got BP Pulse, Pod Point and Swarco (bit of an oddball one but it's what we've got at head office), I've also bought a blue commando attachment for my granny charger as I go to sites that let me...
  29. L

    [UK] Insurance prices - is it Tesla or my claim causing the high price?

    Where do you find the Tesla link please?
  30. L

    [uk] Public charging - the media may have a point

    There are a lot more business travellers with Tesla's now so I'm not surprised the superchargers are busy later afternoon into early evening these days. I've got preferred superchargers for the routes I commonly travel and Keele isn't one of them (though Warrington is the one I've vowed never to...
  31. L

    Mennekes cable won’t plug into car charging port.

    It does sound like it might be the car end of your Mennekes cable as other cables that you connect into the car are OK. Trying someone else's cable would prove or disprove that theory. have you tried shining a torch into the car end of the cable to see if there is small stone or something lodged...
  32. L

    Defrost is now very weak

    My M3 took longer to defrost this morning but it was -7, it was definitely blowing warm air and had the cabin up to temp within 10 mins of me pressing defrost on the app. Minimal ice scraping needed to start my commute after 10 mins on defrost (used approx 2% of battery)
  33. L

    Expensing EV mileage UK

    I have to submit some sort of fuel receipt for my EV business miles. If I've had to use a supercharger then I put in the Tesla receipt otherwise I have a pdf document that says something along the lines of no receipt available due to the type of EV charger used and the expenses robots are...
  34. L

    Battery conditioning model 3

    Pre-conditioning is very variable depending on the ambient temperature and the sort of roads you're driving on, In the Summer it can be for as little as 10 mins (possibly less) if you're on the motorway. However when it's cold a lot more energy is required to get the battery up to temp (60degC?)...
  35. L

    Cold Legs

    I get cold feet in my 2021 M3, I have climate on auto 18.5deg which is fine for the rest of me (even my knees!) but not my feet.
  36. L

    Phones won't connect to bluetooth

    My android phone wouldn't connect to the car yesterday, a quick reboot of the phone sorted it out, My next step would have been to reboot the car.
  37. L

    Free supercharging on service mode?

    When I took my car in to get the bodywork issues sorted last year the top up charge I did afterwards at the SC was free, the car was still in service mode when I started the charge. It made me feel marginally better about having to take half a day off work to take the car to get delivery issues...
  38. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    The Bristol service centre is nearby and I don't recall there being any height restrictions if you're still worried.
  39. L

    Tyre Pressures and warnings

    I've had tyre pressure warning pop up (and clear after a few mins driving) the last couple of days and I'm in South West England so it's even cold enough in the South!
  40. L

    So what do you say in reply to your car?

    At best I just call it a "stupid car", usually closer to what Regulo shouts at his! Does anyone actually use auto dipping for headlights? To be fair every car I've had with that function flashes other drivers every now and again so it's not just a Tesla thing.
  41. L

    Lake District Charging

    Not quite the Lakes but there are 50kW Instavolt chargers at the Booths in Kirkby Lonsdale. My Mum uses them when she needs to charge her car more quickly.
  42. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Just off J16 at either the Hilton or Premier Inn would be a good location - far better than when the pin drop for the potential Swindon supercharger is at the moment (looks like the Designer Outlet Village).
  43. L

    Alarm false fires

    I've had a ladybird set off my car alarm (sentry mode not activated so no loud music thankfully) so my guess would be some sort of insect life in the car.
  44. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    They do make it easier to position yourself for charging. The relatively new chargers at Ferrybridge don't have the bump stops, I wouldn't be surprised if most new charger location don't have them going forward.
  45. L

    Any best practises for charging

    I'm also a tight ar$e so I use the free BP pulse and work chargers as often as I can. This typically means I charge the car (Sept '21 M3LR) up to 90% on AC chargers once or twice a week, I take it down to anything between 15 and 40%. I also use superchargers when I'm doing longer trips but...
  46. L

    Sentry mode has triggered alarm state

    A ladybird triggered my alarm a couple of weeks ago (found it on the ceiling when I checked the car), thankfully the car was on the drive at home so I didn't have a nail biting wait to get back to the car to check it!
  47. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Not a lot after Gordano services on the M5 (one in Redruth but that is probably further into Cornwall that you were planning to go). have a look on Zapmap, there'll probably be plenty of other chargers.
  48. L

    U.K. Supercharger Fees

    The VAT rate is also lower on domestic electricity compared to wholesale
  49. L

    U.K. Supercharger Fees

    If I add in a supercharger stop as a way point I can click on the superchargers and see how much they are per kWhr. My car wanted to stop at Woodall on the way home last week which was 1p/kWhr more expensive than the other 3 options (and not at an optimal time in my journey IMHO).
  50. L

    Tesla in-car navigation and efficency.

    I've used waypoints a few times - it's useful if I need to drop in at a site as a bit of a detour on the way home of if the car pointedly ignores the super charger I actually want to stop at (it doesn't seem to like Mansfield and tries to get me to go to Woodall or Rugby).