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  1. rpo

    FWD hits roof after 2024.14.6 update

    Seems like enough of an admission to get Tesla to pay for the repairs for those of you that had windows broken due to their faulty firmware.....
  2. rpo

    FWD hits roof after 2024.14.6 update

    Not when there's actual damage (broken windows, scratches on the paint, etc)....
  3. rpo

    FWD hits roof after 2024.14.6 update

    If this happened to me, I would make Tesla fix it for free. I don't understand anyone giving them a pass on this.
  4. rpo

    If only the Model X had a 110 outlet (like Ford & Rivian).......

    My experience with the outlets in a 2019 MS and 2023 MX both had the voltage on the cigarette outlet and USB-C drop so much if more than 5 amps were pulled that either the device would power off or limit the power draw. I think the outlets are (or at least were on specific vehicles) limited to...
  5. rpo

    Expired Roof Rack for 2019+ Model S [Expired]

    This marketplace listing has expired and has been removed.
  6. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    US Cellular owns a majority of the spectrum in that area and other carriers are essentially unable to expand due to FCC limitations. The random spots with service likely are getting line of sight to a tower that is very far away as you drive up the ridge. And yes, US Cellular still exists. LOL.
  7. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Well, you edited the post after I replied which changes the meaning quite a biy. And my reason for posting about the firings on this thread is that it's affecting this site that was operational seven weeks ago and would likely be up and running now.....if those employees were not fired.
  8. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    That's the plan? He fired 500 people because he did not like what the person in charge of the division said about laying off more than the 15-20% that she had just laid off? Stop drinking the koolaid. That is an insane thing for Musk to do and undermines the main benefit that Tesla has over the...
  9. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

  10. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Where did you see that? The news yesterday said that Elon fired everyone in the supercharger division because the head of the submission wouldn't layoff as many employees as he wanted them to.
  11. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Great, they brought back one person and there's likely already deferred maintenance with backlogs for repairs everywhere....
  12. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Firing everyone involved doesn't help either.
  13. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Happen to have any updates on this one?
  14. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    I see three J-1772 chargers in Dorrington , but no Tesla HPWCs. Is it one of those? I might be interested and would be willing to pay too if the charging situation in Arnold is not resolved. I will be spending quite a bit of time at a home on Wikami, so hopefully your charger is one of the ones...
  15. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Yes, you can. It is not that quick of a charger. 50 kW. But it will eventually get the job done.
  16. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Ugh. I will be staying across the street from this charger for 10 days at the end of the month and doing quite a few day trips up and down the mountain. I hope they get it going before then so I can charge my Rivian as needed! :p
  17. rpo

    Supercharger - Arnold, CA (LIVE, 8 V3 stalls)

    Sooooo nobody will want to get them working? LOL..
  18. rpo

    Expired Roof Rack for 2019+ Model S [Expired]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the marketplace listing Roof Rack for 2019+ Model S. Please add to the discussion here.
  19. rpo

    What Would Compel You To Upgrade to a Future Model X?

    Yes. Alarmingly fast. Twice, I got in and put my right foot on the brake with my left leg hanging out of the car still, and it slammed onto my leg. It will leave bruises. Don't test that...just trust me. LOL
  20. rpo

    What Would Compel You To Upgrade to a Future Model X?

    That's correct, and once it pops open a couple of inches, you have to wait a second or two after it stops before pushing it the rest of the way or the electric motor will push back against you. It is terrible.
  21. rpo

    What Would Compel You To Upgrade to a Future Model X?

    Yep, and then the motor fights you to open them. It's a delight. They really thought it through.
  22. rpo

    What Would Compel You To Upgrade to a Future Model X?

    Keep in mind that there are no auto front doors since Tesla removed the sensors 1.5 years ago.
  23. rpo

    What Would Compel You To Upgrade to a Future Model X?

    Front doors that work instead of electric motors that exist just to fight you.
  24. rpo

    Road assistance, not honored

    They had no loaners, plus I did not even need the rental car at first since we have another vehicle. But due to a work trip, we needed the rental car a week after the Tesla was towed to service (for the 2nd time), so they booked one from the local Enterprise. A week later, Enterprise called and...
  25. rpo

    Road assistance, not honored

    This sounds somewhat similar to my MX lemon situation a year ago when I had to sue them in small claims to get reimbursed as the service manager refused to pay for the rental car that Tesla provided to me when my MX was in service. I literally got a phone call from Enterprise about a week after...
  26. rpo

    Model X door no longer open fully automatically without USS (ultra-sonic sensors)?

    I had 3 Model S's with roof racks...and putting those on and taking them off was such a pain (which I did not do often, but would occasionally remove them). I just put the roof rack on the R1S...and it took me 3 minutes without even looking at the instructions. They are designed so well. I was...
  27. rpo

    Model X door no longer open fully automatically without USS (ultra-sonic sensors)?

    I still own an absolute ton of TSLA, so I am gonna say yes. 😂
  28. rpo

    Model X door no longer open fully automatically without USS (ultra-sonic sensors)?

    Having owned way too many cars including 4 Teslas, switching to an R1S was the best car decision I have ever made. It has every stalk a car should have. The non-opening doors with a motor that would fight you but never help you on the X was the single most annoying thing I have experienced on a...
  29. rpo

    What happens if the GPS fails? Here's what I've experienced.

    Possibly two USB drives...one for the cameras and one for music.
  30. rpo

    What happens if the GPS fails? Here's what I've experienced.

    Good question....I honestly don't remember, but Tesla did not repair/replace anything. I believe it rectified itself after a while, but it happened for something like a week from what I remember Restarting the main screen did nothing to fix it too.
  31. rpo

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    Yep. It was the quick veer back when the after the lane merged back in that would make vehicles in the lane left of you think that you were moving into them too. How that could not be programmed correctly years after autopilot (and eventually FSD) was released made me question its abilities.
  32. rpo

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    Exactly. If they stopped expanding for the R2, etc, their costs per vehicle would plummet from where they currently are.
  33. rpo

    Lemon law buyback successes without having opted out of arbitration?

    Yep, I did not know at the time that the service records would disappear from the app. To be honest, the service records my attorney managed to obtain were pretty abysmal anyways. Some showed the car arriving in service weeks after it was towed to the service center and then had no record of any...
  34. rpo

    Lemon law buyback successes without having opted out of arbitration?

    I did not opt out, and actually tried Tesla's arbitrator at the beginning, but Tesla lied to the arbitrator regarding the amount of time spent at service, number of tows, and refused to release service records, so the arbitrator told me that getting legal counsel would be the best way of...
  35. rpo

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    The doors open and close like a normal vehicle unlike a MX where the doors have not functioned correctly on any built in the past 1.5 years or so since the sensors were removed. If the MX doors just reverted to being normal without the sensors, then great, but the &%%$*% electric motors in the...
  36. rpo

    Does anyone have the Rivian suv?

    Yeah, leaving the Tesla ecosystem (except for my wall charger that I use with my R1S with an adapter) has been quite the change after 10 years of Teslas. Now when my Rivian shows me miles of range, I know that I can likely get whatever number it says unless it is below freezing. It's no longer...
  37. rpo

    Bellevue Location no longer doing deliveries?

    When I bought my MX in 2022, Tesla made me pick it up in Lynnwood, and I was charged the (I think) 10.25% sales tax despite living in Bellingham where it should have been nearly 2% less. I tried arguing it and they said the state requires the rate to be where delivery takes place.
  38. rpo

    Falcon Wing Door issues won't go away

    They won't fix it. I had the same issue with a November 2022 MX and lemoned it in August 2023 after it spent months at the service center unable to be fixed. I think the falcon doors opened all the way a grand total of 5 times out of 100s of attempts during the 9 months I owned it. The 30...
  39. rpo

    Model X refresh trunk keeps open on its own. Multiple errors

    Huh? They definitely had FM radio before.....
  40. rpo

    Model X refresh trunk keeps open on its own. Multiple errors

    I don't know if I ever tried the FM radio in mine, so maybe I had that issue too. I had literally every other issue, so why not this one as well!
  41. rpo

    Model X refresh trunk keeps open on its own. Multiple errors

    Yes. That was one of the many features of my lemoned MX that had a mind of its own. The trunk and doors opening on their own started around Feb/Mar of 2023, so look for my posts around then on this thread...
  42. rpo

    Lemon law buyback successes without having opted out of arbitration?

    The service manager at Bellevue refused to do this when I requested it despite that my vehicle had been towed there twice already and literally broke down during my pick up at the service center before I got it to drive at all in addition to dozens of other issues. I wish all service managers...
  43. rpo

    2023 HW4 Model X Front Door Issues

    I was told the same thing in December 2022. So...good luck. I doubt Tesla will ever fix this issue based on the track record so far.
  44. rpo

    Major Phantom Braking Issues

    My PB issues were definitely not caused by mirages where I live. It's never hot. But....I could totally see a vision based system getting tricked by a mirage.
  45. rpo

    Major Phantom Braking Issues

    My lemoned 2023 MX frequently would have phantom braking events on the freeway while on FSD that were so abrupt that the tires would squeal. Hitting the accelerator to stop it was the only solution. Never once was there anything on the road, nor did they seemingly happen in the dark or poor...
  46. rpo

    2023 HW4 Model X Front Door Issues

    Lemon it. If buyers won't stand up when they get a defective product, Tesla will just keep doing it.
  47. rpo

    Auto Wipers (beta)

    Never use it. Might be automatic since it clearly has moved and there's an obvious wiped area though. My cars are super dirty and it's way way too cold to wash them.
  48. rpo

    Auto Wipers (beta)

    I have a Rivian now and have never once even looked for the wiper buttons. It just works. Perfectly. In mist all the way to heavy rain. And it is never wiping when it's not raining. Reading these comments makes me so glad to not be dealing with the wipers in the misty PNW where they either would...