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  1. Z

    Add to Powerwalls- w/o adding another Powerwall?

    good to know.. thanks! Now if those powerwalls (and the installation) can just come down 50% 🤣
  2. Z

    Add to Powerwalls- w/o adding another Powerwall?

    thanks, but Im not expecting any addl battery capacity to interact with the tesla system, hoping it would just be additional input on the panel that devices use in conjunction with the powerwall supply. And I've been told that any addl permitting to the solar system resets NEM.. so really trying...
  3. Z

    Add to Powerwalls- w/o adding another Powerwall?

    Hi, Looking for some advice on how to augment/increase my current powerwalls (2) storage without installing a third Powerwall, as I've been told this will break my current PGE contract and reset me to NEM3 (currently on NEM2). And I'd like to do this without any Electrician or permit work...
  4. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    100%.. you know the day is coming when they release a SW update the REQUIRES 16GB!
  5. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

  6. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    msg me directly and I can give you some pointers. It's a complete time suck, but if you are pursuing this mainly on principle (my motivation).. it's worth it and can be done :) ! I'd also like to know how your retrofit goes, as I have mine planned a couple weeks out. Bit concerned, as how many...
  7. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    The only recourse here is Small Claims Court. I filed a month ago and since then they've been served. Problem is that the SC Courts are majorly backed up and court dates are set ~ six months out! I tried to resolve this directly with Tesla and all you get is BS or no response at all!
  8. Z

    2x PW Output... Is 13kW the max?

    Good point. .what if my house never draws more than 13kW?? then I'd never see a number larger than this. This is the highest draw I've ever seen since installation...even when my tesla is charging off a 60A circuit. My house usual draws between 1-2kW, so when adding the Tesla charger (max 11.5...
  9. Z

    2x PW Output... Is 13kW the max?

    Ah ya... correct.. the PW putting out 10.3 and PV 2.7.. but I've never seen any total above 13 kW.
  10. Z

    2x PW Output... Is 13kW the max?

    Hi, Just trying to get a sanity check here regarding output for (2) PW's, one being the PW+. I've never seen the output go beyond 13kW.. is that the limit no matter how many PW's are in the solution? thanks for any help.
  11. Z

    Backup Gateway 2 Shutdown due to 30A Surge?

    OK .. I finally got around to checking on this setting and it is set to 100A, so I'm assuming not the culprit with 2xPW's.
  12. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    Small Claims case filed. Six month waiting period to get the case heard (apparently covid backlogged all the SC courts). I will update on the outcome.
  13. Z

    Backup Gateway 2 Shutdown due to 30A Surge?

    Thanks! I'll have to check this.
  14. Z

    Backup Gateway 2 Shutdown due to 30A Surge?

    Yes I have two PW's, so a bit bizarre that Support would state that a 30A surge would cause this. Could this 30A value be a limit on the Backup Gateway 2? Seems unlikely since what you are saying is for every PW you add ~30A of current. Am I missing something? Yes.. I had thought of the car...
  15. Z

    Backup Gateway 2 Shutdown due to 30A Surge?

    Hi All, Hoping someone can confirm that this is expected behavior with the Backup Gateway 2 (+ mulitple PW's) shutting down if it received a surge from the main panel exceeding 30A? I was a couple hours into a PGE power outage (everything working fine) and then the entire house went offline...
  16. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    As I understand it, Small Claims is outside of Arbitration.
  17. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    We shall see. My only "compensation" is for them to pay for the SC quote to get me what I feel I'm owed.
  18. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    They've already come back with official word from corporate to the SC's and stated they will not. I disagree and my plan is to test this in Small Claims.
  19. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    How would we have known that we were taking delivery of an 8GB RAM model that was incapable of supporting the Steam/Cyberpunk level of gaming? I'm all good if we were informed of this at the time of purchase/delivery, but this was clearly NOT the case. And this feature was advertised on the site...
  20. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    Yes. And was told by SC to "wait for official word". This was then followed up by "the official word is that the upgrade is a customer pay upgrade and not covered by Tesla". So gave them the opprotunity to resolve.
  21. Z

    2021 Model Year Refresh: Owners' Thoughts?

    If this is the case, very misleading and borderline fraud. How would a consumer have knowledge that Tesla was delivering different internal hardware for the exact same model (e.g., 8GB vs 16GB RAM) in 2021 and the impact to the consumer on such deliveries? I'm pretty sure a few customers would...
  22. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    That is my intention. Tired of these games and wasted time. Never in a million years did I ever think of suing BMW, Toyota, Nissan, etc... over features shown prior to purchasing one of their cars and then not delivered. In fact, I think those companies mentioned are pretty good with their fine...
  23. Z

    2021 Model Year Refresh: Owners' Thoughts?

    Question for the forum regarding refreshed 2021 Model S/P and deficient HW (not meeting Steam reqs): 1) Were ALL of the refreshed 2021 Model S/P shipped with 8GB RAM? ^If not, is there evidence (in this forum or publicly) showing that at some point in 2021 Tesla changed from 16GB RAM to 8GB...
  24. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    Question for the forum regarding refreshed 2021 Model S/P and deficient HW (not meeting Steam reqs): 1) Were ALL of the refreshed 2021 Model S/P shipped with 8GB RAM? ^If not, is there evidence (in this forum or publicly) showing that at some point in 2021 Tesla changed from 16GB RAM to 8GB...
  25. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    Exactly. It'll cost that much for a Tesla Lawyer to simply review the case and prob 2x-3x to actually show up for $2k case. I will 100% take this route if they do not make this right with 2021 MS owners.
  26. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    Ok well this isn't looking good. I jumped into the Service Queue as @maxmack698 did and got some responses this morning. The Service Center in my area came back with the same exact quote as @maxmack698 .. $2,041.75. I pushed a bit further and asked WHEN this part would be available and the SC...
  27. Z

    Retrofit for Steam

    I did the same to see what Service would say. I want the official word on Free vs, Charge before I lose my sh@t over this. I'm going to assume they to the right thing and honor all refreshed models, as this was advertised at launch. [positive thoughts until then]
  28. Z

    Weird buzzing sound after updating to 2022.24.6 [Fixed in 2022.36.1]

    FINALLY... 2022.36.2 did the trick in my 2021 MSP. That high pitch sound was driving me crazy.
  29. Z

    Weird buzzing sound after updating to 2022.24.6 [Fixed in 2022.36.1]

    I placed a Service Request last night for this same exact issue (2021 MSP) and they stated it's an "oil pump issue" with a recent update and said it'd be fixed in a future update. When that will be is the question! In any case, I think everyone should at the very least log a Service Request so...