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  1. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  2. Bouba

    Highland Front Styling, Better or Worse?

    I found the Highland front a little shocking to be honest, but all new car shapes feel that at first, but mostly it looks like a Kia/Hyundai....whereas the old M3 is Porschey. But when the shock wore off, it sort of looks ok...nice even. Especially in red
  3. Bouba

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    If a Porsche is porker it might as well be a truck
  4. Bouba

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    Exactly.....once the bigger battery is installed, the car is heavier, then everything has to be up rated to account for this, and it becomes heavier still. We understand this, I suspect so do most people....what absolutely floors me is that Porsche don’t get it😱....Porsche who have been making...
  5. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It’s a contest between two old men....one hale and hearty...the other frail. Anyone for President Harris ?
  6. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Now it’s a cold...before it was fatigue from being tutored by his staff....multiple answers look like a coverup and more likely to reinforce the earlier opinion that he has senior moments. Just to make a comparison, Trump was heavily criticized for pressuring his doctor to give him a clean bill...
  7. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    permanent policing is the most likely permanent outcome. Whatever country you live in, you are only safe because you and the country are policed and borders guarded….Israel is no different except in scale and vigilance
  8. Bouba

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    How many washing machines is today’s sinkhole?
  9. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A nation allocates resources where they are the most productive…including human resources
  10. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I don’t think the Netanyahu family can ever be accused of that
  11. Bouba

    Unable to DC fast charge - OK to AC charge - CP_a163

    Correction...the invoice says they replaced an AC 3 phase cable to battery
  12. Bouba

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That hole is at least two washing machines deep.... Football pitches are also a unit of measurement (both sides of the Atlantic).....curiously, especially when measuring aircraft carriers
  13. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I know you know this...but for the record and for those who deliberately misrepresent Jewish history .....after the Holocaust not only were the people nearly all lost but so was the Religion...the founders of Israel thought that reviving the religion was as important as securing their...
  14. Bouba

    Unable to DC fast charge - OK to AC charge - CP_a163

    So just a quick update....even though I only got the warning message one time, I booked into a service center and they replaced the DC wiring harness
  15. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The Court is no friend of Netanyahu
  16. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  17. Bouba

    I think I know why sc are so bad

    I think that as one of their very first production cars, the Model X was a complicated and brave choice
  18. Bouba

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I’ve even seen the same headline in England....let’s face it, Teslas have some kind of mythical properties to the uninitiated..... I treat the headlines the other way round, if they get it completely wrong because of biased and the inability to research on a subject that we are experts...
  19. Bouba

    High mileage check-in

    Summer in the South of France you see a lot of Scandinavian Teslas....so while they may live in their battery preserving deep freeze...they do occasionally come south of the Arctic Circle 😃🥶😎
  20. Bouba

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I think that is a very good point.....given a binary choice, what do we want from the CEO...enthusiast overly optimistic...or....meaningless corporate-speak ?
  21. Bouba

    EU Cybertruck?

    Sounds like a great deal !......not that I would put $100,000 into a vehicle
  22. Bouba

    Any way to PREVENT forgetting your phone inside the Tesla?

    Once me and the wife walked away from the car with both our phones on charge....the beep of the door locking is now something we tuned our ears into listening for (especially the wife who is more paranoid about it and often won’t walk far enough away from the car for the doors to lock until...
  23. Bouba

    High mileage check-in

    Hi AAKEE, some of the graphs on higher temperatures where done by mathematical extrapolation and not experimentation. This could be open to errors. For example, extrapolation would let you believe that 100% charge is worse than 80% SOC....but experimentation shows that 100% is better
  24. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    That court decision was just in Delaware....a system that even Hunter Biden exposed https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220404005674/en/Citizens-for-a-Pro-Business-Delaware-“Washington-Post-Reporting-on-Hunter-Biden-Exposes-Depths-of-Chancery-Court-Dysfunction”
  25. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    This is another case where a minority and the legal profession think they are more important than the majority
  26. Bouba

    Unable to DC fast charge - OK to AC charge - CP_a163

    Just got this alert for the first time today…it was there as a banner and also under notifications as active. After a few minutes driving the banner disappeared…notifications still had it as part of its history but above it was a notice saying there are no active alerts today. So probably...
  27. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    It’s only worth four times what the lawyers think they are worth….and I’d like to see one of them build an electric car
  28. Bouba

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Sanctions are a funny thing....if China said, from now on we will not export anything to America.....would the US be happy or sad ?
  29. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Just watched Moonraker (1975?) on tv last night....perhaps the worst Bond movie....the super villain was called Drax (funny how four letter names are more villainesque)....he was a ruthless mega wealthy industrialist who dreamt of a new colony in outer space to save mankind....
  30. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I don’t obviously know if these allegations are true....but my observations suggest that in this ‘me too’ world the accused all have one striking quality in common....they are all extremely wealthy
  31. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    And now the United Nations has chimed in....apparently, if Hamas takes hostages they should be allowed to keep them https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckddzvl9x00o
  32. Bouba

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Politicians over the pond should take note that in Europe, those political parties that made Gaza their prime policy were trounced at the voting booth. Those on the street are loud, extremely loud, but don’t represent anybody
  33. Bouba

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Is that the Juniper in disguise ?
  34. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    It depends.....here’s a possibility for the future....the west finally reduces excessive consumption....this immediately affects the Chinese economy....China breaks up ......economic competition from the east will still be fierce and unbalanced....but it won’t be under an authoritarian...
  35. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I agree….but I would like to add a caveat….now that the west has offshored nearly all of its manufacturing….this is the perfect time to reduce consumerism without affecting the economy..,in fact it won’t even unduly affect the retail trade as that is already being replaced by online shopping
  36. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    MG isn’t just another Chinese car company….they are a state run company
  37. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    We have to remember Tesla/Elon’s ethos….this doesn’t stop at electrifying transport….it won’t save the planet if automakers continue to offer dozens of ranges of EVs each containing dozens of cars all made with wasteful production methods and all completely changed on a biannual basis. This is...
  38. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Here is another breakdown of the UK car sales in May 24 https://pushevs.com/2024/06/07/may-2024-tesla-stays-on-top-in-the-uk/ Points of interest....Tesla stays top with only two models, BMW 2nd but with four models in their range Diesel sales continue their collapse Petrol sales down...
  39. Bouba

    High mileage check-in

    It’s no different to an ice car....a Tesla will do high mileage if it’s driven all the time like a taxi...my M3 does 6,000 miles a year...it will take fifty years for my car to get to 300,000 miles....and I doubt it (or me) will still be around...time kills all
  40. Bouba

    Long Term Battery Costs, Fears, and Serviceability

    Here’s a poor analogy.....If, instead of an ice car, we compare a Tesla to an iPhone....when the battery goes, it cost what to replace ?...let’s say $40 ...and you drop it off and pick it up in one hour...all with very little stress. So if you multiply that by the difference in battery size...
  41. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Give us a full report on your new Highland....good luck...and I am only the tiniest bit envious 🤣
  42. Bouba

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Those that don’t want Elon to get the money would rather give it to lawyers
  43. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

  44. Bouba

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Do you not think that Russia could duplicate the economic boom that propelled the US economy after WWII ?
  45. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    The last thing Tesla is is just a car company….from AI, humanoids, electric supply company….if Elon doesn’t get his pay package, it may become just a car company
  46. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    It is more than that.... I am guessing that everyone here is the same age as me (well at least I hope so)....and we thought that Thunderbirds was our future....and only one person thinks we should have cars that silently glide pass and rockets that land on their feet
  47. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    And please folks, don’t underestimate Elon... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-69091179
  48. Bouba

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

  49. Bouba

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    So the sanctions come with the implied thread that your economy will suffer after the war. That used to be known as collective punishment (and would be if Israel employed the tactic) and is no incentive to shorten the war. In fact it has the precise opposite effect...it strengthens the...