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  1. M

    MYP won't auto connect to Wi-Fi. "Unable to obtain IP address" error when manually connecting to wifi. Only a hard Reboot auto-connects successfully.

    So even though it seems like it doesn’t work when we get in, it’s actually still able to connect once an hour to check for updates?
  2. M

    MYP won't auto connect to Wi-Fi. "Unable to obtain IP address" error when manually connecting to wifi. Only a hard Reboot auto-connects successfully.

    Same here, except mine talks about DHCP issues. Setting a static ip for the tesla doesn’t solve it either two scroll wheel reboot is the only thing that gets the damn thing to connect again
  3. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Got mine today as well! That parking lot was indeed a maze 😂 kinda sad it rained on the way home, car is already dirty!
  4. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    They kept telling me “I didn’t use the draw function correctly” when signing that document. I had to physically go in after they rejected it 4 times 🙄 But it was done last Friday so I should be good!
  5. M

    Tax, Title, Fees, in Texas

    Yeah I think tax title will be around 3700 or so. Pretty big chunk of change
  6. M

    App that shows real time availability for supercharges

    Note: I take delivery of my first Tesla on June 1st You can use the browser while driving?
  7. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Good to hear. You had to wait a TON
  8. M

    Version 2022.16.x

    Navigation energy with cross wind is really useful
  9. M

    Double Tap Park Autopark

    This feature is FSD only, correct?
  10. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    See you there then I guess! 😂
  11. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    You picking up at Plano too???
  12. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I’m actually replacing my 2016 red MX5. You’re right. One of the prettiest reds I’ve ever seen. I’ll miss it
  13. M

    M3P - Who switched from a (true) sports car?

    Yeah we just recently had a little girl and it was an excuse to get into a tesla for the 4 seats for a car seat. I’m really going to miss it though. If I could afford it or had a 3 car garage, I’d keep it. It’s been my absolute favorite car.
  14. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Just checked. No update 😩. I like an impatient child before christmas 😂
  15. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Lucky! I haven’t heard diddly since I got my VIN last Wednesday
  16. M

    M3P - Who switched from a (true) sports car?

    I’m switching from a 2016 Mazda Miata. It’s a sports car, just not a very fast one 😂
  17. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    How long did it take y’all to get emails on signing papers? I received my VIN on Wednesday but haven’t heard much since. My SA said they’d “send the emails soon” on Thursday and my “car is in transit”. Does it take about a week for delivery after VIN?
  18. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    It was May 27th-June 9th But that was a push. I used to have may 16th - May 26th up until Monday I believe
  19. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Got my vin today as well OD 3/10 Dallas, TX M3P, MSM, black interior, no FSD Range is May 29th - June 4th now
  20. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Fml, I ordered on 3/10 same as you just with a black interior and I have no vin 😂
  21. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Yeah it stings to see people that ordered after me almost getting their cars already 😂 especially since mine was just pushed for some reason.
  22. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Aaaaaand there’s my push EDD May 26th-June 6th
  23. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    No idea. The whole process is pretty weird to begin with 😂. I’m just wondering if being this close to the first date in the range with no VIN is normal at this point
  24. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Hey all, been lurking a while but am gonna put my hat in the ring: Location: Dallas TX M3P MSM black interior No FSD OD: 3/10 Current EDD: May 17-27th…..no VIN though so I’m a bit worried.