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  1. ZenRockGarden

    When people say don’t leave your battery at 100% or under 10% for long periods of time

    Treat the car like an iPhone. Set it to percent-full. use as needed. Charge when low. Don't let it set dead. Don't overcharge it for days on end. The end
  2. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    Back when I was driving a BMW M cars, my braking concerns were about out-braking the car behind me vs hitting anything in front - sometimes you actually don't want record-setting deceleration if there's some leeway in your situation
  3. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    Thermal management stuff - you can also get clouds of steam under the right weather conditions
  4. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    traffic jams typically extend your range - EV's are crazy efficient at 0mph to 25 mph stop-and-go work Use the navigation to your destination and you get pretty-darn accurate estimates of range-remaining-on-arrival which factor in weather, your driving style, traffic, elevation, etc. If the...
  5. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    This is not really the best mindset for road tripping in a Tesla. Don't try to micro-manage your 100%-0% max range. Instead, look at your route, find a delightful charging station about half way along your travels, drive there at whatever pace you prefer, stop and charge from 20% to 90% in 30...
  6. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    You appear to have gone down a medium sized hill during those particular 15 miles, leading to a very optimistic forward estimate
  7. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    tell us you're not driving using the brake pedal?
  8. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    Ambient and battery temperature are biggest factors (assuming you do a loop and are not including elevation change). Headwind, Rain and tire pressure are next on the list. But yes, if you drive like an EPA grandma at a steady 60 MPH (or less - the EPA actually averages a pathetic 45 mph) you...
  9. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    Wait till he finds out that his gas gauge is also an estimate and when it says "empty" it's not actually empty it's got another gallon to go :)
  10. ZenRockGarden

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    Treat the car like an iPhone. Charge it when it's below 50%. Understand that the EPA tests drive like your grandmother in the slow lane on the highway at 72 degrees on a sunny day. Relax, enjoy the glide as you roll past the $4.00 gasoline stations
  11. ZenRockGarden

    leaf nissan experience

    Leaf's are charming little around-the-city cars. Range and battery health are iffy, but the warranty is good. I wouldn't pay $40k for one new with a Model 3 SR near to the same price. But I did grab a 4 year old one for my daughter for $15k, and then the assorted EV rebates... at that price...
  12. ZenRockGarden

    Cold weather trip; Considering avoiding Nav directly to SC to avoid preconditioning

    I agree - claiming that charging without preconditioning causes damage is a huge reach. What IS clear is a trade off in charging time. Basically you're giving up some stored KWh's to be in a condition where filling up will go faster. This means shorter stops - especially charging in the 0-50%...
  13. ZenRockGarden

    MY 2024/2025 Refresh - Project Juniper?

    From a parts-diversity standpoint, getting Juniper rolling is a win for Tesla since it would likely re-use a fair number of items from the now-shipping Highland-3. I suspect the design side of Juniper is straight forward and the timing will line up with sunsetting suppliers on the old pieces...
  14. ZenRockGarden

    Hertz cuts back on EV purchases

    I still boggle at how many of their fleet of Teslas they could manage to crash. At worst you would take a total loss, for which you'd typically be paid by the driver's insurance. This just doesn't seem to pencil out as a horrific cost vs the very clear depreciation they experienced by buying a...
  15. ZenRockGarden

    Hertz cuts back on EV purchases

    Unless Hertz crashed more than half their entire fleet of Teslas, the dominant factor here has simply got to be the depreciation as they bought at peak-EV-prices, drove the fleet hard to 100k miles and are now unloading them at low-tide for pricing cycle
  16. ZenRockGarden

    MY 2024/2025 Refresh - Project Juniper?

    Tesla has already shown they can work around current tax-credit limits thru their leasing program ala Highland Model 3. For purchases, it's unclear what battery packs might go into a Juniper MY. It's traditionally been the SR packs that are coming from overseas and don't qualify, while the LR...
  17. ZenRockGarden

    Hertz cuts back on EV purchases

    Most of the cars being sold are up around 80k or 100k miles - I suspect they're pretty worn since people renting cars expect fairly fresh vehicles. Yeah it feels like execs making excuses, especially when they don't give anything about the details. They bought in huge at the peak of EV prices...
  18. ZenRockGarden

    Hertz cuts back on EV purchases

    The article lacks hard figured, but the biggest issue seems to be high depreciation due to Hertz buying at the top of the market. Repairs due to accidents should be covered by insurance which the rental companies are so eager to sell...
  19. ZenRockGarden

    Scheduled battery preheating vs. battery degradation

    Granted. If you're plugged in at home, you'd be heating with home electricity. So you're now trading possible gains on the efficiency of your drive vs slight increase in home electric bill... more worthy trade-off, especially in cold climates.
  20. ZenRockGarden

    Scheduled battery preheating vs. battery degradation

    preconditioning trades battery power for charging speed. Useful when you're on a long trip and want the most efficient charging at the next stop. Sometimes not needed if you have plenty of time and are more focused on efficiency/cost
  21. ZenRockGarden

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    By "load" I was referring to the energy content, not mass. 20 gallons of gasoline has the energy of around a 1000 kWh battery pack.
  22. ZenRockGarden

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    I think people get upset because it doesn't match their existing intuition. Electric cars are in many ways the inverse of existing gas powered ones. With gas the heat is free, idling is expensive, and the engine is so inefficient that you're carrying an enormous load of fuel that can ignore...
  23. ZenRockGarden

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    Yeah, short trips in cold temps without pre-heating car while still plugged in are terrible for EV efficiency. The counter case would be something like constant stop-and-go-traffic on a hot day which is gonna get you terrible mileage in a gas car.
  24. ZenRockGarden

    Black and white seats... regrets?

    order white and you don't NEED to cool the seats
  25. ZenRockGarden

    Black and white seats... regrets?

    love love love the white seats - and they're super easy to keep clean. It's unintuitive but fabulous
  26. ZenRockGarden

    Why FSD is still level 2, compare to MB's level 3 and hyundai/kia's level 3 next year?

    I mean you were trying to trash talk with info from 7 years ago while we're discussing the world of today. Glad to see you've found a more relevant item in your little google search bar and reading the headline. Feel free to actually learn about the current state of FSD any time you like. I'm...
  27. ZenRockGarden

    Why FSD is still level 2, compare to MB's level 3 and hyundai/kia's level 3 next year?

    Hello, the year 2016 wants it's hilarious attempt at a relevant rebuttal back (The case your are referencing is about events from 7 years ago)
  28. ZenRockGarden

    Why FSD is still level 2, compare to MB's level 3 and hyundai/kia's level 3 next year?

    The topic is the level-3 systems and why is Tesla "behind". Thus I discussed just how narrow the actual use of L3 for these cars. I see that you're excited with an L3 which basically can only handle low speed highway duty playing follow-the-leader in traffic during the day in ideal lighting...
  29. ZenRockGarden

    Why FSD is still level 2, compare to MB's level 3 and hyundai/kia's level 3 next year?

    Yeah, the state laws are basically not yet ready for hands free driving. That'll take time to catch up.
  30. ZenRockGarden

    Why FSD is still level 2, compare to MB's level 3 and hyundai/kia's level 3 next year?

    The restrictions on MB "full self driving" are almost comical. It works: On selected pre-mapped highways. During the day. Under optimal lighting conditions. In good weather. At speeds under 50 MPH. With a car in the lane ahead to use as a reference. And the driver must be available to...
  31. ZenRockGarden

    Lucid Gavity 😲 Awesome.. 440 Mi Range @ about $80K

    Yeah, this is a very common industry trick. You quote the specs of the top trim and the price of a completely different entry level model. It's sad.
  32. ZenRockGarden

    Lucid Gavity 😲 Awesome.. 440 Mi Range @ about $80K

    You and I appear to have a different definition of what reality is. Something that might ship in 13 months does NOT exist yet.
  33. ZenRockGarden

    Lucid Gavity 😲 Awesome.. 440 Mi Range @ about $80K

    ...and it doesn't exist and won't ship for 1-2 years at which time it will likely compete with the Model X which will have 2 years of improvements in it
  34. ZenRockGarden

    Changing from Black to White

    I swapped an original 22 MY black interior for otherwise identical white one. I am VERY happy with the white. Black was hot and dark imo - white looks nicer, stays cooler, and I've had zero trouble with keeping it clean. The only downside is that strip of piaino-white trim on the dash glaring...
  35. ZenRockGarden

    Can you delay delivery to wait on Model Y improvements?

    Here in the US it varies by state, but for California, Tesla insurance was easily 30% under the cheapest alternative. Some bids were stupid high. Tesla was cheaper than my prior (less expensive) car.
  36. ZenRockGarden

    Reuters: "Tesla readies revamped Model 3 with project 'Highland' -sources" [projected 3rd quarter 2023]

    No. It may be ever so slightly longer due to details of the shape of the nose and tail but it's not like they added a foot more of "car" and the cost difference on the panels is likely nil.
  37. ZenRockGarden

    Will/Can Plaid Prices go lower? (Considering ordering,, or wait?)

    Cooling. Plaid levels of power mean much bigger thermal loads. This is also why Plaids are not going to something like 4680 cells - the two-generation-back little skinny 18650's have better surface area despite being a pain in the butt to assemble and connect together.
  38. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    I am fascinated at the people who will point to the incredibly rare EV failures and somehow not know about the literally millions of ICE cars that have died, exploded, burned, seized up, etc. If you actually want to look at risk, do the math. EV's are an order of magnitude less likely to catch...
  39. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    The difference here is that despite having had an MB with a V8 that failed in a slightly scary way, I do not assume that it's "dangerous" to put my family in a v8 mercedes. In fact they're excellent cars - not as reliable as a Lexus but worthy. Just like Teslas.
  40. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    You know the one and only time I actually had a car "fail" on me? It was a big V8 e500 mercedes. Cam position sensor died - bricked the entire car while going 50 mph. Power steering went flat without engine power, same with brake assist. It was fine. I handled it, but it's amusingly the...
  41. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    Not interested in a private FUD fest. thanks
  42. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    The funny thing in the FUD rant (original one, not yours) is that there ARE cases where a Tesla are not a good choice. If you live in an apartment and have no way to charge overnight nor plug option at work - that's a poor use case. If you like going camping waaaaaaaaay far away from...
  43. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    Wow. This feels utterly out of touch. I have travelled all over the country in my Tesla, I've never had a bad charging experience, never had a break down, and I honestly have no idea what you think you're talking about. Explain, in detail, what is "dangerous" about putting a family in a Tesla...
  44. ZenRockGarden

    You all have about talked me out of a Tesla altogether...

    Tesla's in-house insurance is quite affordable (if available in your area)
  45. ZenRockGarden

    You all have about talked me out of a Tesla altogether...

    I'm on my second MYLR. I have never had to take either of them to Tesla for anything. My worst issue was a bit of interior trim which wasn't fully snapped in place on delivery - pushing on it cured the issue. The end. edit - oh and I did put some 5/15" tubing in the rear hatch seal to reduce...
  46. ZenRockGarden

    Check battery percentage from a remote location

    It's nicer to have the car on home-wifi since that's typically a stronger connection. But the car has a built in mobile data system - running on the same towers your cell phone uses, with similar mostly-good but not perfect coverage and bandwidth.
  47. ZenRockGarden

    AMA about owning Modern Mercedes EVs

    In the USA, I would not own any primary-use electric car which did not have access to Tesla Supercharger network. This issue will ease in ~2025 as everyone moves to NACS connectors. But trying to go any long distance on the currently available US CCS charger is just ugly, in sharp contrast to...
  48. ZenRockGarden

    Check battery percentage from a remote location

    You car (when it wakes) is on the internet. It can talk to the app on our phone and do all manner of things, including convey the battery status